Friday, May 9, 2014

EMERALDS AND PEARLS by C. Spencer-Upton Giveaway & Guest Post

Semi-Precious Series, #1
Genre:  young adult 
Print Length: 283 pages
Publisher: Pink Bow Publishing
Publication Date:  October 11, 2013

I've spent seventeen years being a wallflower. Seventeen years, watching people live their lives, while mine stood still. I was happy for those years, nothing new happened because I never let it, every day was the same and predictable.

When my parents told me we were another state, I freaked.

I spent the first week, after the move, wishing I could move back. But then something changed, I became a someone, and to begin with I enjoyed it, but I soon learned, some things aren't always as they seem.

I have two lives now. Both of them are testing me, pushing me to my limits.


Born and raised in a small mining town in Derbyshire. Caroline (The C in 'C Spencer-Upton') has spent her adult years building a home and a future based on what's in front of her, and for a while, that was all she needed. Family, friends and the dog. 

In 2012, that all changed. Her new love of reading became a drug. Living in a fantasy became her happy place to escape from reality. Her imagination came to life and ideas that had laid dormant for years, came rushing back to the surface and Emeralds And Pearls was conceived, her debut novel.
In October 2013, that new chapter in her life started and Emeralds And Pearls were introduced to the world. 

Caroline works a normal 8-5 job which has nothing to do with literature. When people discover that she has written a novel, the look of shock on their faces is enough to bring a smug smile to her face, knowing that people underestimate her.

Writing is her escape.  She loves reading about you guys enjoying something she loves.

This is the start of a new story of her own and can't wait for you guys to be a part of it.

Guest Post:
Cory Reynolds

Date Of Birth:
23rd November 1994

You haven't had any dates as far as we know, what is your idea of a perfect date?
I'd have to say... on a secluded island; because I can do that.
After everything Chelsea has been through, I want her to relax and just forget about the world around her.
Nothing over the top, probably a swim to get her back into the water without her clinging to me in fear.
Fire on the beach, cooking food over it, watching the sun set...
I sound like a chick don't I? *face palms* I'm going to have to hit the gym after this!

So it'd definitely be with Chelsea?
I hope so. We haven't really talked about it, she's still coming to terms with everything, and between Harris and Dean. she's not really getting the best nights sleep. That girl can be cranky when she's not slept.

Is Dean still in the Picture?
No, but that doesn't mean he's not mentally torturing her.

Would you change anything if you could?
Part of me wants to say, yes. That being the part of me that wanted to pick her up and drag her back in the house when she went out that first day date with Dean but then everything would be different.
She made me believe that everything happens for a reason and although I don't like some of those things, I know that the universe has plans for her and I can't stop that.

Do you have plans for college, and if so, what for?
Sure. I'm not certain yet, but I’m thinking of something to do with marine biology

What's your motto?
Everything happens for a reason.

Okay, so I understand that you like swimming, but other than that, what do you enjoy doing?
Swimming and being in the water has taken up a lot of my time recently, that and they gym, so I guess any other time I’m just like a normal teenager. I go to parties and hang out with the guys, sometimes we go and play basketball when there’s enough of us together. Sometimes it can be hard because when the weather’s hot enough, they want to go to the beach, with it being there.  But I can never relax in it, not like I used to. I’m always on edg,e listening out for someone I know or Harris. It kinda takes the fun out of it. Swimming isn’t just a sport to me anymore, it’s part of my life, part of who I am.

Do you think you’ve heard the last of Harris?
I hope so, but i doubt it. We’re all hoping that we can find him and figure out a way of dealing with him before he comes after us again.

You were surprised to see Chelsea when she came back, didn’t you think she’d be coming home?
I knew she would eventually, but I wasn’t sure when. Those two managed to trick me though. I’m glad she’s home, but I think it’s only physically, mentally not so much.

Are you expecting an easy ride in the next book, do you think you and Chelsea will ever figure your crap out?

Who knows what’s happening in their heads. Women, they ain’t nothin’ but trouble sometimes.


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