Title: Jordan's Way
Author: Barbara Cutrera
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: March 8, 2016
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
She hesitated then said, “I would tell you, but I cannot in the hallway. Could you step into my room for a few minutes so I might explain?” He paused and then said, “Others might question your reputation.” “The only reputation I care about is the one regarding my abilities as a healer. Besides, I’ve just saved the King’s life and so have you. I would share something with you that only your father knows.” Intrigued, Noah followed her into her room. Once she’d locked the door behind them, Jordan said, “Swear to me, as your father did, that you’ll tell no one else what I’m about to say.” “I swear.” “I’ve begun to have premonitions, although I can’t control them. They tend to happen when I least expect them. They occur when I have complete contact with someone and a small area of our skin touches. Up until a few moments ago, the only ones I’ve had have foretold of death.” “And the one you just experienced?” “Your lips touched my skin, and I saw – felt – you lying with me.” “And did you enjoy it in your vision?” “I’ve ached for you from the moment it ended. I still do.”
Born and raised in Louisiana, Barbara Cutrera was destined to be a storyteller. The author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance, romantic suspense, fiction, and mystery novels, she became addicted to reading and creative writing at an early age. She moved to Florida’s Gulf Coast with her husband, son, and Cairn terrier in 2004 and enjoys its relaxed, diverse atmosphere. Barbara, who is visually impaired, believes our minds are only limited by the restrictions we place upon them. She has a passion for writing, reading, family, friends, music, Nutella, and A & W Cream Soda.
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