Thursday, April 16, 2015

Metro Diaries by Namrata Interview & Fun Facts

About the Book:

Love is one of the most amazing feelings on this earth, one that makes you the most powerful person or the most helpless person in a split second. These stories capture those feelings of despair, longing, love, lust, desire, want, dejection and admiration to create deja vu. Hold onto your hearts as you flip through these pages and take a walk down the memory lane as "Metro Diaries" will revive your innermost feelings and imbibe in you the magic of love. Touching, amusing and deeply moving, Metro Diaries - Love Classics are tales that will hold you from start till end.

Book Links:
Goodreads I Amazon I Flipkart

Random Fun Facts:

1. All the stories in the book are real. Name of places and people have been changed to maintain confidentiality.
2. Metro Diaries is a segment on my blog which consists of stories across genres though this book has only got the romance collection.
3. One of the characters in the book is me and NO I am not telling you which one ;) If you think you have the right answer do write to me and I will let you know how close or far you are.
4. All the stories in the book have not been "ended", they have been brought to conclusion in a manner that there can always be a next part to it and the story can go on with the same characters.
5. If observed closely you will notice the stories are not technically love stories where boy meets girl and they fall in love to live happily ever after for I believe love stories are also about what doesn't happen between the lovers.

About the Author:

Namrata is a prolific blogger known by the name Privy Trifles in the blogosphere who romances life through her writings and aspires to make love the universal language. She dons various hats between that of a contributing author to 7 anthologies a reviewer for leading publishing houses an editor to various books and a columnist. Apart from that she is also the editor for an online magazine called Writer's Ezine. Having mastered the nuances of finance till recently she also held the title of an investment banker closely to let it go to embrace her love for writing fully.

1.  When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I realized I wanted to be a poet at 11 when my first poem won a prize in an interschool competition and was published. Till few years back I always considered myself as a poet and not a writer. Blogging brought the writer in me out.
2.  How long does it take you to write a book?
It all depends on individual capacity. There are some famous authors who write one every 3 months, some who write 2 every year, some who write on a year and then there are few who take years to write one!
I wrote my first novella in 3 days. And this one took me 3 months to complete.
3.  What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
I also work as an editor of a magazine apart from being a reviewer and freelancing editor/reviewer for manuscripts.
So my typical day begins with checking my mails, replying to important ones and then I begin my work. My usual day is divided between reading, writing and working equally and I work 14-16 hours a day at times when I am all obsessed with an idea. I also have days when I barely work for 4-5 hours. I take it light and try to catch up on more reading during that time or painting to keep my creativity flowing.
4.  What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I write down everything in a notepad before drawing some flowcharts and diagrams in a language best known to me. So it might read like one of those prompts we used to get in high school English question paper. Only I would know what I meant therein! And yes, it has to be black ink for me only. Nothing else works. (I let out a secret here!*sheepish grin*)
5.  How do books get published?
Now that’s an interesting question! Usually we have two types of publishers – traditional and self-publishing. Depending on your patience to wait you can choose either of it.
I wouldn’t say self-publishing is a bad choice because we have had authors like Amish Tripathi come out of self-publishing. So for me it is more about the conviction in your writing and story. You believe in something nobody else does then you self-publish it and show the world that it is believable!
6.  Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
I like capturing real life things as I mostly write about relationships and drama that is something no movie or internet can tell you. It is about people and only people can tell you that. So I enjoy travelling and observing people trying to read their minds and hearts to know their stories.
7.  When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I wrote my first book at 16. It was a poetry collection of 25 poems mainly dealing with teenage troubles and youth related issues. And till date it remains very special to me for it holds some very unforgettable memories of my life in those words.
8.  What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Usually if I am not writing I am either reading or painting. They both are equally satisfying for me as writing.
9.  What does your family think of your writing?
Well, as all other Indian parents they think it is a good choice as a hobby but a bad one for career.
10.             What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

11.             How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
Till date I have been a part of 8 anthologies and this is my first solo release. It is very unfair of me to select a favourite but as all are short stories and that too on love I do have one.  It is Euphoria from Stories for your Valentine. This story speaks of an era I always dream of and if possible would want to be time travel back to. For me this is a very special story for if I had been born then I would have wanted this story to be my love story. For this story all help I took was from a song of the period I wanted to capture.
12.             Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
Personally I believe there is never a bad writer. We all are writers and there is always a scope for being better for each one of us. The only thing I always tell everyone and would like to tell you also is write because you want to and not because you have to. When you do that, the writing automatically becomes the best!
13.             Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Yes I do hear from them. I have received emails and Facebook messages. Two of the biggest compliments I have ever received is – One, when someone told me I make them believe in love through my stories.
Two – when someone recently wrote to me after reading my book that what I wrote is classics category and not commercial fiction.
This was a huge thing for me for even when HT reviewed my work they used the word “the era romanticism” for it and it was very encouraging to know that I could do something like that.

14.             Do you like to create books for adults?
All my stories are usually for the target audience of 16-50.
15.             What do you think makes a good story?
One that comes straight from the heart makes a good story any day!
16.             As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
When I grow up all I wanted to be was a free bird. I always had strange career choices so it was an RJ once, a VJ in between, a dancer in Shiamak Davar’s troupe for quite some time, a news reporter and a rock star are what I remember very clearly.
17.             What would you like my readers to know?
About me – I am just a dreamer who is madly in love with life.
About my work – I write about dreams, relationships, romance and everything that is beautiful in this world.
About LIFE – It is one of the most amazing surprises God has given us as it changes every moment and the secret is it waiting for you to fall in love with it so that it can love you back madly.
About love – it is the language of the universe.

About you – A seeker who is looking for those hidden meanings of life 

Contact the Author:
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this lovely interview, it was wonderful talking to you!
