Friday, November 28, 2014

Protect Her by Sophia Kimble Interview

Protect Her
The Druid's Curse
Book 1
Sophia Kimble

Print Length: 260 pages

Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing


Book Description:

Golden Alexander is trapped in a nightmare.

Trying to flee her hallucination of a demon, she runs heart first into the brooding alpha male she’s been dreaming about for years, and then her nightmare really begins.

Kris Pietka is done with women...he’s broken. But when he meets Golden, an overwhelming need to protect her tests everything he thought he knew about himself, and the paranormal.

A bond forged centuries ago thrusts them together as they search for a way to break an ancient Druid curse prophesying their demise. Racing against the clock, they travel from Vermont, to the Carpathian Mountains in Poland, and the Scottish Highlands in search of answers and a way to break the curse.

But something evil watches—it covets, and time is running out.

Will fate allow love to prevail against unbeatable odds, or will Golden wake to find it was all a delusion?

Available at Amazon

Short Excerpt:

The side door to the house opened behind her.
“Matka? Dzien dobry? Ma? Hello?”
The deep male voice filled the kitchen. Filled her. Her muscles tightened, her arms vibrated like she’d been doing yard work for the last hour and had just turned off the weed whacker.
Mary raised an eyebrow in her direction before looking past her to the door. “Kris, proszę meet Golden. Come, come.”
Heavy boots sounded on the wooden steps. The loud thumping stopped as if in mid-step and an invisible electric current slammed into her back. Heat spread through her and settled in her belly.
“Matka, what’s going on here?”
“Golden is your Babci’s new caregiver.” Mary enunciated as if she were speaking to a five-year-old. “I told you last week she answered the ad and was coming today. She’ll be starting on Monday.”
Mary glared at Kris and then turned to Golden with an apologetic smile on her face. Kris moved around the table and stood next to his mother.
Her mouth fell open.
He narrowed his piercing blue eyes at her, and a lock of sandy brown hair fell from behind his ear.

About the Author:
Sophia Kimble has always wanted to be an author, but for years, life got in the way. She wouldn’t change a thing about how her life turned out, though. Her family keeps her laughing and loving. Her wonderful husband and two extraordinary children stand beside her every step of the way and make this journey called life worth living.

Sophia has worked as a nurse for twenty years, but has put that career path aside to devote her time and imagination to writing down the stories that keep her up nights.

She takes her love of the paranormal, history, and genealogy, and weaves them into tales of family, fated love, and supernatural occurrences.


Where are you from?  Altoona, Pennsylvania, but I’ve lived all over the United States… Many places in Southern California, Washington, Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee.
I think my parents were gypsies in another life.

Tell us your latest news? My debut novel, Protect Her, was released by Soul Mate Publishing on October 22, 2014 on Amazon.

When and why did you begin writing? In 2012 I decided to write my first novel, Protect Her. It was something I’d always wanted to do, but was afraid to try.

When did you first consider yourself a writer? When I signed on the dotted line of my publishing contract.

What inspired you to write your first book? I’d always thought I could write a novel, God knew I’d read enough of them, but it was my husband who pushed me to give it a serious try, and I’m so glad I did.
It’s kind of like the lottery, you can’t win if you don’t play. And believe me, I feel like I’ve won the lottery.

Do you have a specific writing style? I’m a pantser, I write by the seat of my pants. I’ve tried writing a synopsis beforehand, making an outline of my novel before I write, but it never ends up remotely like I’ve planned.
So really I just sit down with a vague idea of what’s going to happen and give my characters free rein.

How did you come up with the title? The hero, Kris, hears a little voice in his head telling him to Protect Her, so it wasn’t hard to learn the title about a quarter of the way through writing the book.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? The ago old cliché – love truly does conquer all.

How much of the book is realistic? I am a research junkie, so there are many aspects of the novel that are realistic, with just enough of the paranormal to give readers the fantastical they want when they pick up that genre.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? Yes, yes, and yes. I had an episode of sleep paralysis when I was much younger and the experience was the genesis of Protect Her. I’ve also spent a lot of time in the location of Protect Her, and based the hero’s mother after my beloved mother-in-law who is no longer with us.

What books have most influenced your life? When I was a teenager, I read Stephen King’s, It, and it scared the crap out of me. I don’t think I took a shower without being mindful of the drain for years after.
My love of romance novels came about the same time when I read Janet Dailey’s Calder Saga. I was never the same after that, and a love of romance was born.
Naturally, when I decided to pen my first novel, I combined the spookiness of Stephen King and the romance I fell for from Janet Daily, and wrote a paranormal romance.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? That’s going to be a cross between several; Stephen King, Dean Koontz, J.R. Ward, and Elizabeth Kostova.

What book are you reading now? Destiny Calling by Maureen L. Bonatch

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest? Maureen L. Bonatch writes Paranormal with a touch of romance and a lot of wit. I just love her.

What are your current projects? I’m editing the second book in The Druid’s Curse series- Avenege Her, and writing the third- Fear Her.

What would you like my readers to know?  That no matter what life throws at you, a good book can take you away from your worries for a while.

Connect with Sophia at the following sites:


Twitter: @SophiaKimble

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