Four Feasts Till Darkness
Book One
Christian A. Brown
Fantasy Romance
of Publication: September 9, 2014ISBN: 978-1495907586
Number of pages: 540
Word Count: 212K
Cover Artist: Brian Garabrant
Book Description:
is what binds us in brotherhood, blinds us from hate, and makes us
soar with desire.”
lives a quiet life as the handmaiden to a fatherly old sorcerer named
Thackery. But when she crosses paths with Caenith, a not wholly
mortal man, her world changes forever. Their meeting sparks long
buried magical powers deep within Morigan. As she attempts to
understand her newfound abilities, unbidden visions begin to plague
her--visions that show a devastating madness descending on one of the
Immortal Kings who rules the land.
Morigan growing more powerful each day, the leaders of the realm soon
realize that this young woman could hold the key to their
destruction. Suddenly, Morigan finds herself beset by enemies, and
she must master her mysterious gifts if she is to survive.
took the bracelet.
“I accept your
offering.” The Wolf’s face lit and she thought that he would leap
at her. “Yet first, I have a request.”
“Anything, my
“I would like to
see…what you are. The second body that shares your soul. Show me
your fangs and claws,” she commanded.
Perhaps it was the
steadiness of her voice, how she ordered him to bare himself as if he
belonged to her that made the Wolf’s heart roar to comply. He did
not shed his skin but for the whitest moons of the year, and even
then, so far from the city and never in front of another. In a sense,
he was as much a virgin as she. With an unaccustomed shyness, he
found himself undressing before the Fawn, confused for a speck as to
who was the hunter. The flare of her nostrils, the intensity of her
stare that ate at him for once.
have chosen well for a mate. She is as much a Wolf as I, he
thought, kicking off his boots and then shimmying his pants down to
join the rest of his clothing. No bashful maiden was Morigan, and she
did not look away from his nakedness, but appreciated what she saw:
every rough, hairy, huge bit of him.
He howled and fell
to all fours. Bones shifted and snapped, rearranging under his skin
like skeletal gears. From his head, chest and loins, the soft black
hair thickened and spread over his twisting flesh. His heaving became
guttural and sloppy, and when he tossed his head up in a throe of
agony or pleasure, his beard had coated his face, and she noticed
nothing but white daggers of teeth. Wondrously Morigan witnessed the
transformation, watched him swell with twice the muscle he had
possessed as a man, saw his hands and feet shag over with fur and
split the soil with black claws. Another howl and a final
gristle-crunching shudder (his hindquarters snapping into place, she
thought) signified the end of the change.
Her dreams did not
do Caenith justice. Here was a beast twice the size of a mare with
jaws that could swallow her to the waist. Here was a monster that had
stalked and ruled the Untamed. A lord of fang and claw. The birds and
weaker animals vanished, knowing a deadly might was near. Around her,
the Wolf paced; making the ground tremble with power; ravishing her
with his cold gray gaze; huffing and blasting her with his forceful
breaths. While the scent of his musk was choking, it was undeniably
Caenith’s, if rawer and unwashed.
Morigan was not
afraid, and was flushed with heat and shaking as she slipped the
bracelet on and knelt. She did not flinch as the Wolf lay behind and
about her like a great snuffling rug and placed his boulder of a head
in her lap. No, she stroked his long ears and his wrinkled snout. A
maiden and her Wolf. Soon the birds returned, sensing this peace and
chirping in praise of it. And neither Morigan nor the Wolf could
recall a time—if ever there was one—where they had felt so
the Author
A. Brown has written creatively since the age of six. After spending
most of his career in the health and fitness industry, Brown quit his
job to care for his mother when she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins
lymphoma in 2010.
dabbled with the novel that would eventually become Feast of Fates
for over a decade, Brown was finally able to finish the project. His
mother, who was able to read a beginning version of the novel before
she passed away, has since imbued the story with deeper sentiments of
loss, love, and meaning. He is proud to now share the finished
product with the world.
Where are you from?
Born in Peterborough. As an adult I’ve lived in many
places, though I’ve settled now in Toronto.
Tell us your latest news?
Lots of great reviews coming in—editorial and
otherwise! I am very happy about that! I would like to thank all of the people
enjoying the adventures and romance of Morigan and the Wolf. Your support means
the world to me. I appreciate your feedback, too, which is why I’m working with
a renowned artist on a cover refresh for the first book (as well as matching covers
for the other three in this arc of the series).
When and why did you begin writing?
I’ve always been a reader and a writer. My earliest
“toy” was a Chamber’s Etymological Dictionary, which I still have to this day.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Once I actually wrote the final page on the first
draft of my novel. I think it was a 700 page draft. So…definitely in need of an
edit and some pruning! But still, it felt great, and was an obvious milestone.
What inspired you to write your first book?
Many things in life. My mother’s passing and her
suggestion, beforehand, that this is what I should be doing, pushed me over the
Do you have a specific writing style?
I definitely like poetic prose and creating a
strong, sensory scene. Nothing too flowery. I also have a penchant for snappy
How did you come up with the title?
It appears once in the manuscript. When I saw it
spelled out I knew that was the title.
Is there a message in your novel that you want
readers to grasp?
Love. Feast of Fates is an exploration on the many
different types of love: familial, brotherly, love when twisted by anger and
sorrow. I think Feast of Fates will carry the reader through many different states
of emotion.
How much of the book is realistic?
The world is definitely relatable, without too much
in the way of obscure fantasy naming or terminology.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events
in your own life?
I would say that a great deal of my observations and
life experience have been written into the book, yes.
What books have most influenced your life most?
LoTR. Earthsea Trilogy. Most of Timothy Findley and
A.S. Byatt’s stuff (great characterization and prose, respectively).
If you had to choose, which writer would you
consider a mentor?
Hard question. Probably Shakespeare, just for the
experience! I bet you he’d be quite a card.
What book are you reading now?
Are there any new authors that have grasped your
See the aforementioned fellow J
What are your current projects?
Too many! I need a vacation! Right now, I’m going
back and forth with various editors for the 2nd installment of the
Four Feasts Till Darkness series. I’m writing the 3rd manuscript, as
well, and have completed approximately 50% of a first draft. As I mentioned,
I’m working on a media refresh for the series with some really great artists. I
think that readers and potential fans are in for a real treat before Christmas!
What would you like my readers to know?
Forget what the 6 o’clock news says, love always
wins! At least in my tales (and usually in life).
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Looks great, I would love to read it, thank you