Friday, July 19, 2013

Murdock Tackles Taos by Robert Ray review and giveaway!

Murdock Tackles Taos

by Robert Ray

on Tour July - August 2013

Book Details:

Genre:  Mystery Published by: Camel Press Publication Date: June 15, 2013 Number of Pages: 331 ISBN: 978-1-60381-925-1 // 978-1-60381-926-8 Purchase Links:


A dead girl with an arrow sticking out of her back sends Matt Murdock and Helene Steinbeck on a killer-hunt that takes them to Angel Mountain where a cold-blooded steely-eyed killer has hypnotized some rich people into funding a naughty habit involving pretty girls, young women in great shape from the worlds of Art and Professional Sport. The odds are fifty to one that they won't get out of this mess alive.

Read an excerpt:

She had the day off and she was lonely in Taos so she took her laptop and her sketchpad and sat in the shade at the Hard Wire Café. She was sketching a guy for money because she was broke. He was handsome, with a great tan and a gorgeous smile. When he left her with a twenty she felt even lonelier. She bought a coffee, sweet iced latte, and hung out—was he gone forever or what? An hour passed, then two. She did another sketch—ten bucks, thank you—and then the handsome guy was back. “Come to a party,” he said. “Artists and writers, Colony People. Our kind, okay?” The guy drove a silver Humvee. She kicked off her sandals and settled into the comfy seat smiling. The guy had this really great profile.The Humvee climbed up, past the Pueblo, and crossed through a gate into Never-Never Land. Roofs, aspen trees turning, a lawn so green it came from England. The first person she met gave her a drag. The smoke invaded her brain, curled like a cat. The people were beautiful, some her age, some younger. The food was out of this world. Smoked meat, soft and succulent. “Have another bite, hon?” What is this meat, anyway? There was wine, beer, tequila shooters, Scotch whiskey so smooth it raised your hopes for a better world. A world for starving artists like herself. She danced around the campfire, barefoot. Her feet were tough from pounding New York streets. A pretty girl, Tammy with a Texas accent and a bouncy blonde ponytail, whipped off her blouse and kept dancing— 

Author Bio:

Robert J. Ray is a writer/ teacher with six Matt Murdock Mysteries, three volumes of The Weekend Novelist writing series, a tennis story, a thriller about diamonds, a small business textbook that has gone through five editions, and short pieces for magazines. He spent a dozen years teaching college students how to write better. He spent five years teaching tennis, using techniques like Inner Game.

Catch Up With the Author:

My Review:
This book was interesting to me because I knew the killer early on and I read along as Matt solved the mystery himself. Along the way I understood how the killer killed, and why. I must admit that this is a different kind of mystery, but just a entertaining. Without trying to solve the crime I was better able to focus on what the killer was doing. The romance started as a woman died. The remaining characters were definitely seeing things differently. The way woman were treated was appalling. I liked the interwoven "mind control" and how the rich people were talked into giving up their money. This is the sixth Matt Murdock mystery, and having only read this one, but it can be read by itself.
The author did a great job of describing the characters surroundings. I could definitely picture it in my mind.
I am giving this book a 4/5. I was given a copy to review, however all opinions are my own.

I am giving away an ebook copy of  Murdock Tackles Taos to a lucky ready. Enter Here:

Tour Participants

This linky list is now closed.


  1. So glad you enjoyed this book. It sounds like a great read. Thank you for giving your thoughts on this title!!

  2. I have read all the Murdock mysteries. This one, with the introduction of Helene Steinbeck, takes Ray's storytelling to another level. Very good read, very good writing.
