Wow, I am on a low calorie diet, and these drinks have 0 calories! ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH!!! Not only that but they taste like they have too many calories!!
With zero sugar, zero calories, zero carbs and zero artificial flavors, Fruit2O brings you water with just enough natural fruit flavor. As part of the brand's appreciation for balance and restraint, they have launched the Dial it Back movement.
- Information about the new Dial it Back Facebook app
- This lighthearted app monitors your Facebook posts and updates to create a humorous infographic dashboard, highlighting those areas in which you and your friends may want to dial back.
- Check out who's guilty of shameless sweetie mentions, from the bar broadcasting, and sports team smack talk and share the app with other friends who might need to dial it back a bit, too!
I really like the grape. ! This is so much more healthy than kool-aid or soda. Plus for a mom's night out there are alcoholic recipes like Watermelon Margarita or Strawberry Sparkler ( just add wine, and each 16oz fruit2o b0ttle makes 8 servings!). These are great thirst quenchers for the summer as well! Here are some party pics:
This is the party pack!
No alcohol was consumed during this party, lol just sayin!
She LOVVVVVVVED the strawberry!
Like most boys he wanted to play with the cups and box lol.
This isn't the best video, it is too dark, but she is soooo cute talking about the drink that I had to include it.
We had a great party and I am definitely recommending Fruit2o to everyone I know! They are also a great price at the store!
Here is what was said about some of the flavors:
Strawberry is on the video above
Grape was like fresh grapes, but not as sweet!
Cucumber Melon sounded pretty gross lol. But it was like a summer salad, and is really tasty! I was really shocked at how good it tasted.
I was given samples by momselect and and fruit2o via their mommy parties :). However all opinions are my own!
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