Potatoes $0.79 with ad Q
White Carolina Rice $0.99 on sale; used $0.50/1 Carolina Rice Q = FREE
Yellow Carolina Rice $0.80 on sale; used $0.50/1 Q = FREE
Thai Kitchen mushroom soup $1.49 on sale; used $1/2 Q = $1 each, these are my all time favorite soup. they taste so good, and they clear out my sinuses!
Krustez pancake mixes $1.49 on sale; used $0.50/1 Q = $0.49 each, plus youbuy 2 and get $1 CAtalina = FREE!!!
Not Pictured:
Kozy Shack Pudding $1.49 on sale; used $0.55/1 Q = $0.39 each
Turkey $13.10; used ad Q = $6.07
the cone is old, like the new concept.
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