On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

(By Way of the Lighthouse, #1)
by Loree Lough
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pagesby Loree Lough
Contemporary Romance
June 1st 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming
Don't they both deserve a second chance?
Fourteen years ago, one reckless act cost Ian Sylvestry everything, including the girl he planned to marry. Since then, he has fought hard to turn his life around. Returning to his Baltimore town after serving a prison term was the first step. Winning back Maleah Turner's trust is a far more daunting challenge. From their first sparks-flying reunion, it's obvious they still have powerful feelings for each other. In fact, they might be even stronger together now. But if their second chance is going to work, Maleah has to believe that Ian is a changed man. She really wants to believe…but she simply isn't convinced.

Bestselling author LOREE LOUGH once sang for her supper, performing across the U.S. and Canada. Now and then, she blows the dust from her 6-string to croon a tune or two, but mostly, she writes novels that have earned hundreds of industry and "Readers' Choice" awards, 4- and 5-star reviews, and 7 book-to-movie options. The Man She Knew, #1 in her “By Way of the Lighthouse” series, her 3rd for Harlequin Heartwarming, is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Harlequin.com.
How long does it take you
to write a book?
Generally, it takes about
four months of full-time hours to complete an 85,000 word manuscript.
Historicals can take longer, due to the detailed research and interviews with
historians required to deliver a story that’s not only entertaining, but
accurate, as well.
What would you say is your
interesting writing quirk?
Well, readers have
compared my work to that of Nicholas Sparks. So I guess I’d have to say my
efforts to develop emotionally-charged stories that feature characters readers
can identify with is a quirk…
Where do you get your information
or ideas for your book?
Ideas are like air:
They’re everywhere. The trick is, finding ways to turn them into salable
stories that will engage and entertain readers. They work hard for every
dollar, after all, and the last thing I want is for them to feel they’ve wasted
their money on one of my books! That’s why I dig deep, so deep that it often
makes readers cry real tears. I’m also determined to provide readers with a
balance, so I strive to incorporate as much humor into every book as I can,
What was one of the most
surprising things you learned in creating your book?
For The Man She Knew, I learned that everyone, no matter what terrible
thing is in their past, deserves a second chance. I also learned a whole lot
about life in prison, and what it’s like to return to a society that flat-out
doesn’t trust you. Those who succeed in life after serving a prison term are to
be commended, because my research and interviews proved…it ain’t easy!
What do you think makes a
good story?
Bottom line: It must,
must, must engage the reader. The
person holding the book, turning the pages, absorbing each word I’ve written,
needs to feel like they’re part of the story, even if only as a casual
observer. They should be able to say, many times during the book, “Hey. I get that!” Because if a reader can’t
identify with the character(s), the writer has missed the whole point of
What would you like my
readers to know?
I’d like them to know that
I appreciate their investment—in time and dollars—in my books. I’ve never been
one of those writers who says “I write to please myself.” Quite the opposite,
in fact. I make it a point to interact regularly with my readers (and a whole
bunch of ‘em have become dear and lasting friends) to find out what they’re
looking for in reading material. It’s one of the reasons I write both
historicals and contemporaries. And few things make me happier than opening an
email or Facebook message from a reader, who took even more time from his/her schedule to write and let me know that they
enjoyed the story. I’ve saved every letter, and have a whole file drawer of
messages from them…nearly 100,000 over the years…and when I’m tempted to pack
up my computer and spend all of my time tending my roses or baking cookies for
the grandkids, I read them. And I’m reminded that it’s true what the sages say:
“If you touch just one life with yours, you have succeeded.”
Tour Schedule
June 3rd: Launch
June 4th:
June 5th:
June 6th:
June 7th:
June 8th:
June 9th: Grand Finale
Tour Giveaway
- Two winners will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
- Two winners will receive an ebook of THE MAN SHE KNEW (open internationally)
- Two winners will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
- Two winners will receive an ebook of THE MAN SHE KNEW (open internationally)
I think this book has an awesome cover.