Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Fixer: The Naked Man by Jill Amy Rosenblatt Giveaway & Excerpt

The Fixer: The Naked Man by Jill Amy Rosenblatt Book Tour

The Fixer: The Naked Man

by Jill Amy Rosenblatt

Feb 7th Book Blast


The Fixer: The Naked Man by Jill Amy Rosenblatt
“Katerina—I need some help. Be a good girl and come over here and I’ll make it worth your while.”
It’s an offer NYC college student Katerina Mills should refuse. But how can she?

A desperate situation….

After ditching her cheating lover (and boss), she’s stuck in dead end temp jobs. Her dad just ditched her mom and his promise to pay Kat's college tuition bill.
She has two weeks to come up with $14,000 or she's out of her apartment, out of school, and out of luck.

A dangerous world….

Katerina falls into a job as a "fixer” for New York City's wealthy and privileged men. They have problems they need “fixed,” quick and on the QT, and they’re willing to pay.
The rules are simple: collect the money, use your contacts, fix the problem.
Kat's first job is easy: tail a shopaholic socialite wife. But who’s tailing Kat?
Kat’s second job is not so easy: steal a VHS tape hidden in an antique chest. She can’t do it alone. To be a thief, she needs a thief: handsome, reclusive Alexander Winter to be exact.
Kat soon learns the real rules for a fixer: there are no rules, there are no refunds. Get in. Get results. Get gone.
As every step brings her closer to her goal and closer to danger, there’s one rule left for Katerina Mills to learn: once you’re in, there’s no getting out.

Book Details:

Genre: Suspense, Thriller, Crime
Published by: Jill Amy Rosenblatt
Publication Date:July 2015
Number of Pages: 181
ISBN: 1515182819 (ISBN13: 9781515182818)
Series: Fixer - Katerina Mills Series
Purchase Links: Amazon  | Barnes & Noble  | Kobo  | Goodreads 

Read an excerpt:


“Katrina, I need help.”
Katerina stumbled out of bed, her cell phone slipping from her hand.
“Damn it,” she muttered. Fumbling for the lamp, she snapped it on, blinking several times against the harsh light. She heard the low tone of the man’s voice, now coming from under the bed. Even from a distance he sounded frightened and hysterical.
“Katrina? Katrina?”
Bending over the side of the bed, her long chestnut hair cascading onto the floor, she groped for her phone. She grabbed it, bringing it to her ear.
“This is Katerina. Who is this?”
“Katr—, it’s Joe Lessing. I’m a friend of Phil’s. You remember me, right?”
Kat worked to match the voice to a face. After a moment, the film of sleep dropped away. Medium height. Built like a boxer. Strong jaw. Black hair with a widow’s peak.
“Yes, Mr. Lessing. How can I help you?”
She listened to Joe Lessing's labored breathing at the other end of the phone; he sounded like he had just come in from a brisk jog. The clock radio read twelve-thirty. It was a little late for a run around the reservoir.
“I can’t find Phil. Do you know where he is?”
“No, I’m sorry, I don’t.”
“He’s not answering his cell phone.”
“Mr. Lessing, I don’t work for Mr. Castle anymore. Maybe his current assistant can help you—”

Author Bio:

Jill Amy RosenblattJill Amy Rosenblatt is the author of Project Jennifer and For Better or Worse, published by Kensington Press. She has a Masters Degree in Creative Writing and Literature from Burlington College.
“The Fixer” mystery/suspense series is Jill’s first adventure in self-publishing. The Fixer: The Naked Man (Katerina Mills, Book 1) is available in e-book and paperback formats. The second book in the series, The Fixer: The Killing Kind, released on November 28, 2016. She is currently at work on the third book of the series, The Fixer: The Last Romanov (when she’s not watching NY Rangers hockey).
She lives on Long Island.

Catch Up with Jill Amy Rosenblatt on her Website , her Twitter , & her Facebook .


Book Blast Participants:

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Check Out This Awesome Giveaway:

This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for Jill Amy Rosenblatt. There will be 5 winners of one (1) eBook copy of The Fixer: The Naked Man by Jill Amy Rosenblatt. The giveaway begins on February 6th and runs through February 13th, 2017.

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