Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan Interview and Giveaway

Win a Print Copy of

Little Beach Street Bakery #2
Jenny Colgan
Releasing March 22nd, 2016
William Morrow

The New York Times-bestselling author of Little Beach Street Bakery and Christmas at the Cupcake Café returns with a delightful new novel-with recipes!-that is already an international bestseller and is perfect for fans of Jojo Moyes, Meg Donohue, and Sophie Kinsella.

For fans of Jojo Moyes and Elin Hilderbrand, an irresistible novel—moving and funny, soulful and sweet—about happiness, heartache, and hope. And recipes.

A thriving bakery. A lighthouse to call home. A handsome beekeeper. A pet puffin. These are the things that Polly Waterford can call her own. This is the beautiful life she leads on a tiny island off the southern coast of England.

But clouds are gathering on the horizon. A stranger threatens to ruin Polly’s business. Her beloved boyfriend seems to be leading a secret life. And the arrival of a newcomer—a bereft widow desperately searching for a fresh start—forces Polly to reconsider the choices she’s made, even as she tries to help her new friend through grief.

Q&A for Jenny Colgan

Jenny, congratulations on the release of SUMMER AT LITTLE BEACH STREET Bakery.  Tell us the truth, how much fun is the research?

Oh I just love bread so much. I am terrible. If I’m making, eg, cheese rolls it’s hard to actually get them to the table, instead of just eating them straight out of the oven. 

What is your favorite part of the writing process?  Exploring new story lines?  Getting to know the characters more in depth?

I love the big bits everyone loves- the first meeting, the first kiss, the deaths! All the big dramatic scenes are fun. If I manage to get a bit of a tear jerker in I’m delighted. 

Do you have a character that is most like you, and how?

Oh yes, but from way back really; probably Holly in Talking to Addison. Her life is a lot like mines was then in my twenties. These days all my characters are much more capable and calmer than I am! I generally favour the ‘headless chicken’ approach to life. 

Do you have a favorite scene from SUMMER AT LITTLE BEACH STREET?

Anything with Neil in it. 

Do you have a favorite recipe or go-to comfort dessert?

I do love a lemon cake. I like it far too lemon-y, far more than anyone else likes . 

What are you working on now?

I am writing Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery, and a new children’s story for Neil!

Thank you for chatting with us!


Unpredictable and unforgettable, this delightful novel will make you laugh, cry, and long for a lighthouse of your own. Recipes included.


Jenny Colgan is the New York Times-bestselling author of numerous novels, including Christmas at the Cupcake Café, Little Beach Street Bakery, and Meet Me at the Cupcake Café, all international bestsellers. Jenny is married with three children and lives in London and Scotland.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting SUMMER AT LITTLE BEACH STREET BAKERY today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours
