The kings of Israel and Judah were in serious trouble with the Lord. Twelve years of worshiping Baal and golden calves, listening to Jezebel, and killing the prophets was catching up to them. Their earthly kingdoms were coming to an end, and the Lord would move quickly when he moved. What appeared to be harmless details to them was in fact rebellion in the sight of God.
While the kings served the gods of this world, Elijah and Elisha did not. They were dedicated only to the Word of the Lord, and if the Lord didn’t speak directly to them, they didn’t move at all. And when they did move, it was with the authority of the Lord, resulting in dramatic calling down of fire from heaven, a three-year drought, people raised from the dead, and many other miraculous events. But did Elijah and Elisha take any glory? No, Elijah didn’t even accept Naaman’s token of appreciate – so completely was he relying only on the Lord’s provision. Your own life will be changed forever if you apply even one truth that the Lord reveals to you in this book.
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Many of us in the body of Christ are living below our privileges as sons and daughters of God. We yearn for more in our experience with Him but don’t know what’s missing. In A Widow’s Might, Judy Knox reveals the missing element and explains how to get it.
Losing her husband due to complications following heart surgery could have been devastating. Instead, Judy’s ten weeks with him in the hospital ICU became a turning point, where she turned from her own strength to God’s. And when after fifty-one years, she suddenly found herself alone, she realized she was not alone at all. God was walking the path with her.
Her stories illustrate these serious truths in a light-hearted way. Whether you’re a new believer or a seasoned Christian, the fresh insights in Judy’s message will energize your walk with God.
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