Saturday, January 23, 2016

Murder at the Grill by Christa Nardi Virtual Interview and Giveaway

Murder at the Grill by Christa Nardi

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Murder at the Grill
by Christa Nardi

Murder at the Grill
(Cold Creek Book 3)

Cozy Mystery
Self Published
Print Length: 204 pages


An amateur sleuth, Sheridan Hendley jumps at the chance to work with the defense when a favorite waitress is arrested for the murder of her ex-husband. Determined to prove Zoe’s innocence Sheridan probes into the victim’s past and why he chose to return to Cold Creek 15 years after the divorce. Personalities clash and Zoe’s family closes ranks as Sheridan attempts to unlock the carefully kept secrets of the family that owns and operates the Grill. The closer she gets to finding the truth, the more her own life might be in danger – a situation that strains her increasingly serious relationship with Detective Brett McMann.

About The Author

Christa Nardi is and always has been an avid reader. Her favorite authors have shifted from Carolyn Keene and Earl Stanley Gardner to more contemporary mystery/crime authors over time, but mystery/crime along with romance and scifi/fantasy are her preferred choices for leisure reading. Christa also has been a long time writer from poetry and short stories to the Cold Creek series, Christa has joined many other reader/writers in writing one genre she enjoys reading – the cozy mystery. The series started with Murder at Cold Creek College; Murder in the Arboretum is the second in the series. Murder at the Grill is the third. Christa Nardi is a pen name for a real life professor/psychologist from the Northeast who is well published in nonfiction and technical venues.
Author Links

Purchase Link

Tour Participants
January 13 – Mallory Heart Reviews – Review
January 14 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy,  &, Sissy, Too ! – Spotlight
January 15 – Laura’s Interests – Review
January 16 – StoreyBook Reviews – Spotlight
January 17 – Melina’s Book Blog – Review
January 18 – The Ninja Librarian – Review
January 19 – A Blue Million Books – Interview
January 20 – View from the Birdhouse – Spotlight
January 21 – MHDeanCollectibles Book Blog – Review
January 22 – THE SELF-TAUGHT COOK – Spotlight
January 23 – deal sharing aunt – Interview
January 24 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – Spotlight


Where are you from? 

I’m originally from the northeast – a Connecticut Yankee for sure, a UConn alumnus.  I’ve lived in a number of places (south and west), but 40+ years in a place leaves its mark. 

Tell us your latest news?

Latest news? I am looking forward to a great 2016! I’m working on the fourth in the Cold Creek series already. Most exciting though is the idea I have for a new series – but so far it is just an idea.  We’ll see…

When and why did you begin writing? 

I began writing in elementary school as a way to get my ideas and feelings out.  I wrote stories and then poetry in high school and early on in college.  As an adult, I tried to write a fantasy novel and then a few years ago, I decided to try writing a mystery, mostly for fun.  Writing fiction is a form of therapy – a break from the technical writing of my full time job.

When did you first consider yourself a writer? 

I’ve probably always considered myself a “would be” writer.  Seeing the first product in print gave it credence.  With each book, I feel more strongly that I am a writer

What inspired you to write your first book?

As I mentioned, my first attempt was fantasy – the kind of fantasy I enjoy reading with a focus on humanism and relationships.  Honestly, I have a lot of respect of fantasy authors who create their own worlds and kingdoms.  My second love has always been mystery and people are at times the biggest mystery we face.  Creating characters, the story line, the subplots is a mystery to be solved on a blank canvas.  I liked both the freedom and the challenge where I control of the story and characters.

Do you have a specific writing style?

Other than that I write in the first person rather than the third person, I don’t think there is a specific style or formula I follow.  If you identify one, I’d love to know what it is!

How did you come up with the title?

Not the most creative, I know.  The story is about a murder that occurs at a family-owned restaurant – the Grill.  I played with a few others but when I checked, I found several books with those titles already. That eliminated a few. 

It may be hard to believe, but titles are more challenging than the story sometimes, especially if you don’t want to give anything away about the ending.  To keep consistent for the series, the fourth will likely be “Murder of/in/at …” – I haven’t decided yet, but something to do with the theater.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

My English teachers drilled into us that there is always a message, even if it is not spelled out or immediately obvious.  I have to say I didn’t always agree with that they thought that message might be.  Sending a message wasn’t the goal of Murder at the Grill.  Family secrets are the obvious issue here, but also that we sometimes can overlook individuals (as people) whom we interact with regularly.

What would you like my readers to know?

Readers can contact me via email or twitter.  I’d love to hear about their favorite scene or favorite character, even what they might have done differently.  I’d also like to know if there should be a fifth, perhaps with a wedding (yes, I’m thinking ahead). Mostly, my blog (Christa Reads and Writes) is book reviews and tour stops like this one, but I also post updates on the Cold Creek series and will be posting on the new series.  Stop by sometime!  Also, as with most authors, as I finish the draft for the fourth book. Finally, I’d encourage your readers, whatever they read, please remember to post a review – that is helpful to authors and other readers alike.

Deal Sharing Aunt, thank you for hosting today and allowing me to be your guest.