This is my stop during the blog tour for Pretty Little Creatures by Vince Milam. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 1 till 14 December, you can view the complete tour schedule on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours.
So far this series contains 2 books: The Unknown Element (The Challenged World #1) and Pretty Little Creatures (The Challenged World #2).

By Vince Milam
Genre: Supernatural Thriller
Age category: Adult
Release Date: September 10, 2015
Ebola, jihadists, blood diamonds, drug cartels, and a dark force driving events. In pursuit, an eclectic team of three very dissimilar individuals.
A reserved small town sheriff on a reluctant quest for justice. A beautiful and eccentric technology genius striving to piece together international clues to terrorism. An epicurean French priest committed to combat. Can they work together to challenge a nightmarish conspiracy without driving each other crazy?
The resurrection of the blood diamond trade in the fetid jungles of Ebola-infected West Africa draws the trio together. They are joined by a stunning CIA professional killer with a clear and final solution to any problem. Together they struggle against the leaders of the illicit diamond trade and the foul entity providing the child slave labor.
Have they won? The doggedness of the technology genius and the assuredness of the French priest uncover deeper plans—a game of misdirection and intrigue masterminded by a powerful source nested in the evil enclaves of ISIS.
The stakes rapidly rise as the trail leads them into the wild heartland of a Mexican drug cartel—a launching point to unleash a hellish scenario into the U.S. The final conflict looms as forces for good and evil muster for battle. Can three regular people prevent this terrorist attack? They need to, because failure will forevermore alter the life of every American.
You can find Pretty Little Creatures on Goodreads
You can buy Pretty Little Creatures here:
- Amazon
- Amazon Paperback
First book in the series:

By Vince Milam
Genre: Supernatural Thriller
Age category: Adult
Release Date: March 3, 2015
Three very different individuals. A dark force rising. The chase begins. A reserved small town sheriff in pursuit of justice. A beautiful and eccentric technology genius striving to understand. A bon vivant French priest committed to finding answers.
A horrific event in a sleepy Gulf Coast town pulls them together and the trio find themselves on a quest for the truth about good and evil, travelling first to Wales and the scene of another shocking nightmare, then on to the ISIS killing fields of Syria where the stakes rise even higher.
Can these three dissimilar people find answers without driving each other crazy? Can they survive while Middle East factional war rages around them? They need to, because the potential fate of millions hangs on it.
You can find The Unknown Element on Goodreads
You can buy The Unknown Element here:
- Amazon
- Amazon Paperback

VINCE MILAM has lived all over the world, traipsing through the Amazon, Congo, and Papua New Guinea—all the while demonstrating bourbon has medicinal qualities. Raised in Texas, he lives in the mountainous West where he proves—annually—that God doesn’t want us driving on snow. He relishes great reads, fine trout streams, family, old friends, and—especially—writing fast-paced thrillers with a dose of humor and a spiritual twist.
The first two books in the Challenged World series rank high on the Amazon lists in both Thrillers/Terrorism and Christian/Mystery. You can visit him at to learn about new releases and writer’s angst. He can also be visited at or on Twitter @vince_milam
Where are you from?
I’m originally from the Gulf Coast of Texas, although I’ve spent the last twenty years in Boise, Idaho. I’ve also lived and worked in over twenty countries—from the Amazon to the Congo to Papua New Guinea. South America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia—suffice it to say I have long lost the thrill of boarding an airplane for an overseas trip.
Tell us your latest news?
My second novel in the Challenged World series, Pretty Little Creatures, has just been published. I’m in the fun stage of the third novel, crafting story and character arcs.
When and why did you begin writing?
I began writing over twenty years ago, starting with a thriller novel that was, in all candor, less than stellar. But that’s OK, and proved to me that I had the discipline to open a vein and pour out ideas on paper. I wrote short stories for years and came to a point where I was ready to tackle another full length novel. The “why” is fairly simple—to tell a good tale. I’ve long admired the oral traditions of story-telling, be it around the kitchen table or a campfire. At the end of the day, I attempt to write a tale well told.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Great question. Shortly after publishing the first novel in the Challenged World series (The Unknown Element), reviews began to come in. The vast lion’s share of them were very positive, including a 5-star review from an Amazon Hall of Fame reviewer. This feedback provided such a sense of validation to my endeavors. At that point—having such a positive response from critical reviewers—I actually considered myself a writer. I especially loved the reviews where the reader stayed up late to finish the novel. Prior to that, I wallowed in doubt—something I would well imagine most writers face.
What inspired you to write your first book?
I was lucky enough in my world travels to meet so many fascinating characters. I love character-driven stories and it simply struck me that, for whatever reason, I had been placed in a unique situation to capture and craft a wide range of characters.
Do you have a specific writing style?
I enjoy writing in third person multiple point-of-view. This allows for different characters to provide their own unique perspective on events and other characters. I also enjoy local vernacular quite a bit, and humor within character interactions. Life is, by and large, a joy—so why not paint some of that joy even in challenging situations.
How did you come up with the title?
The core antagonist in the novel—Empusa—provided the title as she describes the Ebola virus to her cohort. “Such pretty little creatures.”
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Well, yes—although not at the expense of telling a good tale. Overall the message is that there are forces in play in our world that are not of this earthly realm.
How much of the book is realistic?
Certainly the settings are realistic (I do draw upon my living experiences around the world, including sights, sounds, and smells). The character interplay is realistic and—depending upon your belief system—the antagonistic forces are real.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
The settings and character development are based on events in my own life. The story is fictional, although I’ve drawn on notions and intuition.
What books have most influenced your life most?
Many, many years ago a friend gave me McMurtry’s Lonesome Dove. I so distinctly remember staying up all night, literally, to finish that tale and then sat in wonder that someone could put words on paper that could keep a person awake all night reading. I’d say that was a seminal moment.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Faulkner always fascinated me. But perhaps I’d list, not as a mentor as much as a gold standard for word craft, Cormac McCarthy. I can pull The Border Trilogy down off the shelf today, open it anywhere, and read in awe.
What book are you reading now?
Oh, goodness, I’ve got books—both hardcopy and ebooks—opened to different pages and spread all over the place. The Heist, The Escape, The Reason for God, Empire of the Summer Moon…it goes on and on. I love a good tale. I love thrillers. I love historical novels and history. I love well-reasoned spiritual works. I love to read.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
There are so many authors that I admire and enjoy. I don’t categorize by “new”, although perhaps I should, so as to ensure I don’t miss any great reads.
What are your current projects?
I’m working on the third novel in the Challenged World series. The story arc and character development are underway, and the book is about 50% through the first draft. This truly is the fun part, as is draft 2,3, and—often—draft 4. Then off to the editor who, rightfully, beats up the manuscript, then a final draft before once more to the editor and a finished product. It is daunting to acknowledge this sequence, although I’ve been through it twice before.
What would you like my readers to know?
First and foremost, Pretty Little Creatures is meant to deliver a page-turning tale that captivates the reader with character-driven plots and lots of action while weaving very human emotions into the story. A tale well told is the goal, with the penultimate intent of having the reader feel it was well worth her/his time.
You can find and contact Vince here:
- Website
- Goodreads
- Amazon
There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Pretty Little Creatures. These are the prizes you can win:
- 5 ebook sets which include the following ebooks: The Unknown Element and Pretty Little Creatures by Vince Milam
For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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