Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Vamptasy Publishing
of Publication: 13/11/2015
of pages: 136
Count: 54,000
love burns.
intelligent loner, Anson, soon learns this when he falls in
love...but the girl he wants isn't what she seems.
is part of a secret organisation of vampires trained to fight
been sent to recruit Anson, and if she fails, they'll both have to
outrun the rulers of her society...or face death together.
at Amazon
the cinema, hand in hand, we stepped out into the chill of the night.
The sun had descended below the surrounding buildings, leaving the
street dimly lit by lampposts and the bright neon signs hanging above
storefronts. The wind blew light strands of hair across Anson’s
forehead. I grinned at him and reached up to brush his hair back
carefully, my fingertips gliding across his forehead ever so lightly.
A shock of something sweet and hot hit me in the chest, making my
breath catch.
eyes darkened almost imperceptibly, and I heard his heartbeat skip
unsteadily at my touch. He raised his hand and gently wrapped his
fingers around my wrist, drawing my palm down his face to his lips.
Light as the flutter of a butterfly wing, he kissed my palm and each
of my fingertips. It felt so thrilling, my whole hand ached to bury
itself into his bright hair, and I was distinctly aware of how close
we were standing. All I would have to do was lean up on my tiptoes
and my mouth would meet his. His cobalt eyes fixed me in place, I
couldn’t look away, though I knew I should. I wanted this so badly,
but I couldn’t have it. If I kissed
I was afraid I’d shatter into a million pieces, and only he would
be able to put me back together.
the Author:
Lynch is a Scottish Paranormal Romance author, avid reader, and
cat-lover. She spends most of her days writing, while wrestling her
cat, Sooki, off her laptop. She believes that chocolate cake can save
the world, and is highly caffeine-addicted. She loves horse-riding,
Star Trek, and snow.
Where are you from? Aberdeen, Scotland
Tell us your latest news? Defiant is my latest book,
the first installment in the Blaze trilogy, which is about a loner boy who
falls in love with vampire girl and from then on, things get tricky.
When and why did you begin writing? I was fifteen
when I started writing seriously, and as for why…I’ve just always loved telling
When did you first consider yourself a writer? After
my fourth book got published and I ralised I was really doing this – it wasn’t
just a joke or a dream.
What inspired you to write your first book? I was
bullied badly in school, and I wanted to create a character who could fight
back against bullies, who was self-confident and brave. Ember became that
character in Born Dark.
Do you have a specific writing style? Not really. I
just let my characters do the talking and the story writes itself.
How did you come up with the title? About half-way
through writing it, I realized the story was really about a girl willing to
defy her society for love. Ergo, Defiant.
Is there a message in your novel that you want
readers to grasp? Don’t let anyone put you down. Don’t let them tell you what
you and can’t do. If you want to do it, go for it.
How much of the book is realistic? Well if you take
out the vampire element, quite a lot of it is realistic I’d say. I tried to
make the high school setting as realistic as possible based on my experience.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events
in your own life? Small parts of my stories are based on me and my experiences.
I think all writers put little bits of themselves and their lives into their
What books have most influenced your life most? The
Faraway Tree Collection. It was the first book I can remember reading
obsessively, page after page, when I was about seven. I think that book
kick-started my love of reading.
If you had to choose, which writer would you
consider a mentor? L.J. Smith. Her books, especially her Vampire Diaries
novels, are what really inspired me to write.
What book are you reading now? Nothing at the minute
because I have a severe case of reader’s block. But the final Mara Dyer book is
next on my TBR pile.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your
interest? Brgid Kemmerer. I’m not sure she’s really new to writing, but she’s
new to me and I absolutely LOVED her Elementals series.
What are your current projects? I have a novella
coming out in February, and the sequel to Run coming out in March. I’m also
working on the sequel to Defiant and a Young Adult duology.
What would you like my readers to know? I love you
all. Readers like you are the ones who have encouraged me and gotten me this
far. Thank you.
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ReplyDeleteExcellent excerpt and interview! This book sounds like a very interesting and intriguing read! Totally looking forward to checking out this book.