This is my stop during the blog tour for The Dating Intervention by Hilary Dartt. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 1 till 14, you can view the complete tour schedule on the website of Lola's Blog Tours.
This is the first book in the Intervention series.

by Hilary Dartt
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: Adult
Release Date: August 1, 2015
When Delaney Collin's fail-proof dating system fails completely, her best friends Summer and Josie take absolute control of her dating life through The Dating Intervention. Although Delaney's intuition is always right on when it comes to men, she never listens to it. If she doesn't start now—with her friend's help—she's in danger of ending up alone and lonely in a sea of men with stained neckties and cumbersome baggage.
You can find The Dating Intervention on Goodreads
You can buy The Dating Intervention here:
- Amazon
wrong with meeting guys at bars? Aren’t guys with online profiles
usually creepy?
her friends forged ahead. They leaned over the tablet, lips pursed in
definitely not him,” Summer said. “Too much hair gel, for sure.”
wrong with hair gel?” Delaney asked.
This is exactly what we’re worried about, D. Too much hair gel on a
guy over thirty means he’s a prima donna. It means he doesn’t
like his mother. It means he drives a nice car but wears holey
underwear. It means he doesn’t want children.”
get all this from hair gel?”
look at this guy,” Josie said. “Very good-looking.”
the details,” Summer said.
tapped the tablet’s screen.
He’s a consultant. Code for unemployed.”
you guys? Code for unemployed? How do you even know?”
Another example of why we’re doing this for you, D,” Summer said.
“You’ve demonstrated previously–and you’re demonstrating
now–that you don’t have an instinct for this stuff. Next.”

Hilary Dartt is an author and freelance writer who grew up among the redwoods and hippies of California and now lives among the cacti and cowboys of the wild west. She and her husband live in Arizona’s high desert with their children and an assortment of pets, including five chickens. To maintain sanity and quiet her inner critic, Hilary runs, drinks wine and eats chocolate. She’s the author of The Intervention Series: The Dating Intervention, The Marriage Intervention and The Motherhood Intervention. Learn more at
Where are you from?
I grew up on California's Central Coast in Santa Cruz, among hippies and redwoods. As an adult, I moved to northern Arizona, where I live among cowboys and cacti. I feel equally at home in both places, which I believe gives me a unique perspective!
Tell us your latest news?
My latest news is that I'm launching The Dating Intervention—and the two other books in The Intervention Series, The Marriage Intervention and The Motherhood Intervention. Writing novels for a living is a dream come true, and I'm so excited to share these stories with readers.
When and why did you begin writing?
Writing is really a by-product of my first passion: reading. As a child, I read everything I could get my hands on. Where the Red Fern Grows, The Bridge to Terabithia and Little House in the Big Woods were some of my favorites. Once I was old enough, I was constantly composing stories in my mind, whether I was walking to the next-door neighbor's house or putting on my tap shoes.
Throughout high school and college, I wrote poetry, and finally started writing novels a few years ago after I ran my first half-marathon – which taught me that anything is possible (even writing a novel!).
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I first considered myself a writer in high school, when I wrote bad poetry. Ha! I earned my bachelors degree in Creative Writing but didn't really consider myself a writer until after I spent several years as a journalist and then left to pursue a freelance career as a direct response copywriter. It's not necessarily a creative profession, but it was then that I realized I write for a living. I'm a writer.
What inspired you to write your first book?
I've always wanted to write books for a living! I just never felt like I could actually do it. My mom was always saying, "Just write a novel." It sounded so simple, but I wasn't sure where to begin. Finally, after I started running (as I mentioned before), I realized I could do it. Running changed my mindset and my life, and I tackled my first novel project as if I were training for a race. It worked!
Do you have a specific writing style?
My writing style is always evolving. Sometimes it depends on which character I'm writing about or whose point of view I'm writing from. Sometimes I'm in a descriptive mood and sometimes I'm in a funny or silly mood. Since I'm still fairly new at this, I imagine my style will continue to change. Right now, I don't think too much about it, though—I'm focused more on telling the stories in enjoyable ways.
How did you come up with the title?
The main character in The Dating Intervention, Delaney, is terrible at dating. She's addicted to substandard men. So her friends intervene and take complete control of her dating life. Ergo, The Dating Intervention!
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
I want readers to enjoy The Dating Intervention. I want them to connect with the characters on some level, to find something they can relate to, and to laugh out loud a few times while they're reading. If they take away a message, that's wonderful … and I hope it's about the importance of true friendship or about sticking it out for a sexy Greek god of a man with calloused hands. But I think most of us already know those things, right? Haha. As an author, it's most important for me that readers enjoy it.
How much of the book is realistic?
Although the book takes place in the modern world and is set in a town loosely based on my own hometown, the characters are completely made up (well, mostly … see the next question).
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
One day when I was driving home, someone rear-ended me at a red light on the highway. I pulled over into a nearby parking lot, and the driver who hit me drove away. Another driver, though, pulled over to see if I needed help, and waited with me until the police arrived. He was very good-looking (yes, I shared the whole encounter with my husband!), and I based Delaney's first meeting with Jake on this real-life encounter. (He really did ask if all the kids in the car were mine—and they were, unlike in Delaney's scenario!)
What books have most influenced your life?
Ooh, this is a good one! I don't know if it's books so much as authors. JK Rowling's story is so inspiring, as is Stephen King's. Nora Roberts's books have influenced my writing, because I love the way she portrays families and friendships and relationships. As for influencing my writing life, I'd have to say Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Stephen King, especially after reading On Writing. He's been through rejection, success, failure, and so many challenges, and he just keeps writing. It's that kind of tenacity that leads to success. Of course, his stories are amazing, too – it's this combination of steadfast reserve and great storytelling I aspire to.
What book are you reading now?
The Perfect Son by Barbara Claypole White. (It's great, you should read it!)
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
I recently read ELECTED and SUSPECTED by Rori Shay – loved them. Also I read Trail of Broken Wings by Sejal Badani. It was really moving – great writing.
What are your current projects?
I'm wrapping up The Intervention Series, and have another idea in the works for a serial—not quite ready to raise the curtain on it but am having fun thinking about it and plotting it out. Other than that I'm just enjoying being Mom to my three kiddos and a wife to my wonderful husband!
What would you like my readers to know?
You can do anything. With a plan and action steps, you really can do anything you truly want to do.
You can find and contact Hilary here:
- Website
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- a 10$ amazon gift card
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