Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rani in Search of a Rainbow by Shaila Abdullah Interview & Giveaway

We’re celebrating the release day party today for children’s picture book “Rani in Search of a Rainbow”.

About the Book
Title: Rani in Search of a Rainbow
Author: Shaila Abdullah
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Displaced by the Pakistan floods, Rani’s family has taken refuge at a relief camp where they are doing their part to help other flood victims. Eight-year old Rani wants to assist but doesn’t know how. Heeding the advice of her father to help in a way only children can, Rani embarks on a journey to bring true joy to a dear friend on the occasion of Eid.
Get your copy of the book!

Author Bio
Shaila Abdullah is an award-winning author and designer based in Austin, Texas. She is the author of four books: Saffron Dreams, Beyond the Cayenne Wall, My Friend Suhana, and A Manual for Marco. The author has received several awards for her work including the Golden Quill Award and Patras Bukhari Award for English Language. Several academic institutions have adopted her books as course study or recommended reading, including the University of California, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Indiana University, Boston University, California State University, and George Washington University. Learn more about the author at www.ShailaAbdullah.com.


What were you like at school?
I was a quiet rebel. What it means is that I wasn’t defiant in a visible manner but I showed it through my action, or rather non-action. For instance, despite being smart, I would deliberately not apply myself. It wasn’t until eighth grade that I realized that my slacking off was causing harm to no one else but myself.

Were you good at English?
Yes. As a teenager, I used to write for various English language publications in Pakistan and even did some commissioned work for a major magazine and newspaper.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?
I write to inspire minds, improve lives, and create awareness. Financial gain has never been a goal of mine in this journey.

Which writers inspire you?
Eckhart Tolle has by far been the most inspiring writer I have ever read.

So, what have you written?
(*Include books, novellas, short stories, poems, blogs, awards or anything of interest.)
My first book––Beyond the Cayenne Wall–– is a collection of stories about Pakistani women struggling to find their individualities despite the barriers imposed by society. 

My second book is a novel called Saffron Dreams about a 9/11 Muslim widow. It has won many awards and it is taught at many major colleges and universities.

My third book is My Friend Suhana. I coauthored it with my daughter, and it deals with her friendship with a girl who has cerebral palsy.

My fourth book that was just released is titled Rani in Search of a Rainbow. It is based on the 2010 floods in Pakistan that affected 20 million people. Nearly 8.6 million of them were children.

Where can we buy or see them? (* include American, European and any other relevant links. Free, free promotions or prices can be included)
Saffron Dreams: http://www.amazon.com/Saffron-Dreams-Reflections-America-Abdullah/dp/1932690735/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1398090621&sr=8-1

Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
Rani in Search of a Rainbow is based on the 2010 floods in Pakistan that affected 20 million people. Nearly 8.6 million of them were children. When the floods came to her tiny village in Sind, there was no braving it out for Rani and her family. The 8-year-old fled on foot with her family and other villagers, leaving behind her whole life–her home, school, friends, and belongings. Her family was airlifted to safety by a disaster relief organization and brought to a refugee camp. Gone was the life Rani once knew, adapting instead to life in a camp. Inspired by the assistance her family was providing in various capacities at the camp, Rani embarked on a journey to find ways in which she could help others––and in doing so was able to bring great joy to her friend on the celebration of the Muslim festival of Eid.

What are you working on at the minute?
I finished working on the advance reading copies of my third children’s book called A Manual for Marco that will come out in February 2015.

What’s it about? (*if relevant)
A Manual for Marco is written from the perspective of an autistic child’s sibling and includes tips and suggestions to help siblings deal with their unique situation and how parents can help make accommodations for their differently abled children.

What genre are your books?
Two of my books are multicultural fiction for adults while the three picture books are for children.

What draws you to this genre?
Multicultural fiction was always my first love so it was natural for me to start my writing career with two books for adults in that genre. After that, I was ready for a new challenge. I decided to write for the young ones since I felt better prepared to handle that genre after motherhood.

How much research do you do?
Rigorous. Of course the two books for adults called for month and months of solid research into the lives of Pakistani women, the event of 9/11, the geography of New York, CHARGE syndrome, etc. The research for the children’s books was less intense.

What would you like my readers to know?
Authors are ordinary people. Do not put them on a pedestal. They are uncomfortable with that. Many times they are terrified when they go to book readings and signings (so be gentle in your QA). Surround your children with books you will see the effects of it in 5-10 years or even longer. My advice to any aspiring writer is this: enter this field if you are not afraid of rejection and can take criticism well. Write with humble goals in mind and don’t make fame your main objective. Finally, work hard to finesse your work and make persistence your friend.  Do this all out of your own personal love for writing.

There’s a tour-wide giveaway for 5 print copies of the book, and a $25 Amazon gift card.

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