Thursday, August 28, 2014

Learning To Forgive by R.D. Cole Giveaway & Excerpt

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Title: Learning To Forgive(Learning, #3)
Author: R.D. Cole
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 5, 2014
Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000040_00005]
This isn't your Typical Everyday fairytale.
This story isn't sweet or sugary.
It's Raw and Dark
It's Rough and Dangerous
And It's Definitely not for kids under 17 years of age.

So turn back now if you're not ready for Lyric and Blaire's story. Because sh*t just got Real.

“I’ve learned a lot this past year, but there are two things I’ll never forget: one, People aren’t what they seem, and two, I f**king hate liars.” –Blaire

Blaire Morgan was a quiet, grief stricken girl when she left Mobile, Alabama, a year ago after her brother’s unexpected death. She returns a year later with fresh wounds from another betrayal, and she’s not the same person. A woman letting her tortured past rule her life, her “take no sh*t” attitude is catching the attention of everyone that crosses her path, including the bad boy front man of Lyrical Obsessions—the new band that plays at Jay Jay’s. When she learns he has something she wants, she plans on doing whatever it takes to get it.

What is a demon? An evil spirit possessing a person, acting as a tormentor in H*ll?

Lyric “The Demon” Devereux is that tormentor and H*ll is any place he sees fit, either in the fighting ring or on the streets. He killed his first person at seventeen years old, and that list has grown over the years—as well as his list of enemies—but his biggest enemy is himself and he doesn’t know how to win that battle. 
When Blaire comes into town like wildfire and turns heads, Lyric’s temper emerges—uninvited and unexpected. His plan to stay at a distance for her safety, and his sanity, changes when she continuously shows up with her defiance and seductive pull. He now has no choice but to face his past that could possibly destroy the both of them.

Tempers will detonate. Lust will consume. Truth will destroy. But will love forgive?

I walk in, but leave the door open. My eyes stay on her as I approach. I see fear at first, but she pushes it away and replaces it with that stubborn trait I’m learning she has. She crosses her arms and looks up when I’m close, refusing to move. “Last night, you asked me for something. Remember?” “To go to h*ll?” I smirk because this game we play is a f**king thrill for me. “Oh, honey. I’ve already been to h*ll.” I stand in front of her an inch away expecting her to cower, but she doesn’t. Should I make this soft and gentle like before or should I make it punishing for possibly being a part of Polesky’s team? I roll my neck and let it pop in several places before I swiftly grab her by the waist and pull her tight body to me. Her breath hitches and she freezes, but not in fear. In anticipation. It’s written all over her face. My other hand grabs her by the nape of her neck, and I feel the softness of her bright, red hair between my fingers. “You asked for this.” Then I lower my lips to hers. Learning Series    
Learning To Live(Learning, #1)
Learning To Heal(Learning, #2)
Learning To Forgive(Learning, #3)
About The Author
R.D. Cole is a lively person with a determination to make it in life. Once her mind gets set on an idea she pursues it with passion. As long as she has God and her family she feels she can conquer everyday. Besides reading and writing she loves to sing, dance, and go mudding on her Souped-up Can Am. Her hubby is 9 years younger but he seems more mature than her at times and they level one another out. She has a beautiful daughter named Bethani who is a miracle and a fighter. She's the only known living survivor of Matthew Woods Syndrome and when no one thought she'd live R.D. said "yes she will." R.D. takes nothing for granted when it comes to life. "Everything can be ripped from your fingers before they can grasp it. So if you want something in life, do it. Go for it." That same mindset has helped R.D. write small pieces of her life mixed in to fictional settings and characters that will capture your heart. "Read on. Dream on. Write on." -R.D. Cole Support Indie Authors
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