Thursday, July 24, 2014

An Undying Oath By- H.K. Savage Giveaway, Interview & Top Ten

Book Info-
Title- An Undying Oath
By- H.K. Savage
Published By- Staccato Publishing

Sergeant Justin Shaw returned from the war with what is left of his unit, though instead of being hailed as heroes, they are being sought as test subjects. Their last mission behind enemy lines to obtain a WMD ended with them exposed and on the run. Their goal is not only to destroy the weapon, but also the program being run by their own government. Justin and his men have sacrificed everything for their mission. Will it be enough? Samantha James, a girl whose father disappeared almost twenty years ago unwittingly holds the key. When her father returns bodies start to fall. Sam doesn't know who to trust. Both Justin and her father have their own agendas and either one of them could end up with her dead.


About the Author-
HK lives in the frozen hinterlands of the far North. The long, cold months provide ample opportunity to hunker down with her computer and create adventures far more enticing than scraping ice and getting frostbite.

Between books HK reads voraciously. Anything with a good plot and compelling characters are her broad parameters. One is as likely to catch her with a copy of Don Quixote as with the latest in Gail Carriger’s steampunk series.

HK practices martial arts, rides her horse, gardens and plays with her family every chance she gets. Next winter she intends to brush up on her Spanish and escape the cold for somewhere more tropical.


Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
I'm intrigued by several actually but I know a lot of authors and I
worry if I list one but not all we might have some hurt feelings so
I'll have to say nothing here. Sorry.

What are your current projects?
The third and final book in The Admiral's Elite series (Second Sight
and Into the Light) and the followup to An Undying Oath

Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
Actually, my best friend, Maria, is always really positive and keeps
me from worrying too much about commercial success and makes sure I
celebrate he successes I do have. Also, my PA, Jaime Radyalac is
awesome! Sometimes I'm not feeling much like an author or like I can
squeeze words out but then I talk to her and I'm ready to write.

Do you see writing as a career?
I like to call it a hobby that pays for itself. ;)

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your
latest book?
I have yet to write a book I DON'T want to change! That's why I can't
read my stuff after it's published. I'm always messing with it.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
We moved a lot as kids and into our teen years and it could be lonely
sometimes. Books were always a great escape but then I would read one
that didn't go like I wanted and I would try to write something that
felt similar but went where I wanted it to go.

What would you like to tell my readers?
To support their favorite writers! Drop them a line, like their
comments on Facebook sometimes. Writing is hard and can be very
lonely. Also, DO NOT PIRATE BOOKS! Again, writing is hard. It sucks
when you find out folks are getting your hard fought words and not
supporting you. I like coffee but wouldn't think to sneak behind the
counter and steal a cup just cause I could. You know? Oh, and THANK
YOU! If you have ever read me or said something nice, I appreciate it.
Without reader support, we couldn't do what we do... and I LOVE what I

Top Ten Favorite Desserts

I need top 10 desserts:
Are you kidding? As a GF eater there are a ton of things I can't eat
and desserts top that list. I'm not a super big sweets eater anyway
but I miss cake terribly! A bite of dark chocolate or some cheesecake
are hits as is fresh fruit or a fruit tart ( I eat the fruity guts and
leave the pastry). Creme brulee is amazing too when I'm in the mood.
That's kind of it for me. Boo.


Giveaway Info-
1 signed PB of An Undying Oath
1 $5 Amazon GC
1 Ecopy of An Undying Oath


  1. Hi, thank you for the giveaway, your book sounds very good, i look forward to reading it.

  2. Congrats to H.K. Savage on the release of An Undying Oath.

    I enjoyed the interview. It's great to have a hobby that pays for itself and entertains the masses ;-)
