Thursday, May 15, 2014

Run Run Runaway by Helen Conrad Teaser, Review, & Giveaway

 On tour with Prism Book Tours

Welcome to my tour stop for 
Run Run Runaway
Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
by Helen Conrad

Run Run Runaway
Destiny Bay Romances - Forever Yours
(Sweet Edition #1)
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 169 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing

It seemed like a good idea at the time. 

The trouble is, when you run from your problems, you often find out your biggest obstacle is along for the tripit's you! Reid Carrington realizes that when he finds Jennifer and recognizes the quiet desperation in her eyes. Can he save someone who doesn't want to be saved? Or like a lifeguard rescuing a swimmer, will she pull him down into the undertow in the end?

Recipes for Jennifer's Mango Salsa and Tilly's Bruschetta included. 

Purchase from Amazon.

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Image of Helen Conrad

Helen Conrad is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 90 romances (over 15 million copies sold) published under various pseudonyms with Harlequin, Silhouette, Loveswept, and others. She is currently revamping and rewriting much of her backlist—mainly into the Destiny Bay Romances Series. The first six, the Forever Yours Series, are being rewritten as Sweet Editions.

Destiny Bay Romances-The Sweet Editions

These are basically the same stories that are found in Destiny Bay Romances- Forever Yours, but with the conflicts softened a bit, the language cleaned up, and no explicit love scenes. There are still a few adult situations, but they're muted. Consider these the PG versions.

My Review:
This was a clean romance that I think every young adult can relate to. Who doesn't argue with their parents? I was proud that Jennifer went home and tried to reconnect with her parents. She definitely got her stubbornness from her dad. I enjoyed reading about Destiny Bay and I am reading A Little Blackmail next! I am giving this book a 5/5. I was given a copy to review, however all opinions are my own.

Tour-Wide Giveaway

- US Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and paperbacks of Run Run RunawayA Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
- INT Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and ebooks of Run Run RunawayA Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
- 2 sets of ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast (INT)

Follow the tour:

Run Run Runaway
May 12 - Book Intro

May 13

May 14

May 15

May 16

May 18

A Little Blackmail
May 19 - Book Intro

May 20

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 25

Moving Too Fast
May 26 - Book Intro

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 30

Jun 1

June 2 - Grand Finale

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