Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dragon Dreams by Dusty Lynn Holloway Interview

The heart of Terradin . . . is fading away, and its only hope rests in the one person that Nachal has vowed to protect at all costs. Because to save her, is to save them all.

Nachal, foster son of the great Dragon-King Cerralys has the same dream
night after night. In them, an elf named Auri lays dead, murdered by the
Rebel Dragon's leader, Obsidian, on a massive plain of fire.

Racing against time, he sets out from Eldaria to prevent the prophetic
dreams from coming true. To do this, he must avoid capture by the long
reach of Obsidian's gathering army, and find a mystical land that has
been lost for more than two decades. A land that is reputed to flow with
breath-taking beauty and vitality.

But will what he finds there be what he needs? Or something that will
haunt him for all eternity.

"The characters are rich, and spring to life on the pages, drawing you into their lives as you walk beside them on their journeys."~Readers Frenzy

Dusty lives in California with her two children. She loves exploring, and hopes one day to
learn to fly a plane, try on night-vision goggles just for the fun of it, and float in a room with
zero gravity. Not necessarily in that order.
Get up-to-date info about her new projects on facebook! She'd love to hear from you!

Where are you from?

Sunny California.

Tell us your latest news?

Dragon Ties, the 2nd book in the series, has been republished with all new content from the
last and final book, Dragon Light!

When and why did you begin writing?

I started basically from the moment I could hold a pen. I believe around four or five I started
writing poetry. I've devoured books off and on from childhood, but it wasn't until after I had
my two kids that I decided I wanted to write a book. And not just any old book . . . a book
about dragons! Write what you love, right? :)

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

It's funny, because at first, even though I was putting in 8-10 hour days in on the books, I still
didn't consider myself a writer. In my mind, there was kind of this weird mirage with writers.
You were either famous, and could therefore be considered to be a professional writer, or
you were no one, and couldn't. I was the no one, so I didn't feel much like a writer. A little
experience and a few years later, and I finally do. I've learned it's not so much who knows
you, or how much you make, it's what you are. Writers seem to be a different breed apart,
and I'm so grateful to be a part of the writing world.

What inspired you to write your first book?

Definitely inspiration! :) It was a mixture of that and  being able to see clearly the image of
Auri and Nachal on the Plains of Fire. I could picture her running, surrounded by the fighting
and the bodies and the fire sizzling against her skin. I could picture Nachal's sense of
helplessness. And then I could FEEL them literally refusing to give up in this no-win situation.
That scene was so vivid for me, that I feel like I created much of the series around it.

Do you have a specific 
writing style?

Lol. Well, I do have an annoying way of writing. In order for me to find the pulse and thread
of the story, I go through my previous day's work and edit and refine it, and then I can
continue on with the current day's work. It takes more time, but I've tried it other ways, and it
just doesn't work as well for me.

How did you come up with the title?

The title pretty much felt like it came part-and-parcel with the story. I never really had to think
hard about it, because it felt like a natural element of what the story was about. I've gotten
comments from readers on how the title drew them into the books, and it always makes me
smile. I've fashioned the last two book titles after the first: Dragon Ties, and Dragon Light.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Yes. Never give up! I love that quote from Mary Anne Radmacher--“Courage doesn't always
roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again
tomorrow.” It's true. It's oh so true.

 How much of the book is realistic?

The emotions are vivid in this book. The elements that tell a good story: courage, loyalty, love,
friendship, these things are very real and present. After a while, it doesn't feel like you're 
writing a story, it feels like you're telling THEIR story. And perhaps that's the difference. :)

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Well, I would have to say that for any good writing, there has to be a certain amount of putting
emotions, thoughts and feelings into your books. That's very true for these books, although I
won't say what or how much. :) But is it based on an experience I had? No. No it's not.

What books have most influenced your life most?

You probably get this a lot, but TOO MANY! Lol. I need more bookshelves, because my little
house can't keep up with the flow of books around here. There have literally been hundreds
upon hundreds of books that I have read that have touched me in some way, and made an
impact on me.

What would you like my readers to know?

Dragon Light, the last book in the series, is coming along, and will hopefully be out soon. You
can follow my blog or my author facebook page for more details. I've also got a few new
stories in the works. You can find the first chapters, as well as info about those as well on
my author facebook page. And thank you! Thank you so much for letting my stories be a part
of your life and world, if only for a little while. 

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