Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Taming by Atticus Krum

We’re scheduling a tour for middle grade novel “The Taming”. The tour runs from April 1st to June 1st.
We’re looking to schedule book reviews, book excerpt posts, author interviews, promo posts and giveaways. Giveaways would be for bookmarks, postcards, copies of the book, and a small number of giveaways for mugs and t-shirts.

About The Taming

tamingcoverJPGLargeTitle: The Taming
Author: Atticus Krum
Genre: Middle Grade
A forbidden journey. A secret agenda. A mysterious object.
When Thutter McClutter, a young Glade-dwelling shrew, willingly decides to break the ancient Code and cross into the shadowy darkness of the great Woode, he is certain that seeing the mysterious Solkreat is the goal.  But as he and his friends near the curious Creature, an altogether different agenda is exposed. One of his fellow adventurers wants the magic hogseye. However, the powerful and wicked Beastmonger also covets the enchanted object, and he will stop at nothing to get it—not even murder.
A story of true friendship, lasting faith, and willing sacrifice, The Taming is the first installment of the Refuge Chronicles—an adventurous trilogy about a young shrew, his newly-discovered purpose, and the ancient conflict between Light and Darkness.

Author Bio

Atticus Krum was born into a very loving family. However, he would face many difficulties as a child. His father would die in prison after being persecuted for his faith, forcing his mother to take her son and flee their homeland. Atticus would be orphaned by age 8.
A challenging childhood, it was a beginning that was anything but normal.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t until he turned 13 that Atticus began to realize just how abnormal the rest of his life would be, for that was when he realized he could do something that few others in this world could do.
Now to most, the ability to sense the presence of a great tale residing within another would be highly treasured. But to Atticus, this rather unique gift—known as fabulating—simply stood in the way of his future. Since the day he witnessed his father’s arrest, picking up the old man’s clerical mantle was the only thing that young Atticus dreamed of.
But the boy would eventually remember the many tales his parents had shared with him—tales of the Legendarium. He had heard of the ancient fabulators—those who had given their lives to gathering, chronicling, and securing these special stories. Now, this was his calling. And like the fabulators before him, his life was sure to become that of a story-finder.
Of course, the tales of the Legendarium are in no way his stories, and yet in every way they are his stories to tell. They are the accounts of the fantastic, the unexplained, and the curiously delightful. They are the tales of the vitae essentia (essence of life). They are the stories of an amazingly wonderful Magic.
Some call them myths; others call them fantasies or fairy tales. But to those who can see the Magic behind them, they are nothing less than a source of faith, hope and love.
Atticus never intended on becoming a writer; he eventually came to realize, however, that Magic’s stories were meant to be shared. And so now he spends most of his time putting pen to paper to prepare the tales he’s collected for publishing.
When not writing, Atticus enjoys reading a good book, studying something from his vast map collection, or playing one of his many unique instruments such as the fluba, the trongos, or the clackamore.
Today, Atticus resides on a small farm in the Midwest with Albi, his albino ferret. He is visited occasionally by his good friend Fr. Tuck (not the one of Knottingham lore, of course) and travels only when absolutely necessary.
Atticus does not care to be photographed and almost never smiles. What’s more, he dresses exclusively in black.  Of course, he says that the latter is for simplicity sake, but those who know him are certain that he is just color blind.
To learn more about Atticus, please visit his website:


Author Website:

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