Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lady's Destiny by AR Von Interview and Giveaway

About AR Von
A.R. was born and raised in Bronx, NY and is the oldest daughter of two girls. She holds an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science and Information Technology, which was only briefly used. She’s a mother of two entertaining teen boys (as well as a lovely fawn Chihuahua, whom she considers her furry daughter.) She’s also a wife to a delightfully handsome and amazingly funny man-beast. She loves anything dragon and fantasy related. In her free time she enjoys exercising, writing, listening to music, hiking, cooking, dancing and reading. She also loves a great adventure in and out of a book!

She writes to free her mind of its constant wondering and clutter. She thrives on the fact she can share some of it with readers that have the same passion for a great story.

She also loves to hear from her reader’s and chat away, so feel free to reach out to her any time.


About Lady's Destiny
A Unique Magical, Erotic Novel
When dreams haunt you in the most delicious ways and fate pulls you into destiny’s path, what can be done other than to accept and submit to it.

Can Iria truly get what she’s always dreamed of or will it always just remain a memory? Being a rare creature such as her with exceptional beauty and rarity of existence should be enough. Though, all she wants is her desire, her destiny… 

To be with a man—one man.

Are these dreams she’s having real? Could she really take on human form and become a Lady to be with the man she craves?

Dezso discovers a magical creature—a being of incredible light and peace. He is drawn to it again and again, and his feelings grow with every encounter. He carries a dark secret that he wishes never existed. The only thing that truly brings light upon his existence is the beauty that warms his heart but seems to only exist in his head—with dreams and visions of a magical woman, full of heartwarming light.

Will he ever know true love and happiness? Will he ever be able to lighten the weight and share his dark secret with another...?

Darkness is growing stronger, weakening the light and killing off what makes the world a beautiful place to live in. Enter a world of fantasy and dreams, passions and temptations. A world where dragons, unicorns, magic and mermaids really do exist.A world where love WILL conquer all! 

Rafflecopter Giveaway
Rafflecopter Giveaway
One of Three Winners will receive Temporary tattoos of Iria's binding mark swag pack plus ebook written by AR Von excluding Lady's Destiny (Winner's choice) US Only

One of three winners will receive an ebook written by AR Von excluding Lady's Destiny (Winner's choice) International

Interview with AR Von
What are your earliest book-related memories?

Reading anything I could get my hands on even though it was a challenge for me. My mind was always going a mile a minute. Sitting down reading was a bit difficult for me because I always wanted to live it, not read it lol

What are your three favorite books?

Patricia Briggs Mercy series, Stephen Kings Pet Cemetery and Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series (OMG is that one hot series!)

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Various things. At times it’s a song, others a photo or a shape in a cloud. Conversations with others (at times) inspire me also. I’ve even had a few stories I’ve read inspire me. I LOVE inspiration

What has writing taught you about yourself?

That as long as I stay true to myself, my mind and my heart. I can do it.

How do the people in your life seem to view your writing career?

Exciting, so far anyway. I don’t keep it hidden or anything like that. But those who know and pay attention to what goes on are all very happy and thrilled that I’m doing EXACTLY what I want.

What do you see as the biggest challenge today for writers starting out?

Getting readers and selling books. It’s very hard when it’s just you and your dollars. We don’t have those editors, agents, etc at our beck and call or even at all! lol- it’s all a challenge. But not giving up is the biggest of them all.

What do you look for in a good book?

Originality thrills and fun. I also enjoy books that are as far from reality as possible the most. I love a great escape and extra food for my imagination

What would your advice be to newbie authors?

Go for it! It will seem impossible at points, but you HAVE to give it a shot if it’s something you really want to do, live the dream. Also, NEVER compare yourself to another; find your own voice because it will speak the loudest


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