Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lolly by Jeff Stewart Review

My Review:
This was a great book about determination, and chance meetings. No matter where you come from or who you thought you were. If you are determined and do your best then you can succeed. Jeff was a great person to tell the story of Lolly. He was a friend of the owners, yet he was able to step back and show an unbiased story of the company. I loved that one chance meeting led to so many positive outcomes. Very few times in life do people find the kind of friendship that Jeff found. The brothers that owned Lolly had me pulling for them from the start. Their road was not easy to travel and they made the best of their journey. They never gave up on their dreams or each other. I also never knew who the company was named after, and that only added to how the brothers valued family. I am giving this book a 5/5. I was given a copy to review, however all opinions are my own.

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