Sunday, January 12, 2014

Food Choice & Sustainability by Dr. Richard Oppenlander Review

About Food Choice & Sustainability

What we choose to eat is killing our planet and us, yet use of the word ‘sustainable’ is ubiquitous. Explanation of this incongruity lies in the fact that sustainability efforts are rarely positioned to include food choice in an accurate or adequate manner. This is due to a number of influencing cultural, social, and political factors that disable our food production systems and limit our base of knowledge—falsely guiding us on a path of pseudo sustainability, while we devastate the ecosystems that support us, cause mass extinctions, and generate narrowing time lines because of our global footprint that will ultimately jeopardize our very survival as a civilization. Dr. Oppenlander’s goal with this book is to increase awareness in order to effect positive change—before it is too late. This is a groundbreaking book, and given the urgency and magnitude of the problem, it's a book that anyone who cares about our future and that of other species should read —individuals, academic institutions, businesses, organizations, and policy makers. Categories of global depletion are detailed, widely held myths are debunked, critical disconnects are exposed, and unique, profound solutions are offered. This book also unveils a new model of multidimensional sustainability for developing countries to eradicate world hunger and poverty as it compels us all to become aware of the enormous effect of our food choices, make necessary changes, and then, inspire others to do the same.
My Review:
I was a vegetarian for 15 years and I always thought that I was helping. As I read this book I realized that everyone needs to do a little. If a few people do a little then it will not matter. I also learned a lot about other countries and how their resources are also getting depleted like ours, even poverty stricken countries. I am going to try to do more to save our world. There is so much information in this book. There are studies, laws, and even guides from our government. There are so many things that are a part of sustainability that I have never even thought of before. Pet food, cage free products, Omega 3s, and other items that I learned so much about. There were a lot of things that I read that affect me personally. I am giving this book a 5/5. There is so much information in this book. I was given a copy to review, however all opinions are my own.

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