Friday, January 10, 2014

Because the Night by Kristen Strassel Giveaway and Guest Post

Immortal Dilemma is the hottest band in the Las Vegas vampire rock scene. They draw insatiable fans from around the globe, thanks to a supernatural attraction called Bloodlust. Tristan craved such an opportunity to fill his empty mortal life, and now he has eternity to earn his place along the legends of rock n roll debauchery.

Callie always feared that Tristan’s excesses would get him into trouble, but she never thought they’d lead him to immortality. To reconnect with him, she must weave her way through a world not only she had no idea existed, but does not welcome her.

Blade turned down a spot in Immortal Dilemma after learning what he must sacrifice for that lifestyle. He finds Callie a refreshing change from the girls in the vampire rock scene. When Callie drags Blade back into the world of Immortal Dilemma, his resistance drives her into the waiting arms of Tristan, who shows her the true meaning of Bloodlust.

But the very things that Callie fights so hard to save are the very things that fight to destroy her.

Kristen shares a birthday with Steven Tyler and Diana Ross. She spends each day striving to be half as fabulous as they are. She's worn many hats, none as flattering as her cowboy hat: banker, retail manager, fledgling web designer, world's worst cocktail waitress, panty slinger, now makeup artist and author. Kristen is represented by Pam van Hylckama Vlieg of Foreword Literary.

Guest Post From the Author:

Because the Night Guest Post 1.7
Welcome back! We’ve moved forward four years, and almost three thousand miles west to Las Vegas for Because the Night. Callie and Tristan stayed in touch after their summer together, so when Tristan cuts Callie out of his life with no explanation, she knows something is wrong. She heads out to Vegas on vacation to check on him, but never makes it home.
Las Vegas probably only has one thing in common with Martha’s Vineyard besides being a vacation destination. When I lived there, a common reaction was “people actually live there?” Yes! Las Vegas is much more than one street. We always forget about the people who make our vacations worth going on. Tristan’s band, Immortal Dilemma, is in residence at the fictional Alta Vista hotel.
Las Vegas, besides being Sin City, has a thriving music scene, making it the perfect setting for a book featuring a musician. A twenty four hour city is a natural place for a vampire community to settle. Vegas also has a dark underbelly, from its mobster past to failed dreams of today. So many people come and go, sometimes you are best not to trust or get too attached.
This all sends Callie in a tailspin. She doesn’t know what to do with this new, hardened Tristan, who is now in more trouble than she ever dreamed possible. But still, she can’t walk away from him. She knows the person she fell in love with on the beach is still in there. And she does her best to peel away the character he’s become to find the real Tristan.
Callie welcomes Blade into her life. He doesn’t fit into her original plan, but she changes her plans to make him fit. He seems like everything she wants Tristan to be, but it’s Blade’s secrets that really make the novel move. I didn’t expect to have Blade be a part of the novel, but he really became the novel.

Las Vegas is all about taking chances, and Callie rolls the dice every chance she gets. When you’re playing with house money, you never know when the house will come to collect. 

Twitter @kristenstrassel


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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