Sunday, September 1, 2013

"A Haunted Halloween" Giveaway Hop

Welcome to "A Haunted Halloween" Giveaway Hop hosted by Mommy's Favorite Things and Mama's Baby Cupcakes

This hop is focused on items you'd want/need for Halloween. Whether its costumes, decorations, or candy, I'm sure you'll enjoy what all the bloggers have to offer. After visiting my giveaway, make sure you use the linky below to take a look at what the other blogs have to offer! Each blog has a minimum prize package of $25 per winner. 

Mommy's Favorite Things is hosting the Grand Prize for this hop with great prizes from, Wall Slicks, and Yum Earth. This package is valued at UP TO $245 based on winner's choice of Wall Slick Decorations. Michelle posted her review of and then you can find a review for Wall Slicks, as well as a review for YumEarth on Heather's site. Open to US only

I am giving away some halloween decorations! Don't forget to enter the other blogs listed below! 3 Partners in Shopping is my mom, check it out!
Enter my giveaway Here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mama's Baby Cupcakes, Mommy's Favorite Things and the "A Haunted Halloween" participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligation


  1. My favorite halloween was when I was about 8 years old and me and my mom made a cat costume for me to wear. I was so proud of it!

  2. Mine would have to be when my cousin and I went as power rangers. he was the red one, and i was the pink one :)

  3. Mine would be the year that it started snowing before we headed out. Dad and mom still took us anyway. By the time we got to the last stop, we were in a full out blizzard. By the time we got home we had about 12 inches of snow and it was still coming!

  4. my favorite memory was of one house where they always put the candy in stuff like peeled grapes, cooked spaghetti or jello and you had to dig out your candy out of the bowls.

  5. I was around 10 years old, trick or treating with my friends when we went up to a house with a scare crow sitting in a chair next to a bowl of candy that said "take some". We did and suddenly the scare crow jumped at us and we all ran screaming with our candy flying through the air. it was the first time anything like that had ever happened and 20 years later I still never forget that night.

  6. Our favorite Halloween activity was always "corning". We'd spend hours shucking corn & then walk around the entire neighborhood with grocery sacks full, throwing handfuls at peoples houses. It makes an awful racket, lol.

  7. Mine favorite halloween memory is probably the year the next town had trick or treating a different night from my town so my brother and i got to go out with our cousins on 2 nights and got double the candy!

  8. My favorite Halloween was when my mom made me a long dress and I went as Granny Clampet from the Beverly Hillbillies. I am 61 now and still have the dress. I and can "almost" get it on too.
    Kathy Davis

  9. Going to my tiny school's Halloween event. They made it so special for us kids, there was maybe 40 kids in the whole school and it was awesome.
    Nicole Carter on rafflecopter.

  10. My really enjoyed Halloween as a kid. All of the neighborhood kids would dress up in their costumes and go trick or treating and then my family and friends would come back to our place for a Halloween party! Great times!
    morales_y at yahoo dot com

  11. My favorite memory of Halloween is when we were younger, my sister and I would make our room into a "haunted house" and invite neighborhood friends to walk through it in the dark. We did the usual kid stuff like mixing things from the fridge in a bowl until it was slimy or mushy and letting them feel it or using sheets to act like ghosts. We had so much fun!

  12. My favorite memory is staying out trick-or-treating till 10pm one Halloween with my older brother. I was about 11 years old at the time and we both decided about mid-way through trick-or-treating that half a bag each of candy wasn't enough. After that we spent two more hours running around to different houses to get treats then later that night, arrived home with bags filled to the brim with candy and treats.

    We were so proud of our candy haul that year :)

  13. My favorite Memory of Halloween is going with my mom to pick up a Little Caesars pizza and having to wait in a massive line because everyone else had the same idea. Then going home and getting into my costume and going trick or treating with my sister and rating everyone's costumes and the candy we got at each house. When we finally got back home we would trade the candy we didn't want and give some to my mom.

  14. my favorite year my sister was born and me and my brother filled our pillow cases

  15. One of my favorite's was I loved seeing my grandson dress up for the first time for Halloween

  16. My favorite memory was pretty much every halloween growing up. We always did things up big and had a blast.

  17. My favorite Halloween memory was trick or treating with my best friend :)

  18. My favorite memory is dressing up as Aladdin.

  19. Mine is my son's first Halloween, we dressed him up as a Teddy Bear he was almost a year old and it was just the cutest thing...he fell asleep on his dads shoulders after only 3-4 houses LOL!

  20. dressing as a witch and having a party at my grandmas and staying up late watching scary movies

  21. My favorite Halloween memory is trick or treating and trading candy with my friends!

  22. Dressing up as a clown. I had a pillow wrapped around me and I couldn't go up any stairs!

  23. when we were younger between ages 12-16, we would change into diff costume and hitting the same house again

  24. My favorite memory would be when I hosted a Halloween Party in our home for my Daughter & her friends when they were only kindergartners=) They had such a blast bobbing for apples, making candy corn masterpieces & decorating cupcakes!

  25. Going trick or treating with my mother driving my siblings and I around and her being just as excited as we were.

  26. Many years ago we did a Halloween display at my sons school, they loved it and we had a lot of fun of course that was in early 80's, can't do it at schools now..

  27. Fav memory is dressing as Elvira when I was younger and my kids dressing up as superheroes last year

  28. Mine is trick or treating in the rain with my sister when we were really little-it was so much fun. We didn't get candy much as kids, so there was no way a little rain was going to stop us from collecting free candy!!

  29. Mine is stopping at my grandmothers in between trick or treating to warm up and have cocoa. Also trying on homemade costumes with my Gram.

  30. I really don't have one because when we were little we didn't celebrate Halloween.

  31. My favorite Halloween memory is the year my 2 oldest were very little, but just old enough to enjoy trick or treating for the first time. It was a blast watching them get so excited.

    april yedinak

  32. I loved going to other friends' halloween parties as well as hosting my own! My mom had kitty litter cake at ours and EVERYONE im not even kidding you, was afraid to eat it until we were about ready to leave lol


  33. My favorite memory is going with a group of friends to a hayride at a golf course. Then we all had food & drinks in the restaurant afterward. My husband & I got 2nd place in the costume contest & won a GC to the restaurant.

  34. Loved trick or treating my grandpa.

  35. My favorite memory of Halloween was when my sister was born. I was 5 and I remember going to my grandmothers house while mom went to the hospital. I'll never forget it.
    Michelle Tucker

  36. mine is going trick or treating with my mom and little sister through the neighborhood and coming back home and trading and eating candy before we went to bed wilcarvic

  37. Trick or treating down my block and kicking all the leaves.
