I have bought strawberries and new Hydrangeas already. My hubby has cut the tree that feel last winter. It was laying on top of my Rhubarb, Pear trees, Pussy Willows, Raspberries and Grape Vine. The only thing that was here when me moved in is the grapes, and we do not get any grapes. However we get a LOT of Raspberries. I have not planted any summer plants yet because we had a frost last week. I think I might start some seeds in the greenhouse next week. I need to weed the front flower bed and lay down weed block. I have done it once, but I want to lay more rocks down too. Last year it was so wet we had slugs, and this year is the year of the Cicadas. Cicadas can cause damage to several cultivated crops, shrubs, and trees, mainly in the form of scarring left on tree branches while the females lay their eggs deep in branches(ask.com). They live most of their lives underground. They have mostly 17 year cycles.
From The New York Times:
What makes this emergence truly remarkable, however, is how long it’s been in the making. This month’s army of periodical cicadas was born in 1996. Their mothers laid their eggs in the branches of trees, where they developed for a few weeks before hatching and heading for the ground. “They just jumped out and rained down out of the trees,” said Chris Simon, a cicada biologist at the University of Connecticut.
I am not sure how bad it will be here. I definitely need to get into gear and at least start to set up the greenhouse!
The Pennington Smart Feed Sprayer System has taken the guesswork out of fertilizing, and I end up touching chemicals less. I really like that it has 5 different types of sprayers and so far I like the shower best. It reaches far, and got to my whole flower bed. It is also compact and easy to store. I do not have to worry about liquid leaks either.
I was given product FREE via BzzAgent. However all opinions are my own!
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