Friday, December 14, 2012

End of the World Giveaway Hop!!

There are so many books that I would save if I could if the world was ending. Stephen King, Poe and Moby Dick. There are so many classics. Jane Austin... I could not pick only one, so instead I picked a book about an epic battle from history that could have ended the world. What if our history was different then it was? If we never won the wars we won, would we have had the same inventions that have helped us survive our past? The world may not have ended, but the world as we know it would have.
I picked the book Dawn of Empire by Sam Barone. Civilization vs Barbarism in the Bronze age, equally love war and history lesson and well crafted.

. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Although I know that nothing can take my faith away, I would like to keep my Bible. It's something solid that I can grasp and hold on to, and it will help me keep my faith strong.

  2. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini! And the world isnt ending the Mayan calendar is circluar; therefore the circle is starting over (think of a clock striking midnight) its awesome bc instead of 24 hours like a clock its a 50 year long calendar. :) So ya, no end of the an anthropology major this is getting really annoying.

  3. Die for Me
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  4. I would save my beloved copy of The Witches by Ernest Cline.

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  5. Too many books to choose from, I'll just grab my kindle and save them all!
    I forbid the world to end!! I have way too many books on my TBR list!!
    Merry Book-mas to one and all!


  6. I would have to save my Breaking Dawn and Vampire Academy!! Those two I can't live without!!
    Thank you for having this giveaway!! Happy Holidays!!

  7. douglass adams hitchhikers guide to the galaxy series
    kaholgate at ymail dot com

  8. The Giver by Lois Lowry! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads
