Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Battle of the sexes House Party! Girls Rule!!

I was given the opportunity to host a Battle of the Sexes House Party! I am a gamer, and those that have played a game with me have been known to call me competitive. HA what an understatement LOL! I love all sorts of games and was excited to try the Battle of the Sexes game! My camera broke so I only have a few pictures.... The women won, DUH lol and the men are still making excuses fr their loss!
 We had a nice Italian pasta dinner! (fill up the men with pasta and make them sleepy) HA
 This was my Niece's creation she was smiling because the women won!
 This is me reading a question to the men, and the Girl's getting ready for them to answer it WRONG
This is dessert after the men lost. SUCKAS! Mike is afraid to show his face! HA

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