Friday, October 26, 2012

Autumn Blog Challenge follow up

I am behind on this, it seems every time I focus on something, I forget the rest..... I focused on giveaways and forgot this hop, but it's ok, it just gave me longer to think about my answers!!!! Here goes:

October 19 - What are some family traditions you practice now or want to start practicing?
-We Carve pumpkins, we spend holidays together, and we decorate for Halloween! I would like to start a week a month get together with my friends that I do not see often enough!

October 20 - What has been your favorite job?
- So my blog links to facebook and I have a lot of friends on their that worked with me at Best Buy.... but that was not my fav job ..... shocking I know lol. my fav job was when I turned 16 and I worked at a craft store. I learned so much that I still use to this day. 14 years later. I learned how to make bows, floral arrangements, modge podge, painting supplies, anything you would find in JoAnn Fabrics. It was so fun and so creative. I only wish that people would buy bows at craft fairs! lol. This was a hard time in my life. my dad became blind, my 2 sisters got married and moved out, and I was just starting to apply to college! The owner and the rest of the staff were very supportive! I do have some of you guys as my friends on facebook, so ty :)

October 21 - Write a brief overview of your parents'/grandparents'/caregivers' lives.
-I know more about my mom's side.... my grandfather's mom and dad came from pescada (i know that is spelled wrong sorry) Italy and my great grandfather came alone to get a job. He sent for my great grand mother and her baby sarafina. They did not know the name sarafina so they named her Francis. She told me that on the boat to CT they hid her from my great grandmother :( they had 6 more kids, my grandfather being the youngest
He  met my grandmother and got married. He was in WW2 as was my great Uncle. But my great uncle was a prisoner of war in the battle of the bulge. When they could not find him they sent my grandfather home. shortly after my mom was born. they lived in my great grandmothers attic. with no kitchen and no bathroom of their own. My grandmother learned how to cook Italian and still cooks the family recipes to this day. they moved out and had 3 more kids!
my mom met my dad at a supermarket and asked her to weigh his bananas! they went to each others proms and got married after high school. my oldest sister was born a year later. followed by my brother, my other sister and then me!
My parents lived in apartments until they bought their first house, which my mom still lives in with my middle sister. We all live within 15 minutes of my mom. My mom was on the town council, town board of ed and ran for senate long before Linda McMahon did! She was and is the strongest person I know! My dad was a janitor, and was always there for the students (just ask my hubby about the hot dog incident lol). He went blind after a stroke during open heart surgery. He became the Chairman on the commission on services for persons with disabilities. I was also chair after he passed on. ..
My parents and grandparents are truly a testament to what I think future generations of my family should know.

October 22 - How do you celebrate birthdays?
-we have parties and give gifts. we also make cakes ! now my niece and nephew decorate the cakes and open the presents tho :) today is our 7 year anniversary

October 23 - An accomplishment for which you are proud.
- I am proud of a few things that I have accomplished... I am a contributor in the Illustrated Stephen King Trivia Book (my maiden name), I passed my HAM license, and I was Chairman of disabilities commission. I hope to get it back again

October 24 - If you could write any autobiography for yourself, what would it say?
-basically everything in the past 2 posts, and add my ed

October 25 - Write a letter to your older self.
-Older self.... Quit your whining. get up and live! ~ not really a letter, but I think my older self will be lazy lol

October 26 - What is your favorite word?
-I like to say ignant.... but I also swear alot.....

October 27 - Describe your dream house.
-I live in my dream house. when we were looking at houses and I saw this 1, I fell in love. my hubby didn't stand a chance.


  1. I think it is awesome that you live in your dream house! I also enjoyed hearing about your family and how your relatives came to America.
