Alone with a Tasman Tiger (Chic Charlie) by Jane Ellyson
About Alone with a Tasman Tiger
Alone with a Tasman Tiger (Chic Charlie)
Australian Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Settings – Brisbane, Sydney, Tasmania and London
Publisher : Stanley Press (September 23, 2024)
Paperback : 398 pages
ISBN-10 : 0648660788
ISBN-13 : 978-0648660781
Digital ASIN : B0D6Z31ND7
(314 pages)
A high stakes race. A missing friend and a search for the impossible.
In the Tasmanian wilderness six contestants battle it out to win $250,000. Only five finish.
In Bass Strait the Blue Gazelle yacht tackles fierce winds, huge waves and a phantom vessel, in its race to win the Tattersall Cup.
In London a fashion designer learns about a Belarussian scientist, possibly involved with a deadly technology.
In Hobart a search party is launched for a missing sailor.
At the centre of investigations are two feisty sleuths, Galina Ivanov and Charlotte Harmon, who are looking for clues which could save their partners and stop the spread of a devastating weapon.
Can they find them before all hope is lost?
About Jane Ellyson

Jane Ellyson has written six novels across the action, adventure and romance genres. Having lived in Europe and Asia, in addition to her native Australia, her stories frequently visit beautiful locations. She currently lives at Possum Creek, just out of Bangalow in northern New South Wales, Australia – well she would if she was real – rather than being the pen name of someone who would prefer to remain anonymous.
Previous novels include:- Over Byron Bay
- Substitute Child
- Roman Roulette
- Missing in Myanmar
- Nonsense in the North
- An Extraordinary Wedding
Where are you from?
Currently live in Brisbane which is the capital of Queensland. I’ve lived in the UK, France and Thailand in addition to my native Australia.
Tell us your latest news?
Excited to have just released by latest novel: Alone with a Tasman Tiger: A high stakes race, a missing friend and a search for the impossible.
It’s an intriguing tale with two competitions: one a survival challenge in the Tassie wilderness and the other during the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. And there’s also a search for the possibly not-yet-extinct Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger.
Winning $250,000 in a bush-survival competition in Tasmania would give Sebastian Ward choices. But he’s promised his mate Scott he’ll sail in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race in 100 days’ time. Seb’s confident he’ll outlast the other competitors and make it back to Sydney before the starting cannon fires.
At the beginning of the contest, he forms an unlikely relationship with the wild-spirited Galina. This breaks all the rules…
When and why did you begin writing?
Our of university. I wrote a love story. Sent it to Mills and Boon who told me it was too dark for their readers. Independent publishing was not available as an option at that time. So I put my novel in a drawer.
I continued writing. It was fun. I loved to do it.To imagine impossible situations, and a creative way out of them.
I started writing stories for my nieces and nephews with them in it. Written out of love
Around 2010 I was following independent writers like Joanna Penn and Mark Dawson, learning about the steps in the process and how you could craft a novel that stood proudly on the shelves next to all the traditionally published authors.
I took a break from corporate life to undertake research for a PhD. I found the style of writing stifling. I couldn’t be me. So one morning when I was stuck, I gave myself permission to rewrite my thesis in my own messy voice. And that thought kept me sane.
So I wrote a short book called Engagement Whisperer: A quieter and more collaborative approach to inspiring your team based on my research I then dusted off Over Byron Bay and published it as well. And then I kept going
To date I’ve written 7 novels across the romance/action-adventure and mystery genres and 7 non-fiction books that are a combination of business books and travel memoirs.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Such a good question. So many writers have difficulty declaring themselves to be a writer. Including myself. I had been writing, but not publishing for many years. I felt like a fraud to call myself a writer
What inspired you to write your first book?
I loved stories that took you on an emotional rollercoaster. Great love. Huge Loss. Journey back to whatever normal is. My first novel was over 20 years in the writing – including a lot of time sitting in a drawer. It’s called Over Byron Bay and is a friends to lovers trope – all about inconvenient timing and tragedy, drawing together and tearing apart two friends. Writing creates a safe and wonderful place to explore scenarios.
Do you have a specific writing style?
I like to read, fast moving stories in interesting places around the word like those written by Heather Rose, Dan Brownor Jeffrey Archer. For me, every word has to fight for the right to be on the page. Every sentence needs to either move the story forward or help the main protagonist along on their personal journey.
I dislike fluff and padding – and I know that as a result, some readers have told me the story has sometimes moved too quickly.
How did you come up with the title?
There are survival competitions happening around the world. Being able to build a shelter, find food and cope with ‘being alone’ are core.
Australians also have a fascination with an animal believe to be extinct. Its official name is Thylacine although it’s more common name is Tasmanian Tiger. If you’re not from Australia, you’ve probably never heard of the animal that was last seen alive in captivity in1936. Since then, there have been reported sightings with multiple groups sharing of theories and photos, ever hopeful that it still exists.
There’s symbolism, mythology and heartache around the Tasman Tiger? Why is this so?
Firstly, the thylacine's extinction is often viewed as a tragic symbol of human impact on the natural environment.
Secondly, the thylacine was an iconic species in Tasmania and the broader Australian consciousness. Its extinction left a lasting mark on the national psyche. It serves as a reminder of the fragility of Australia's unique wildlife.
Thirdly, it’s a symbol of hope. Despite being declared extinct in 1936, there have been numerous unverified sightings and reports of the thylacine over the decades. These reports keep the mystery alive and fuel speculation that small populations might still exist in remote areas. The possibility of rediscovering a species thought to be extinct is thrilling. It offers a sense of hope and a potential scientific breakthrough that captivates both the public and researchers.
There’s also a great deal of scientific interest in the animal with its extinction providing valuable lessons for conservation efforts. Understanding what led to its extinction can help in protecting other endangered species. Additionally, advances in genetics have led to discussions about the potential for "de-extinction"—bringing back the thylacine through cloning or other methods.
This scientific possibility fascinates many and adds to the intrigue.
The thylacine continues to appear in books, (like my latest novel, Alone with a Tasman Tiger), documentaries, and films, which helps keep the story alive in the public imagination. Its enigmatic status makes it a compelling subject for storytelling. It was therefore a cheeky choice to call my book – Alone with a Tasman Tiger.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
An experience – rather than a message. I want them to enjoy the story, set in the Australian wilderness and the high sea. I’m hoping that they will be enchanted by our protagonist and amateur sleuth, Galina and her character arc.
What would you like my readers to know?
That it is a work of fiction, escapist fiction, and I hope – a great read.
There are several key animal relationships in the story that I understand you love. With both domestic and native animals.
And readers can be reassured that this cozy mystery is full of relatable and likable characters, that there’s a puzzle to be solved (no more details here today) and a guaranteed feel-good ending.
Link to promotional video below.
Interview with my husband
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