Monday, June 20, 2016

Aftermath by Joe Reyes Interview & Excerpt

Book 1
Joe Reyes

Genre: Young Adult Post-Apocalyptic

Publisher: Wasteland Press

Date of Publication: April 29, 2016

ISBN: 1681111128

Number of pages: 284
Word Count: 79, 722

Book Description:

Aftermath is a growing series about war, love, brutality and most of all, survival. What was once the United States has become a savage post-apocalyptic environment where the worst of the worst prosper and the remaining good hide.

The series features a brutal setting, where seven characters in different parts of the United States must adapt to this new environment. The "fight or flight" mentality plays into the story, as the nation is divided into factions fighting for control of the country. The government is outnumbered, outgunned, and forced into hiding as well to recoup their forces. The novel follows a fast paced momentum from the first page to the last word. The plot pits these characters against the elements and each other, with plot-lines intertwining on opposite sides of the war effort. And one character's quest for revenge can jeopardize not only the war outcome, but the reshaping of the entire nation.

With an ever-changing storyline and evolving characters, the Aftermath series gets more intense with every chapter. But what these characters don't realize, the terrifying evil is making its way across the ocean.

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Excerpt: Sara
“People and beans again?” a raggedy-looking man says as Sara passes him a plate. He glares down, disappointed, at the meal of perfectly cut human flesh and a side dish of green beans. Sara hands out more plates to the group of men huddled around a fire.
“When you guys kill something other than people, you’ll get something else to eat,” she says with a sarcastic smile, walking off.

About the Author:

Joe Reyes has never been afraid to go for what he wants in life. His goal is to be a full time published author and is taking all the steps necessary to make that dream a reality. He hates when he hears about people who give up on their dreams.
His writing style is fast paced. When he wrote his novel Aftermath, he wanted it to feel like a television show. Joe doesn’t like boring descriptions. He finds filler scenes to be a book killer and makes sure that every chapter has an immediate purpose or a purpose later on.

1.     Where are you from?
I am originally from Brooklyn. My parents decided we should move to New Jersey when I was around 5. I’ve lived in the same house for 21 years now and my hope is to make enough money that my parents can move to a 55 and older community and I can stay in the house I grew up in.
2.     Tell us your latest news?
I’ve been incredibly busy promoting my first novel, Aftermath. I have about 7 different Twitter accounts that I have been using to gather followers and promote my book. I have a website, Facebook and any other social media I’m able to come across.
3.     When and why did you begin writing?
I started back in high school with little short stories and film festival things. Early on, I knew I wanted to be a writer and have been doing everything I can to make sure that happens. I want to make a career out of something I both excel in and am happy doing. I don’t want to be someone who, at the end of their life, was afraid to go for what they wanted and settled.
4.     When did you first consider yourself a writer?
As soon as I decided that this was the career I wanted to pursue. Most people say they want to do something, but I “do” when I want something. Like I said before, I knew early on what I wanted to do and everything since that day has been tailored to that career goal.  
5.     What inspired you to write your first book?
Pushing characters to their limit is something I love doing in my writing. There isn’t a better way to push than to have these characters fighting every day for their survival. Originally, Aftermath was just a simple short story I thought of at 1am that I started writing because I couldn’t sleep. Then I combined it with another short story I came up with and created more characters. Eventually, as I flushed out the story more, it became a full-length novel.
6.     Do you have a specific writing style?
I’ve been told my style is very unique. Aftermath doesn’t read like a normal book; it feels like you’re watching a TV show. The story cycles between different characters quickly so I don’t have any filler scenes. There is a fast pace with short chapters and no dull moments. I get bored reading most books, especially when they take forever on descriptions and superfluous character building. I find they tend to drag on.
7.     How did you come up with the title?
The story takes place a few years after the inciting event so Aftermath was a perfect fit for it. Most of the time I come up with a title and then build a story around it.
8.     Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Aftermath shows what would happen if society were to break down and people were forced to rely solely on themselves for survival. It is a scary scenario that I, personally, don’t find too farfetched. Most people react out of fear for their own mortality and the book exploits that using a variety of different characters. 

9.     How much of the book is realistic?
I think that if society were to be wiped out, it would start rebuilding in the same way as in the book. Multiple factions would rise up, the government would struggle to rebuild, and leadership would be taken by whoever possesses the most guns. It’s a scary scenario.
10.                        Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Have you ever seen news reports with people rioting and looting? Imagine how badly and selfishly people would react if placed in a life threatening situation. Think about what you would do for food. Would you steal or kill someone? I’ve never been that hungry before, but I’m curious of what I would do in the same situation.
11.                        What books have most influenced your life most?
I’m a big fan of The Hunger Games. I have said before that I’m not a big reader, but I love the style of Suzanne Collins in that series. I like the short descriptions and the story’s fast pace. On the other hand, I hate the style of George RR Martin in A Song of Ice And Fire. I think the characters are too boring at times and the chapters drag on to the point that I can’t help but put the book down.
12.                        If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I can’t think of any. I don’t read as much as people imagine I do. I’m probably one of the only writers that doesn’t enjoy reading as a hobby. If I picked up a book, it would have to be because of great word of mouth and my own strong desire, rather than loyalty to a single author, even if I have enjoyed a previous work of theirs.
13.                        What book are you reading now?
None whatsoever. I’m not a big reader. I get bored reading books, most of the time, and would rather just watch the movie.
14.                        Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
I don’t know the names of enough authors to really say. I barely read so it’s hard to tell that someone is “new.”
15.                        What are your current projects?
I’m working on creating a superhero universe. I have a list of characters and their powers, so right now I’m working on each of their back stories. I want to give each hero their own book and tie them all in later on.
16.                        What would you like my readers to know?

My approach to writing is out of the ordinary and so is my style. I really want to be unique and stand out from other authors. My interests span all genres and I am always open to and trying new things. When I write I like to push myself to come up with new and out-of-the-box ideas to see what I am able of coming up with. I hope you all enjoy my story and let me know what you think.  

Twitter: @JoeReyesAuthor

Instagram: @JoeReyesAuthor

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