TITLE – Knight Defender
SERIES (& Book #) – The Knight Chronicles #3
AUTHOR – Rue Allyn
GENRE – Scottish Medieval Romance, Historical Romance
LENGTH (#Pages/# Words) – 146 Pages
NOTE – Can Be Read As A Standalone.
Sent alone to Scotland to wed a wild scot and serve the needs of her father and her king, Lady Jessamyn plots to escape the marriage and make the life she wants. In Scotland she finds not the wild boorish monster she imagined but a Knight Defender who would claim her heart, if she will only give up her dreams.
Baron Raeb MacKai is done allowing himself and everyone he loves to live in poverty and despair. His betrothal to a wealthy English heiress will solve a decade of problems. He will do everything necessary to defend his home and his country, but can he defend his heart?
“Unhand me.” She pushed against the massive chest and writhed in the arms cradling her body. He gathered her closer, mashing her cheek against him. For an instant, his blazing gray eyes held her spellbound as tightly as his strength gripped her body. Unable to look away, she shivered, but not with cold. The odor of damp wool and man nearly drowned her. All sound faded away save her own harsh breathing. “Ho, ho!” His chuckle was impossible to miss. “So you are no dying, are you then? Well liars and deceivers must suffer the consequences of their actions.” She refused to be intimidated. She forced her head away from him. “Is rudeness the customary greeting for your guests, Baron MacKai? I’ve a mind to refuse to wed you. Then King Edward will decline to pay you rent for docking his ships in your excuse for a harbor. “You think you could resist me?” More chuckles shook his chest. “It would be a small matter to deny an oaf such as you.”
When not writing, loving her spouse, or attending Toastmasters meetings, Rue travels the world and surfs the internet in search of background material and inspiration for her next heart melting romance. She loves to hear from readers, and you may contact her at contact@RueAllyn.com. She can't wait to hear from you.
Book 1 in the series - "Knight Errant" - has been nominated for a
2016 Rone Award
Please take a moment to head over and cast your vote
help the author win this award - Thank You!!
Lady Juliana Verault gladly left England - and its men - far behind in her quest to live as a Beguine. But the Christian community ceases to provide a safe haven when she's called to travel to Palermo, Italy, where she's entrusted with a letter from the pope that could radically change the church's stance on women. Juliana holds the key to upending the power structure throughout Europe, but only if she can dodge her cousin, King Edward I of England, and his plans to marry her off as political leverage.
Edward sets Sir Robert Clarwyn, a knight errant and loyal hunter of criminals and traitors, on Juliana's trail to retrieve her. Robert has never failed to bring home his target before . . . but then, he has never encountered a quarry like Lady Juliana, who can befuddle and bemuse him with just a smile. If he can't find a way to compel her to return to England, he'll lose any chance of regaining his family lands and redeeming his heritage. Yet Juliana must complete her mission or risk endangering her gender's future in the faith.
With danger and intrigue mounting, Robert and Juliana must rely on each other and be willing to risk everything . . . including their hearts.

Thank you for supporting the Knight Defender release blast and Knight Errant's nomination in the RONE award voting.