Friday, April 1, 2016

Daylight by Cheree Alsop Giveaway & Playlist

Liora Day’s fate entwined with the crew the day she joined the SS Kratos. Fleeing the Coalition in their attempt to destroy the Omne Occasus before it falls into the wrong hands, the captain and crew band together to save not only their ship, but the fate of the Macrocosm against those who would use the machine for harm. Liora’s heart is caught by Tariq, the damaged, brooding medical officer, but his past is entwined with hers in a way that makes a relationship nearly impossible.
Despite their acceptance, Liora’s presence endangers the ship, the crew, and everyone she meets. She must confront both the demons of her youth and the dangers of running from the Coalition in her fight to save not only the galaxy, but also what is left of her heart.
This book is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, iBook, Google Play, and many other ebook places. Here is the link to Amazon:

Links to buy books:
All of the books are currently under production to become audio books. Many are already available. Check them out here: Audio Books
My books are now available on Google Play! Find them here: Google Play

The songs from my playlist that helped to inspire this book:
Ghost Town by Adam Lambert
Let It All Go by Birdy
Tell Me Why by Three Days Grace
Narrow Mouth by The Early November
Brave Hands by Head North
Undone by Paerish
The Emotion by Borns
Technicolor Beat by Oh Wonder
Bones by Scavenger Hunt
Hell To Pay by Five Finger Death Punch

Cheree Alsop grew up on a farm in Utah where she spent morning and night working with animals. Her step-father is a beekeeper as well as a farmer, and so her schooling in the art of honey gathering, animal care, and tending to crops has been tempered by a strong work ethic and an appreciation of hard work and patience. She studied animals on her spare time and became entranced in particular with the North American timber wolf.
Cheree has worked a variety of positions in both the health and marketing industries, including a project manager for a major essential oil corporation, an executive officer for multiple medical clinics, and a designer for CEO presentations. She has ghost written books on health and essential oils and designed pamphlets for business marketing. Cheree has taught high school music classes, and enjoys reading aloud to her daughter and twin sons. Her husband has a successful Chiropractic clinic and she is currently working as a free-lance writer and mother. She is also the bass player for the rock band Alien Landslide.
Cheree and her husband moved from Texas after he earned his Chiropractic degree. They currently live in Utah where they rock out, enjoy the outdoors, and plan great adventures. Cheree is a member of the DFW Writer’s Workshop and the League of Utah Writers, and has an Associate Degree in Creative Writing. She loves reading, writing in stolen moments between being a stay-at-home mom and wife, enjoying time with her daughter, and playing with her twins while planning her next book.

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