Ain't She Sweet Release Party
With Author Marie Force
Welcome to an exclusive interview with Author Marie Force, for the launch of Ain’t She Sweet, Book 6 in the Green Mountain Series. Since All You Need Is Love was released in 2014, the Green Mountain Series has stolen the hearts of readers, and Fred the Moose has earned himself a cult following. We’re excited to share this launch with Marie, and we hope you love Marie’s answers as much as we did!Make sure you enter for our a special rafflecopter contest at the end of this post for some great prize packs that all include:
- Your own set of signed copies of each book in the Green Mountain Series
- A Green Mountain bracelet
- Fred the Moose
- A gift card for $25
- Maple Syrup
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First we’ll start off with a fun one, who is Fred the moose, and who are his loyal followers? Marie: Green Mountain readers met Fred in chapter one of book one, All You Need Is Love, when city girl Cameron Murphy ran her brand new Mini Cooper into Fred on a dark mountain road. When Will Abbott came upon the scene, he was far more concerned about the health of the town moose than he was about the city girl’s brand new car with the crushed front end. It was the start of a beautiful romance between Will and Cameron—and Cameron and Fred, who shows up with enough regularity that Will’s dad surmises Fred has a crush on Cameron. Much hilarity ensues any time Fred pops in for a visit, which is why the readers eagerly look forward to his appearances in each of the Green Mountain books. The Green Mountain Series features the Abbott, Stillman, and Coleman families. Where are Charley and Tyler in the Green Mountain family tree? Marie: Charley falls square in the middle of the Abbott family at number five out of ten siblings. She’s a self-proclaimed pain the rear, and you won’t hear her siblings deny that she’s one prickly, pushy, pain the butt. But they love her anyway, and so does Tyler, who’s been trying to get her to go out with him for ages. He doesn’t stand a chance with her until she falls off a mountain, and he sees his opportunity to come to her rescue—in more ways than one! This book follows the story of Charley and Tyler, can we expect everything to go smoothly for them, or will they hit a few road bumps along the way? Marie: This is a romance novel! The course of true love never runs smooth, and Charley and Tyler are in for a wild ride before they find their happily ever after. Their story has all the things readers have come to expect from this series—meddling family members, sibling bickering, hot, steamy love scenes and a visit from Fred the moose! Ain’t She Sweet is set in picturesque Vermont, how do you use this landscape to pull out the stories of your characters? Marie: The mountain tapestry offers up a lot of opportunities for story, such as when Cameron arrives in the midst of mud season (and yes, mud has a season in Vermont), or when Charley falls off the side of a mountain during a snowy run. The characters love to ski and snow-mobile, among other activities that require toasty fires in the wood stove and down comforters to keep them warm. ;-) Time for another fun one! What are Charley and Tyler’s favorite food, color, car and sport? Marie: They prefer cars with four-wheel drive, such as Tyler’s Range Rover, to get them around in the mountains during the winter. They both love to run, as you’ll see in the opening chapters of Ain’t She Sweet. As for the rest, well, you’ll have to read the book and decide for yourselves! Thanks for joining us today, and for giving us the opportunity to learn a little more about your latest book!
About the Book
Charlotte “Charley” Abbott has gone out with every guy under thirty-five in Butler, Vermont—except for one. Tyler Westcott’s attempts to date her may be determined, and frequent, but Charley can’t stand how he acts like he knows her better than she knows herself. So when Tyler turns up at the running club Charley joined to train for a marathon, she’s almost ready to quit before she even gets started. Tyler knows that behind Charley’s prickly personality and dismissive attitude is a sweet woman he wants in his life. And when Charley suffers an injury while training, Tyler is ready to prove that the perfect man for her has been right there all along…
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About the Author
Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of 50 contemporary romances, including the Gansett Island Series, which has sold more than 2.3 million books, and the Fatal Series from Harlequin Books, which has sold more than 1.2 million books. In addition, she is the author of the Green Mountain Series as well as the new erotic romance Quantum Series, written under the slightly modified name of M.S. Force. All together, her books have sold more than 5 million copies worldwide!
Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.
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