A Daughter’s Doubt
by Richard Audry
The mystery itself was interesting and fast paced. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen until it was revealed …
~I Wish I Lived In a Library
~I Wish I Lived In a Library
I loved this book with it’s historical aspects and I also enjoyed learning about the fun things they did in the summer in Mackinac Island …
~Community Bookstop
~Community Bookstop
A Daughter’s Doubt
(Mary MacDougall Mysteries)
3rd in Series following 2 Novellas
Historical Cozy Mystery
Conger Road Press (March 15, 2016)
Print Length: 204 pages
Mary MacDougall’s first case of 1902 seems simple enough.Just before the 19-year-old heiress leaves for a summer holiday on Mackinac Island with her Aunt Christena, she’s hired to stop in a little town along the way and make inquiries. Did Agnes Olcott really die there of cholera? Or were there darker doings in Dillmont?Mary’s mentor, Detective Sauer, thinks it’s merely a case of bad luck for the dead woman. But Mrs. Olcott’s daughter suspects her detested stepfather played a hand in her mother’s untimely death.With the reluctant help of her aunt and her dear friend Edmond Roy, the young detective struggles to reveal the true fate of Agnes Olcott. As she digs ever deeper, the enemy Mary provokes could spell disaster for herself and the people she loves. But in the end, it’s the only way to banish a daughter’s doubt.
About The Author –
Richard Audry is the pen name of D. R. Martin. As Richard Audry, he is the author of the King Harald Canine Cozy
mystery series and the Mary MacDougall historical mystery
series. Under his own name he has written the Johnny Graphic middle-grade ghost adventure series, the Marta Hjelm mystery, Smoking Ruin, and two books of literary commentary: Travis McGee & Me; and Four Science Fiction Masters.
Purchase Link
Link for Novellas – http://www.amazon.com/Mary-MacDougall-Mystery-Duet-ebook/dp/B010EAQWRK/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1454707194&sr=1-2
Where are you from?
I’m Minnesota born and bred. I was
born in Duluth, at the western tip of Lake Superior. And I’ve spent my adult
life in Minneapolis.
Tell us your latest news?
The newest development is that my
third Mary MacDougall historical mystery, A
Daughter’s Doubt, is now officially out as both a Kindle e-book (free for
Kindle Unlimited readers) and paperback. It follows the first two Mary
MacDougall novellas.
When and why did you begin writing?
I began writing during college for
the student newspaper at the University of Minnesota. Why? I had always wanted
to be a writer, since my book-loving teenage years. I couldn’t imagine a better
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I received my first check for
a published review. It was for $20. Good money back in the day. I worked
professionally as a journalist and copywriter for many years. I’ve only been
writing fiction intensively the last four or so years.
What inspired you to write your first book?
I read a terrific fantasy novel by
the great Jack Vance, and thought I’d try my hand. I ended up with a 120,000-word
epic that had its good points, but just as many flaws. It received a number of
nice rejections, and then I put it in the drawer, where it has remained to this
Do you have a specific writing style?
No, not really. I think I write in
styles that are appropriate for the genre I’m working in. And I write cozies,
historical mysteries, and middle grade. Each requires something different.
How did you come up with the title?
For my Mary MacDougall tales, I
make them alliterative. The first is A
Pretty Little Plot; the second is The
Stolen Star. Since the third book features a daughter desperately seeking
the truth about her mother’s death, I came up with A Daughter’s Doubt.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
My books don’t have messages, per
se. But one thing I try to make clear is that the paths open to women were
quite different 115 years ago—rather limited, as you might expect. But my
heroine, Mary MacDougall, aims to change things and upsets not a few apple carts
along the way. And there were real women doing the same thing at that time.
Remember, women couldn’t even vote for president at that time.
What would you like my readers to know?
My heroine, Mary MacDougall isn’t
perfect. In fact, in the new book she acts impulsively at the end, in her
effort to solve the case. You’ll have to read the book to
find out what happens. But I can tell you this: She learns a lot and grows a
lot, while taking plenty of bumps and lumps.
Thanks so much for helping to get word out about Mary MacDougall and her third mystery, A Daughter's Doubt... D. R. Martin (Richard Audry)