Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cockpit by Kate Deveaux Interview & Giveaway

Throttle Up
Book One
Kate Deveaux

Genre: Erotic Romance 

Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Date of Publication: June 3, 2015

ISBN: 9781419991868

Number of pages: 65
Word Count:  30,000

Book Description:

It seems turbulence isn’t always caused by weather.

Throttle up as past loves collide…

High school sweethearts re unite forty years later at 37,000 feet.

Fifty eight year old commercial airline pilot, Bobbi Cooper, gets a blast from the past when her high school sweetheart, Mack McConnell, appears as one her first class passengers on her 747 transatlantic flight to London.

Used to being in control at all times, Bobbi is reeling from a crummy marriage and she must learn at Mack’s capable hands that losing control can be oh so sexy.

Available at  Amazon   BN   Ellora’s Cave

There was silence. Then the familiar sensation of her stomach being dragged down, right down to her standard issue black shoes. G force. It was the same every time.
Flicking off the autopilot and taking control of the 747, Bobbi gripped the throttle in her right hand, fearlessly pushing it forward. Slow and even. The plane bounced and shook in the wake turbulence of a passing 767. The muffled sounds of passengers’ outbursts at the sudden drop mingled with the clatter and clang of the galley carts that Bobbi damn well hoped were secured as she’d ordered.

They had to head to higher airspace. Now.

About the Author:

Kate Deveaux is a contemporary, erotic romance writer and die-hard romantic. It was after reading Jane Eyre in high school, that she became hooked on the idea of writing about romance, excitement and drama. Kate has been penning stories, from the sensual to the sinfully sexy, ever since. 

A former wedding planner, Kate has always been "in love" with love!  She was inspired to transition from writing racy short stories to full length manuscripts after meeting other authors in the romance world at industry workshops, conferences and events. Originally from England, now resides in the U.S. with her husband. When she’s not writing or reading, Kate can be found on the tennis court—yes, there’s even "love" in that game too!

Street Team Kate’s Kittens:


Where are you from?  Originally from the UK. Now I live in the U.S.

Tell us your latest news? My latest news…my much awaited release of Cockpit (it was so super fun to write) and also A Vixen in Venice this week. J

When and why did you begin writing? I have been writing as long as I can remember, first letters and short stories in elementary and then racy hot stories in college when I found my “voice” so to speak.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?  I think it was when I started working on my first full-length novel.

What inspired you to write your first book? The short stories just sort of happened, one after another, but the idea for a full-length book had already been in my mind. It was after my wedding planning career was ending, when I had a little more free time and I could really launch into writing that ‘novel.’

Do you have a specific writing style? I like to think I write with a sensual fluid style. Hard for me to judge that for myself but I do hear from readers that I’m a vivid and evocative writer.

How did you come up with the title? Oh, I knew it was THE title for this book the moment I wrote the outline for the book. It just seemed like the perfect word to sum up an erotic romance set on a 747.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Live life to the fullest, take chances and don’t just live…LOVE.

 How much of the book is realistic? Okay well that’s a great question. The aviation scenes are pretty realistic; I researched those to make sure they were correct. The sex scenes, well hey, if you meet Mack then you know they are all realistic J

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? I think every author cannot help but project a little of themselves or someone they know or may have met into their books. It’s a sprinkling of experiences from all over mixed with a very good imagination.

What books have most influenced your life most? From my formative years, Judy Blume for sure. She was frank in her writing and I grew up with her tackling some pretty intense topics at the time. ‘Forever’ was my first real romance I ever read, I loved it then and still do for all it’s candor and for allowing me as a young woman to see how intimate love could be. Since then writers from Maeve Binchy to Opal Carew have influenced me.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? That’s a tough one. I’ve only met her at conferences, but I’d have to say Opal Carew as I love her work and love how she handles her career.

What book are you reading now? Oh, summer reading for me, a couple Elin Hildenbrand, Boy Toy by Lily Harlem, Played by the Master by Opal Carew, and A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle, again, (love that book and I hope to visit France next year). Quite the eclectic mix but that’s me.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest? Tracy Garvis Graves caught my attention and I love her books.

What are your current projects? I’m finishing up Bottoms Up a sexy cocktail themed book and Hot as Hades.

What would you like my readers to know? How much I appreciate their support and their comments when I am on a blog tour or when they read my books. The readers make it all worthwhile. 

Tour giveaway

5 $10.00 Amazon Giveaways

3 Copies of  ebook Bride Undone

3 Copies of ebook Platinum Pleasures

2 Copies of ebook Academy of Love

2 Copies of ebook Sail Away With Me