Book Title: Blue Waters
Author Name: India R Adams
Genre: Young Adult/Romance
Hosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours

Blurb: "The blue water I sank through was angelic, quiet, peaceful…" Whitney is a vivacious, highly spirited 17-year-old girl. Her motto, "Live life to the fullest" is derailed when the young man, who's captured her attention, turns out to be the son of a drug tycoon- the same that provided the drugs that killed her brother. Whitney believes she simply need to heal from her first heartache, not knowing she is a part of a devious trade, one against human rights, and she has been… since the day age was born. Blue Waters is the first Novella in a Tainted Waters, and begins a story of deception, corruption, self-discovery, and love with all that it demands you sacrifice… "There was a beauty in dying that day…"
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29207112-blue-waters
Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Waters-Tainted-Water-Novella-ebook/dp/B01BFSOD5S
Author Bio:

When did you first
realize you wanted to be a writer?After writing my first book, Serenity. That book was a healing tool,
only. I sent it to my best friends and was floored with their responses, saying
something magical was there. Research told me that is what family and friends
always say, not to trust their opinion. So I sent Serenity to people who had no
soft spot for me. I was already writing my second book, Destiny, (because I
simply couldn’t stop) when I received more reviews informing me that I don’t
completely suckwhen telling a story. So I continued to write… and write…
How long does it take
you to write a book?My first drafts usually
come together in a month. But then it can take years to get the manuscript
where I want it. Blue and Black Waters are the last books I’ve written, and broke
the rule of taking years to produce. Especially Black Waters. Link’s story was
out of me and ready for editing within a couple of months. After writing so
many other books, I’ve learned a lot and getting better at my job.
What is your work
schedule like when you're writing?Now being published, it has changed. I used to do nothing but write
but now I have many more social media accounts and emails to contend with.
What would you say is
your interesting writing quirk?Uh,
I’m not really sure. I’ve been told I am able to make readers cry then laugh,
all in the same scene. Does that count?
How do books get
published?With a lot of freaking
work! Hahaha…
Where do you get your
information or ideas for your books?Visions. I get a detailed vision of one scene and run with it. And
once it starts, it pours out of me.
When did you write your
first book and how old were you?Umm, I think I was about 34.
What do you like to do
when you're not writing?Read. I LOVE to read a
good story. Other than that I love bomb fires in the winter and floating in the
lake in the summer. My husband and kids are a hoot. Their sense of humor can
entertain me always. Example? The character Whit, in Blue Waters, her fun side
is created of one of my teenagers. She’s my rebel without a cause and a
complete nut!
What does your family
think of your writing?Now they love it. Before,
it was very hard to adjust to. They lost a part of my to writing as I became
consumed into my work. They paid heavy prices for the stories my readers love.
What was one of the most
surprising things you learned in creating your books?That my imagination is limitless. That I have so
much to say. I knew my heart was deep but learned it is bottomless.
How many books have you
written? Which is your favorite?Umm, I’ve only published 6 so far but I’ve written about 20 with
another 20 waiting for me to get back to them. The way my next release are
scheduled out, I won’t get to the next 20 for about 2 years.
Do you have any
suggestions to help me become a better writer? I was told once, “Keep writing. There is a lot to be learned in the
process.” They were so right. I didn’t have the money for writing classes so I
had to teach myself. Write, rewrite, read my own work, then rewrite again.
Do you hear from your
readers much? Yes! Such a treat! What kinds of things do they say?Well, I write about heavy subjects. Abuse, human
trafficking… so, I get a lot of readers who reach out to talk about their
experiences. So many brave victims have opened up to me, thankful to learn they
are not alone.
Do you like to create
books for adults?I write YA and NA.
What do you think makes
a good story?Heart and characters.
Period the end. If you lack heart, you lack connection. Not all my stories have
an original idea. Steal Me for example is very everyday stuff but has become a
favorite book for many. I believe it is because of my characters. They are
exposed and raw with relatable flaws. Now in Rain, I’ve invented a species.
Rain is more of an original idea but I still think my characters carry the
As a child, what did you
want to do when you grew up?Sing.
I’m no Whitney Houston, nor will I ever be, but damn I sure love to sing.
What Would you like my
readers to know?That they rock for
supporting you. Unless you write, you are clueless to the sweat and tears that
goes into this line of work. So, yeah, I’d want them to know they rock.
Visit her at:
Website: http://www.indiaradams.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IndiaRAdams
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheIndiaRAdams
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/India-R-Adams/e/B01BLPKULQ

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