Nun But The Brave
By Alice Loweecey

Alice Loweecey has done it again with this knock out fast-paced read that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
~Shelley’s Book Case
~Shelley’s Book Case
Wonderful, awesome, superb, this is a series that you will love!
~My Funny View of Life
~My Funny View of Life

Nun But The Brave
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Publisher: Henery Press (July 12, 2016)
Paperback: 292 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1635110494

Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Publisher: Henery Press (July 12, 2016)
Paperback: 292 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1635110494

Giulia Driscoll’s sister-in-law barges into Driscoll Investigations and promptly passes out from OD’ing on an unknown drug. Two OD’d teenagers are found dead in the park and behind a convenience store. DI’s new client insists her missing twin sister is not dead and enlists Giulia as the “Missing Person Whisperer.” Hooray for steady work?The missing sister’s trail leads to married, pregnant, ex-nun Giulia’s first experience with online dating sites, to the delight of her husband and employees. Those dates lead her to local Doomsday Preppers. They grow their own everything, and that everything may be connected to the drugs, her sister-in-law, and the missing twin. These Preppers are about to learn the true meaning of doom.
Books in the Giulia Driscoll Humorous Mystery Series:
(prequel short story)

About The Author –
Baker of brownies and tormenter of characters, Alice Loweecey recently celebrated her thirtieth year outside the convent. She grew up watching Hammer Horror and Scooby-Doo Mysteries, which might explain a whole lot. When she’s not creating trouble for Giulia Falcone-Driscoll, she can be found growing her own vegetables (in summer) and cooking with them (the rest of the year).
Where are you from?
Buffalo, New York:
land of the wing, Ted’s Hot Dogs, and eternally disappointing sports teams.
I bet you
though I was going to mention the “s” word.
Tell us your latest
My latest book
is Nun but the Brave, in which Giulia
Driscoll goes undercover in a Doomsday Prepper camp, AKA the land of tinfoil
hats. The research for this one was a descent into Wonderland. Did you know
there’s such a thing as “Tactical Bacon”? It’s cooked bacon in a can, with a delightful
image of an assault rifle on the wrapper. You can buy it on Amazon.
I also write
horror and have a vampire horror/mystery coming out with Strigidae Publishing
later this year under my pen name of Kate Morgan. I’m keeping my brands
separate because my horror is real gory scary horror, completely unlike my funny
Giulia mysteries.
When and why did you
begin writing?
Age 9. I was a
voracious reader as a child and also kept making up stories and poems. I
continued poetry writing through my angsty teenage years, producing much angsty
teenage poetry. This was long before the internet and I shredded all those
poems many years ago (you’re welcome).
Because I grew
up on horror, I wanted to write horror as well. The only short story I saved
was an overwrought, scenery-chewing piece set during the Salem Witch Trials. I
save it as an object lesson never to write like that again.
When did you first
consider yourself a writer?
In high school,
one of my non-angsty poems won a local literary prize. This was my first and
last literary piece, but I won a silver-plated bowl. It’s engraved and
everything. I was thrilled.
What inspired you to
write your first book?
Hammer films
and HP Lovecraft. My dad raised me on Hammer films. Starting when I was five
years old, we used to watch late-night Friday movies together with a big bowl
of popcorn and cans of Pepsi. Then we’d watch the Saturday afternoon scary
movies, then I’d go read another Lovecraft story.
Many years
later, I wrote the book that became The
Redeemers, published last year by Dark Recesses Press.
Do you have a
specific writing style?
Yes and no. I
put on one hat for mysteries and another for horror, but my books tend to be
heavy on dialogue and action. I admit that my first drafts can been light on
description. My poor characters sometimes get stuck in a white room with
nothing to stand on or look at. Thank goodness for editing!
How did you come up
with the title?
I have a list
of “none” expressions which I test out by substituting “nun.” My husband came
up with the title for the fourth book (May 2017): The Clock Strikes Nun. He’s extremely clever with puns. I have to write
them out first.
Is there a message in
your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Nope. I want my
readers to relax and laugh and forget about stress for awhile. I dislike
message books. One of the best compliments I received from a reader was when
she told me she took Nun too Soon with her when her father was in Hospice and
it made her smile which was a momentary relief from everything.
What would you like
my readers to know?
I hope Giulia’s
adventures make them laugh and give them cocktail party trivia. All the
research is used to make the books authentic. There is such a thing as placenta
Author Links:
Website: www.aliceloweecey.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alice.loweecey
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AliceLoweecey
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