Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Guardians by C. Evenfall Giveaway & Interview

The Guardians
The Wraith of Carter’s Mill
Book Two
C. Evenfall
Genre: Paranormal Fiction
Publisher: Book Authors and Artists
Number of pages:80
Word Count: 25,000
Cover Artist:Sherry Thoman

Book Description:

The Guardians is the second novella in the series titled; The Wraith of Carter's Mill. The series will include three novellas published in Kindle format. A paperback compilation will include a fourth story, which will only be available in the paperback edition, and will be available late 2014.

Shyanne learned in her teens that like the living, the dead would stop talking to you if you ignore them long enough. After the death of her parents, that is precisely what she did. What good was a gift that allowed the dead to speak with her if her own parents could not? For a year after the accident, she waited, waited for one of them to come to her like the others did, longing for just one more chance to tell them that she loved them. They never came.

By high school graduation she had given up all hope of seeing them again and in the place of that missing hope, resentment filled the void. Every time she saw a spirit or heard a voice, she shut it off, refusing it entry like any unwelcome visitor. By the time she finished her first year of college, spirit siting’s were rare, and if she did see one, it usually lurked at a distance, watching her warily until it evaporated. Shyanne was determined to keep it that way.

An incident during her second year at college reveals her secret to an onlooker. Years later, someone who has witnessed her ability to see and speak to the dead, seeks Shyanne out. She must decide whether to use her gifts to help a haunted family. Shyanne must rely upon spectral Guardians to lead her in the right direction, or risk opening the door to a dark entity that has plagued her family for a century.

Available at Amazon

About the Author:

C. Evenfall grew up in a small fishing village in Eastern North Carolina. The area was rich with history, ghost stories and unexplained phenomenon; all fodder for the vivid imaginings of a young girl. She began “collecting” stories at a young age.

At aged six, C. Evenfall experienced the paranormal firsthand and has been seeking answers ever since.

Her fascination with the unexplainable and her love for old family ghost stories inspired her to write a collection of novellas. Each inspired by the experiences passed down through her family for generations.

C. Evenfall resides on the Carolina Coast with her husband, a self-proclaimed skeptic. She loves him anyway and the two complement each other perfectly.

Publisher’s Facebook:


Where are you from?
I am from the coast of North Carolina.

Tell us your latest news?
The latest news for me would be the release of Sensitives and The Guardians. The first two novellas in my series, The Wraith of Carter’s Mill.

When and why did you begin writing?
I have always been the family recorder/historian and have been the one who wrote down family stories. Just last year, my daughters encouraged me to write and publish my own versions of some of the paranormal accounts that have been handed down in my family.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I think I have always thought of myself as a writer. In 2012, with the release of my first novel, I finally felt like an author.

What inspired you to write your first book?
Sensitives was inspired by my own paranormal experience and the story developed around experiences that have been shared with me.

Do you have a specific writing style?
I think so, I think every writer does. I particularly enjoy writing where I have the opportunity to through in some “low” country dialogue and a bit of history.

How did you come up with the title?
The Guardians is the sequel to Sensitives and is about my protagonist and her relationship with the spirits who guide her. I refer to them in the story as her Guardians.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
I would just hope that I somehow manage to spark the imagination of my readers.

How much of the book is realistic?
Well, personally, I believe most of it is realistic but that would depend on how much of a skeptic the reader is.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Some are based on events in my own life and some are based on accounts told to me by other people, people who I trust and believe.

What books have most influenced your life most?
Well, I really enjoy paranormal fiction and I am a huge Anne rice fan. I think that her novel, The Violin inspired me most. I think Anne’s writing style shined in that novel, which was not as popular as her vampire and Mayfair witch series. She imprinted part of herself in that one, and I felt that I knew her a little when I finished it. I hope someday to write something as profound as that.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
That’s a hard one. There are so many who’s work I truly admire. Honestly, I would have to say George R.R. Martin. He creates worlds and other times in his work, I think of him as a master epic fantasy writer.

What book are you reading now?
Currently I am reading There Be Dragons by Sharon Penman.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
I recently read a fascinating fiction account of the Salem Witch trials written by a descendant of one of the convicted. The story is based on true events and real people but the story is fresh and new. The title; Puritan Witch ; The Redemption of Rebecca Eames by Peni Jo Renner. Excellent new author !

What are your current projects?
Currently, I am hard at work to complete The Wraith of Carter’s Mill series. The third novella, The Forgotten is in the editing phase now and I am writing the fourth novella, which will only be available in the paperback compilation edition later this year.

What would you like my readers to know?

Sensitives and The Guardians are classic ghost stories based on true accounts.

Tour giveaway
5 Kindle Gift copies of The Guardians

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi there,
    Glad to be on your site this morning, thank you for having me.

  2. I like the paranormal aspect of the book, can't wait to read it!
