Virtual Tour
Editors: Alexander S. Brown and Louise Myers
Featured Book Release:
Southern Haunts: Devils in the Darkness
May 26 to June 1, 2014

About the Editors: Alexander S. Brown: Alexander S. Brown is a Mississippi author who was published in 2008 with his first book, Traumatized. Reviews for this short story collection were so favorable that it will be released as a special edition. Brown is currently one of the co-editors/coordinators with the Southern Haunts Anthologies published by Seventh Star Press. His horror novel, Syrenthia Falls is represented by Dark Oak Press. He is also the author of multiple young adult steampunk stories found in the following anthologies Dreams of Steam Vol 2 & 4, Clockwork Spells and Magical Bells, and Capes and Clockworks. Look out for his controversial piece, “The Last Lamb” found in the anthology, Luna’s Children.

About the Editors: Louise Myers: Louise Myers was born in New Orleans. During her teenage years, she was uprooted from everything she knew and was replanted in Mississippi. Though the transition was difficult, she is grateful for this change. She says this because she knows that both places are a world all to their own. She is the wife of a wonderful husband and mother of three beautiful children, as well as the proud parent of a spoiled mutt. She was assistant editor for Southern Haunts: Spirits That Walk Among Us and was proud to be part of The Southern Haunts Series once again. She is a beta reader, book doctor, editor, and author. Though this is her first story in print, she has been weaving tales for many years. With the gentle, yet firm, shove from a very special person, she has decided to dive into the world of print. She has many thoughts on several topics she’d like to write, mostly involving ghost stories.
Guest Post:
My tremendous love of
history was the driving force behind my story, Battle for Vicksburg. This story provided me the opportunity to
step into the shoes of those who have touched the world.
a time of social media, and being ever hopeful of writing that one post which
will gain fame, it is valuable to note that the most admirable of historical
figures gave no thought whatsoever to themselves. They simply stood up and
served the cause that they believed in.
have the tremendous benefit of living in Vicksburg, Mississippi which is home
to the Vicksburg National Military Park. While writing my story, I would drive
through the park and try to put myself into the mindset of the Confederate and
Union soldiers who fought and died in the Mississippi heat.
always make it a point to avoid a pitfall that is common among those who look
at historical events. It is a condition that causes the observer to look at
yesterday through the eyes of today. Such a mindset steals from the writer a
true sense of the people being studied.
writing about the American Civil War, I am only concerned with what was in the
hearts and minds of those fighting and dying. I will leave the political
viewpoint to someone else.
Vicksburg National Military Park was invaluable in gaining the insight needed
to compose my story. To stand in a place so beautiful and know the valor that
was shown by people who long ago stood on the very same spot, was a
truly humbling experience.
would look out over the grass and trees, thinking about the fear that one time
filled this beautiful location. It must surely have been like a bowl left in
the kitchen sink with the faucet running. Fear leaving the confines of the
young soldiers’ bodies and minds to fill the atmosphere. A primal scream from
young men who wanted nothing more than to go home.
is my hope that somewhere in the hereafter, a brave soldier who fought and died
right here in my town, will feel the respect I tried to convey in my story. The
courageous men who stood and fell with honor in Vicksburg, Mississippi have
never been forgotten.
for a writer can be pulled from many different places. Mine came from the
tremendous sacrifice made by those who lived long before I was born. It is my
sincere wish that should my story slip through the ether and reach those I have
written about, it will be viewed as a fitting tribute.
"by Della West, author of the included story Battle for Vicksburg"

Book Synopsis Southern Haunts Devils in the Darkness: From the fiery abyss of the underworld comes 20 hellish tales from the south and southwest. Within these charred pages are stories that will introduce you to the many demons that stay hidden but are always nearby… 20 authors provide stories of possessed people, objects, houses, highways, and the devil’s favorite playground - the forest. Dare to meet Deidless, a demon who is a buyer of souls. Discover what kind of demons men can summon. Read of battles between good and evil. Learn of ancient artifacts and stones that crave sacrifice. Finally, become acquainted with legions of evil. Again, we invite you, sit back, dim the lights, and prepare yourself to meet the devils in the darkness. Southern Haunts: Devils in the Darkness is the next installment in the exciting anthology series that began with Southern Haunts: Spirits That Walk Among Us.
Anthology and Editor Links:
Twitter: @AlexanderSBrown @louisemyers197
Tour Schedule and Activities
May 26 I Smell Sheep Guest Post
May 26 Novel-ties Review
May 27 Deal Sharing Aunt Guest Post
May 28 Armand Rosamilia Guest Post
May 28 Book in the Bag Interview
May 29 Spellbindings Guest Post
May 29 Bees Knees Reviews Guest Post
May 30 Beauty in Ruins Guest Post
May 31 Vampires, Witches and Me Oh My! Guest Post
May 31 Sheila Deeth Blog Guest Post
Amazon Links for Southern Haunts: Devils in the Darkness
Print Version
Kindle Version
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