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Title: Finding Sage
Series: The Rogue
Book # or Vol #: 1
Author: Logan Judy
Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Dystopia, Paranormal
Formats: E-book and paperback
Publisher: Logan Judy
Cover by: CCR Book Cover Design
Pages: 358 pages
ISBN: 9781497543232
Date Published: March 30, 2014
In the future, some people known as rogues exhibit supernatural abilities. That’s not a good thing, however, because the global government hunts them down and executes them, imprisons them, or forces them to become assassins. Silas is such a rogue. He lives day by day constantly paranoid about his chances of survival. So when a wide-eyed hobo offers him a solution to his problems, a mysterious man who the U.N. seems desperate to find, he follows, not having the slightest clue what he’s just stepped into.
Alice hides a dark secret. Many rogues have come and gone in past years, but if people only knew how dark her so-called gift was, they would reject her. Attack her. Kill her. Where can she turn?
Sage is the one that connects them. The one that offers hope to them both. Little is known about him and precious few have seen him. So why is he the only one that the U.N. is afraid of?
Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Click. Clack.
Carter cringed with every step as he heard the metallic clashing of the chains that bound his wrists and ankles. United Nations soldiers surrounded him: one at each side, two behind, and two in front. They walked with their firearms close to their chests, ready for action at any moment. He scanned his surroundings, looking for an exit: blank white walls, glass security panels, and grey tile ceiling. Blue uniformed soldiers guarded every door, and he saw the door to his doom approaching. He could see no windows looking into the room, only a solid white wall and the grey door, guarded by two soldiers.
Click. Clack. Click. Clack.
The soldiers stopped at the door. They exchanged a few words, told the guards of the door why they were there, showed their I.D.s, then entered the room. It was far less menacing inside than Carter had imagined. There were none of the flickering bare light bulbs, blood stains, or pungent aromas of decaying bodies that he had conjured in his mind’s eye. The room, like everything he had ever seen in this building, was remarkably and shockingly bare. So bare, in fact, that it was creepy. Was this routine for them? Was it normal? Was there nothing extraordinary, nothing even immoral about what they were going to do?
They walked him to the wall on his left, and a touchscreen panel popped up. One of the soldiers pressed a few buttons and he felt his wrists and legs pin against the wall.
“Sure is a sticky situation, eh?” remarked one of the soldiers to his buddies. Soldiers often made comments like this, but always to their friends. Common soldiers were forbidden from talking to prisoners, especially rogues.
Ten gunmen filed in from a door on the opposite wall and lined up with their guns pointed upwards. Behind them approached an agent, instantly recognizable with his black and blue suit. He held his military stance with his hands behind his back and recited the appropriate words.
“William Carter Jackson. You have been found in violation of Sovereign Order 21, which dictates that no biologically outstanding person, defined as those exhibiting phenomena deemed supernatural or otherwise extraordinary, shall be allowed to live, under the equal opportunity statutes of the first United Nations Sovereign Order. Your crime has been deemed punishable by death, and will therefore be carried out in a swift and humane manner, by firing squad, authorized by this Agent Sebastian Jefferson. Do you have any last words?”
Carter lifted his head and established eye contact with the agent.
“Yeah, I do.”
He waited for the soldiers to shift, to listen to what last words he had. None of them budged, but that didn’t change what he had to say.
“What’s so wrong with having good hearing?”
“Ready arms,” said the agent.
The boy refused to break eye contact. He looked the agent in the eye, determined in a last act of ideological rebellion that they would not ignore him.
All ten rifles fired at once. Blood spattered the wall behind the boy and spread into pools on the ground. The force broke the wall’s magnetism, leaving the boy lying upon the ground.
One of the soldiers who had escorted the boy knelt down and took a look at him.
“Affirmative,” he said. “We’re clear for the clean-up crew.”
I’ve found that a lot of mainstream music (music with words) distracts me. So instead I listen to soundtrack music. I actually made this playlist on Spotify, so you can probably look it up. I named it “Soundtrack Awesomeness.”
1 x E-Book Copy of Finding Sage
Where are you from?
I grew up in a small southern Indiana town. And when I say small, I mean we only had one
stoplight and the only chain restaurant we ever had was Quiznos, which has
since shut down. It was miniscule. I moved up to northern Indiana to go to
Purdue, and have been up here since.
Tell us your latest news?
I’m about half-way through drafting the sequel to Finding Sage. After that, I’m planning a space opera
novella and a post-apocalyptic story about a guy who used to be a
superhero. I’m really excited about all
of that, but I also think they’re going to come a little slower than I’d
like. That isn’t a bad thing though; it
means it’ll be higher quality.
When and why did you begin writing?
I started writing when I was 12. I always liked coming up with my own stories
or doing twists of things I liked. I
read Eragon by Christopher Paolini
and found out that he was just a teenager (14, I think) when he finished his
first book. That motivated me to start
writing right then instead of waiting until I was older and better. That’s a great lesson too, because you don’t
get better by getting older; you get better by writing more.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Probably the first time I completed a first draft. I’m really bad about starting things and not
finishing them, and the diligence to finish is something that sets a writer
apart from a guy who writes sometimes.
That moment was when I saw that I could do that. I felt even more like a writer when I
published my first book, which was quite a while after that.
What inspired you to write your first book?
The first book I ever wrote I never published and it was an
epic fantasy novel. I was inspired to
write it because I’d read a lot of it and I really enjoyed it, so I figured I
could create a story of my own. It was
really born out of a desire to explore realities besides the limited one we
live in, which is why I’m so fascinated by science fiction and fantasy to start
with. As for Finding Sage, the first book I published, I was more inspired to
write it because we always see people with powers portrayed as celebrities and
heroes. So I just thought “What would it
be like if they were hated instead of loved?”
What would you like my readers to know?
That I’m here to stay.
Writing is my passion, so I’m not just going to stop and disappear if my
work isn’t as successful as I’d like.
I’m going to keep writing simply because I love writing. If you want to follow me, I have pages on
Facebook and Twitter. I especially like
Twitter, and I use the one account as both my personal and “author”
Twitter. My Facebook page is and my Twitter handle is @loganrjudy. I also have a website at and you can sign up for
my newsletter there.
Tour Schedule - One Week Blog tour for Finding Sage by Logan Judy from May 26 to June 1, 2014.
May 26
The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl - Spotlight with Excerpt
The Idle Musings of a Writer's Mind - Spotlight with Excerpt & Top Ten
Karen Swart - Spotlight with Excerpt, Author Interview, Dream Cast & Playlist
Eclipse Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast & Playlist
May 27
Deal Sharing Aunt - Spotlight with Excerpt & Author Interview
Our New Generation for Reading - Spotlight with Excerpt
Becca Anne's Book Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt & Dream Cast
Night Owl Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast, Top Ten & Playlist
May 28
Cofffee Books & Art - Spotlight with Excerpt, Guest Post, Top Ten & Playlist
MI Bookshelf - Spotlight with Excerpt
Bookworm for Kids - Spotlight with Excerpt
MHZ Book Reviews and Giveaways - Spotlight with Excerpt
May 29
Book Hostage - Spotlight with Excerpt & Author Interview
Bajgajka Loves Books And Giveaways - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast & Playlist
The Avid Reader - Spotlight with Excerpt, Author Interview, Dream Cast, & Playlist
Raven Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt & Top Ten
May 30
Breny's Book Obsession - Spotlight with Excerpt
Indy Book Fairy - Spotlight with Excerpt
A Cauldron of Books - Spotlight with Excerpt, Dream Cast, Top Ten & Playlist
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom - Spotlight with Excerpt
May 31
2 Girls & A Book - Spotlight with Excerpt
Bound 2 Escape - Spotlight with Excerpt
Angels with Attitude Book Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt, Author Interview, Guest Post & Playlist
Bookraptured - Spotlight with Excerpt & Playlist
June 1
Sweet Treat Reading Reviews - Spotlight with Excerpt
Step Into Fiction - Review
Author Christy Sloat - Spotlight with Excerpt & Guest Post
Fiction DReams - Spotlight with Excerpt
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