Title: Final Hours (Love In Time Book 1)
Author: Cate Dean
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: March 24, 2014
One man’s death will change the future.
Only two people can save him – if they have the courage to trust each other.
Elizabeth Barritt fought hard for the life she has, finally putting the ugly memories of a childhood trapped in the foster care system behind her. She has the chance to move forward, to reach out for a new, exciting future, surrounded by the art that is her passion. All she has to do is take the first step.
Enter Jackson Kane, who bursts into her life, literally out of thin air. He is a time traveler, on the hunt for a rogue agent. Colliding with Elizabeth is not on his agenda, as much as she intrigues him.
When Kane is injured protecting Elizabeth from that agent, she makes a decision that will change her life, in ways she couldn’t even begin to grasp. She takes him home.
Once he is healed enough to travel, Kane goes after the agent, chasing him back to war-torn London. But his journey back takes a sideways turn, forcing Elizabeth to make another choice. She follows him into the past, to help him stop one man from changing their future.
Together, they learn to trust. What they don’t expect is the connection between them - a connection so strong they can’t fight it, even as they try. Because how can it work, when their lives are centuries apart?
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Add to GR - https://www.goodreads.com/series/124394-love-in-time
Elizabeth knew, when she saw his eyes change, just what he
had planned as he stalked back across the lab.
She couldn’t move, could hardly breathe.
When he swept her up and his lips possessed hers, she
expected a hot, fierce, angry kiss. Instead, his lips gentled, exploring hers.
The effect was devastating.
He broke through every barrier she’d spent years building,
and she felt her heart open to him, trembling, vulnerable.
Both arms reached up to wrap around his neck, and her
fingers slid into his thick, unruly hair. He tasted like mint. She let out a
low moan when he eased her mouth open, deepening the kiss. She forgot their
audience, forgot her fear of becoming attached to a man who would leave her
alone, forgot everything but the feel of his lips, the strength of his arms,
the heat of his body.
His hand slipped up her back, tangled in her hair as he
angled her head, pulled her in deeper. Heat spiraled through her, and the need
to get closer had her arching in to him.
She could feel his rapid heartbeat, hear his ragged breath
as he started to lose control. Or was that her breath, so fast and hard it made
her lightheaded?
Kane broke off the kiss, staring down at her.
“God help me,” he whispered, just before he dove in again.
This time it was fierce and hungry, and she rode the wild
emotions, abandoning any attempt to hold back. His demanding mouth, the hands
curving over her hips and pressing her tight against him refused to let her
She lost herself in the heat, in the need for another person
she had never felt before. A need she protected herself from, in a life that
had no guarantees, and more disappointment than she thought she could ever take
and stay whole—
This time she broke off the kiss, fighting to catch her
breath, terrified that it was too late. Kane rested his forehead against hers,
his own breathing just as labored. “I simply meant to say goodbye.”
“That was some goodbye,” she whispered.
“Too much?” Humor edged his deep voice.
With a quiet sigh, he pressed his lips to her temple. “Ready
for this?”
His laughter soothed her nerves. “I need you to ease your
death grip on my neck, love.”
The endearment had her tensing again. Oh, yes—it was too
late. She liked him before they landed in his time. Now she wanted him. How the
h*ll was she supposed to forget the way his lips felt on hers, the raw,
uncontrollable emotion he stirred in her?
She lowered her arms, and Kane eased her to the floor. Heat
rushed across her face as everyone in the lab applauded.
To her surprise, Kane bowed, flashing a smile. “Thank you,
for your good wishes.” He took her hand, nodded to Mac, and led her to the
steps next to the platform. Sparks danced around the perimeter of the circle.
“Now I will give you a proper goodbye.” Her heart jumped as he leaned in, but
his lips touched her cheek, warm and brief. “Take care, Elizabeth Barritt. Be
proud of who you are, live your life for you.”
How could saying goodbye to someone she barely knew hurt so
much? Tears stung her eyes at his quiet words. He made it worse by brushing
hair off her forehead, his touch gentle, almost more intimate than kissing her.
“Please be careful,” she whispered. Her voice threatened to
lodge in her throat, along with her tears. She laid her hand on his left wrist.
“Guy is going to do whatever he needs to do to stop you.”
“The constant twinges will be a good reminder. Not a word,
Beth.” His fingers cupped her chin. “I will be ready for him. Now, I believe I
need to kiss you again. For luck,” he said against her lips, just before he
claimed them.
This time the kiss was achingly sweet, and far too short.
Kane ended it, tracing the line of her cheek before he backed out of reach.
I am a huge history buff, and with my English/Irish heritage, I have always gravitated to English history. That love has taken me across the pond on a regular basis for the last 15 years. I got to combine the thrill of being in a country I love with my research addiction. :)
The Love in Time series is the culmination of those trips - and my love for romantic suspense.
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Other Books:
The Claire Wiche Chronicles The Monster Files Short Stories/Novellas
Cate Dean
1. I
have been making up stories in my head since I was about five. Full blown, plot
and subplot stories, with multiple characters.
2. I
collect rocks and crystals from every place I’ve been. I even have a bit of
Roman stone from the 2nd century.
3. I
base most of my trips to England around castles, and I have been thrilled and
awed by every one I’ve been able to visit.
4. I’ve
had so many amazing experiences in my years as a traveler – one of my favorites
was dancing with a group of Arabic teenagers under a bridge on London’s South
Bank. I came across them dancing to a trio of musicians, and they pulled me in
to their revelry. I waltzed with three of the sweetest boys, kissed their
cheeks, and went on my way, smiling the rest of the night.
5. I
love to travel on my own. The absolute freedom, the immersion in the places I
go, the people I meet – I wouldn’t travel any other way.
6. I
grew up with the twins who played Tabitha on the series Bewitched. I am still
friends with one of them.
7. I
love cemeteries, and have visited my share – every type from the huge and
spooky Necropolis on the hill overlooking Glasgow Cathedral, to a small
graveyard surrounding the old church on Dover’s high street.
8. I
am a huge Doctor Who/Torchwood fan – and I went all the way to Cardiff
Bay to see where they filmed Torchwood. I’ve even touched a
TARDIS, and stood eye to eye with K-9.
9. I
love love love Red Dwarf. If you’re a sci fi fan, and you haven’t seen it, go
now. It’s smegging hilarious.
10. I am
a die-hard Anglophile – if you didn’t already guess. ;)
Welcome Cate Dean,
and thank you so much for taking time
out of your busy schedule to sit down for an interview with us. Can you tell us
a little bit about yourself?
I am a romantic
suspense and paranormal author. I have been writing since I was in first grade
– I still have the illustrated science fiction story I wrote for a school
contest. I am also a huge history buff, a travel addict, and a photographer.
Heading over to England every year hits all three addictions at once. I love
how travel opens my mind, feeds my spirit, and changes me, every time I go. I
am a visual writer, and I love being able to walk where my characters walk, to
feel and see what they experience in the story.
Tell us about your work.
What are you writing now?
I just wrapped up my
paranormal series, and my focus is on my romantic suspense series, Love in
Time. Book one is out now, and I have plans for quite a few books in the
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Everything – what I
watch, what I read, where I go. Travel has been a huge inspiration for me.
Since I travel on my own, I get to live as a temporary local, and experience
more than I would have as a tourist just passing through.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a
When I was fresh out
of high school. I was a theatre major, and I started writing fiction on the
side. I gradually blossomed from there.
What was the first romance novel you read that made an
impression on you?
The Flame and the
Flower, by Kathleen E.
Woodiwiss. It was the only book I read by her, but it sparked my love of
What do you do while you write? Do you listen to music,
watch TV, eat snacks, etc.?
Depending on what
I’m working on, I listen to music, or have the TV on in the background. I
rarely write in complete silence – I started writing in bookstores, with the
sound of voices swirling around me as I created my own worlds. I still write at
my local Barnes & Noble at least once a week.
Tell us 3 surprising things about yourself.
1. I am incredibly
limber – and yes, I can still do the splits, on both sides.
2. I am a direct
descendent of Betsy Ross.
3. I can write in
iambic pentameter – yes, I am a Shakespeare geek.
What’s the last movie you watched and loved?
I love movies, and
I’ve seen a few since watching this one, but I thought Argo was brilliant. Even though I knew the ending, the
suspense, and the question of how drove the story. I could go on and on and on
about the movies I love, so I’ll stop now.
What’s your idea of a perfect date?
An intimate dinner, a walk on the beach, kissing to the
sound of waves crashing on the sand.
If you could take a romantic trip anywhere, where would
it be?
The Dordogne Valley, in France. Gorgeous countryside,
castles, a winding river, and medieval villages – it has everything I’d want,
and more.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Absolutely. I had it happen to me, my first day of school in
sixth grade. The world did really stop, for the first few seconds I saw him. He
became my best friend, and we were inseparable, until he moved right before
high school.
Top three things on your bucket list:
1. Take the Red Carpet Lord of the Rings tour in New
2. Stand on every continent at least once.
3. Have my book on the NY Times bestseller list. J
Boxers or Briefs?
Boxers, definitely.
Alpha or Beta?
Alpha. Grrrrr.
Tattoos or Piercings?
Can I say both? I love both.
Brains or Muscles?
Brains – muscles are
pretty, but brains are – stimulating.
Planner or Wing it?
Both – it depends on
the situation.
Favorite feel good drink?
London Fog (Earl Grey tea with milk), on a cold morning in
Vanilla or chocolate?
Chocolate! Rich,
dark, melty chocolate.
Laptop or desktop?
Desktop at home,
laptop on the go.
Beach or mountains?
Beach, beach, beach.
Winter or summer?
Summer at the beach.
Thank you so much for taking the time to let us interview
you Cate Dean.
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