Tuesday, April 8, 2014

EXODUS 2022 by Kenneth G. Bennett Top Ten Guest Post and 2 Giveaways

Title: EXODUS 2022
Author: Kenneth G. Bennett
Genre: Sci-Fi Thriller (pre-apocalypse)
Audience: NA/Adult
Release date: May 20th, 2014
Publisher: Booktrope Publishing

Joe Stanton is in agony. Out of his mind over the death of his young daughter. Or so it seems.

Unable to contain his grief, Joe loses control in public, screaming his daughter’s name and causing a huge scene at a hotel on San Juan Island in Washington State. Thing is, Joe Stanton doesn’t have a daughter. Never did. And when the authorities arrive they blame the 28-year-old’s outburst on drugs.

What they don’t yet know is that others up and down the Pacific coast—from the Bering Sea to the Puget Sound—are suffering identical, always fatal mental breakdowns.

With the help of his girlfriend—the woman he loves and dreams of marrying—Joe struggles to unravel the meaning of the hallucination destroying his mind. As the couple begins to perceive its significance—and Joe’s role in a looming global calamity—they must also outwit a billionaire weapons contractor bent on exploiting Joe’s newfound understanding of the cosmos, and outlast the time bomb ticking in Joe’s brain. 

Book links:

Buy links:

Kenneth G. Bennett is the author of the young adult novels, THE GAIA WARS and BATTLE FOR CASCADIA, and the new sci-fi thriller, EXODUS 2022. A wilderness enthusiast who loves backpacking, skiing and kayaking, Ken enjoys mysteries, science fiction, action adventure stories and, most especially, novels that explore the relationship between humans and the wild. He lives on an island in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and son and two hyperactive Australian Shepherds.
THE GAIA WARS series was optioned for film by Identity Films, LA in 2012, and both GAIA and BATTLE have been featured as Top 100 Bestsellers in Teen Literature and Fiction on Amazon. Kirkus Reviews called THE GAIA WARS “A solid first entry of a promising, imaginative new young-adult fantasy series featuring a well-crafted character.”

Top Ten Guest Post
1)   What are the top ten things you couldn’t live without on a deserted Island?

First off, I’d want this to be a deserted island in Southeast Alaska. Not a desert island. I don’t do well in hot weather. I need snow and mountains and big trees.

Things I’d have to have with me:

-       My wife and son
-       Our Australian shepherds, Indigo and Bear
-       Good coffee
-       Good beer
-       A nice supply of food.
-       Tools, so we could build a cabin in the woods
-       Kayaks
-       Guns, so we could hunt
-       Fishing gear, so we could catch salmon
-       A small library of great books

Author links:

-        tour wide giveaway
1 Kindle Fire
15 signed paperbacks
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Deal Sharing Aunt's Giveaway! 1 ebook copy! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for featuring EXODUS 2022 on your site and for the fun post! I appreciate the opportunity.

    Best wishes,

    Kenneth G. Bennett

  2. This story sounds very exciting and original. I like the whole everyone losing their minds for no reason . I love an apocolyptic type tale so this sounds great to me

  3. Great post. Thanks for the giveaway, too.

  4. The one thing that affected me the most was the intense love and fear in the story. Hope to read it.

  5. Feeling helpless in a situation you don't know. Interesting plot by the way.

  6. I enjoyed reading how the author's novels explore the relationship between human and animals
