Tuesday, October 11, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge Finale

ok, these are the last few days of the challenge. phew!
Day 27~ A problem you have, or have had in the past.~ Like many people I have problems with my weight.
Day 28~ Something that you miss ~ I miss working. I miss working with the public, and I miss the routine.
Day 29~ List 10 people, dead or alive, that you would invite to dinner. Include the menu. This is an easy one. I would invite my dad. I would also invite my 2 sisters and my brother. My mom too, That is 5. My brother's father in law, and my sister's in laws (all 3 passed away before they could meet their grandkids). My nieces and Nephew. I would love to see my dad hold his grandkids again. I would also love for the kiddos to meet their other grandparents. I wouldn't need to invite anyway famous, because my dad got along with everyone, and he can tell us all about the people in heaven. The menu is also easy. Corn on the Cob, and SALT. There were so many times that I went out with my dad and told him not to eat salt, because of his health. I would also have ice cream for the kiddos!
Day 30~ Goals for the next 30 days~ be more consistent!
Thanks for following me through this, and I learned about myself along the way. I hope that my readers did too!


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