Saturday, September 29, 2012

Autmn Blog Challenge follow up~

Day 26 - Write about a friend or how to be a good friend?
I figured that I would write what I think are the qualities of  a good friend... easy to reach... non judging.... huggable.... honest.... and most importantly forgiving. of other people and of life

Day 27 - Make it funny: Roses are red....
Roses are red
violets are blue
that is NOT what your wife said
And now you are in very deep doodoo

Day 28 - Post the best landscape photo you have ever taken.~~~ Actually my hubby took this on our carport... It is so pretty... :)

Day 29 - You just found $500 cash. You can keep it, no questions asked. What would you do with it?
Go on a day trip! and spend the rest on Christmas gifts :)


  1. I took that Pic right after a thunderstorm it was a lucky shot there where two of them in the same aera !!!

  2. Love the rainbow pic! Your poem made me laugh :)
