Thursday, October 17, 2024

Liddy-Jean Marketing Queen and the Matchmaking Scheme by MARI SANGIOVANNI Interview


Fiction / LGBTQ / Romance

Publication Date: June 11, 2024

Publisher: Bywater Books


Novelist and filmmaker Mari SanGiovanni introduces readers to the irrepressible Liddy-Jean Carpenter, a matchmaker with special talents who will charm readers with her wit, wisdom, and sensibilities in this warm, enchanting love-is-love office romance.


Liddy-Jean Carpenter has learning disabilities. But she also has a surprisingly genius plan.

While she spends her days doing minor office tasks with nobody paying attention, she sees how badly the wand-waving big boss treats the Marketing Department worker bees. So, she takes lots of notes for a business book to teach bosses to be better.

While compiling pages of bad behavior notes, she finds she likes office-mate Rose and Rose’s new friend Jenny. But she doesn’t like Rose’s creepy boyfriend. So how can she save Rose?

Liddy-Jean knows with certainty that love is love, and she concludes that Rose should be with Jenny, bosses should do better, and everybody needs the services of Liddy-Jean, Marketing Queen.

About the Author

MARI SANGIOVANNI is a novelist, filmmaker, screenplay writer, and owner of Love Is Love Productions. She is the author of the award-winning novels, Greetings From Jamaica, Wish You Were Queer, Camptown Ladies, and 80% Done With Straight Girls, and she wrote and directed the award-winning short film, The Sibling Rule. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, she splits her time between Boston, MA, and Coventry, RI.



Tell me more about your journey as an author, including the writing processes.


My name is Mari SanGiovanni and I am an author of four books, the latest of which, Liddy-Jean Marketing Queen, was released in June, 2024. I am also a filmmaker, screenwriter and director and CEO of a small independent film production company called love is love productions. I also have a full time job in corporate as a Product Development professional for a global retailer (that is nothing like the company that Liddy-Jean works for!)  I am  trained designer and artist who was lucky enough to graduate from Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in illustration, which came in handy to design my own book jackets…and make films.


I started writing because many years ago there were hardly any LGBTQ friendly books for the community, unlike today. There were even fewer films, so when I started writing, I actually was writing with the sole purpose of someday making a film. I’m in my 50s now it was very different back then. Now, everyone talks about visibility and inclusivity, and it’s wonderful. But I still find that we really don’t have inclusive representation as we should in the entertainment industry and in novels. When I wrote my first three books (a trilogy of novels)  it was because I felt like there was a lacking of entertaining and feel good stories for gay women to relate to. So, I wrote the type of stories I would have wanted to read, stories where gay characters were integrated into an Italian family much like my own, and stories that I hoped made people laugh. There were many tragic stories out there about the coming out process and how difficult it all was, but not so many romantic comedies! 


Tell me about your Book


Liddy-Jean Marketing Queen was written at a time in my career that I was feeling unhappy working for a large corporation. I work for a great company now, but back then, women were not treated with respect. The inspiration for the story came on a day when I was particularly frustrated with my job. I was walking down a hallway and I glanced into the marketing department where a young woman with down syndrome was happily doing some simple tasks as part of a work program. We made eye contact and there was something in the way that she looked at me that made me think: I wonder what this crazy place looks like from her perspective?  That was the day Liddy-Jean Marketing Queen was born in my head, but I didn’t start writing the book until 20 years later, after my rom-com trilogy was published. My first in the series was published in 2007.


The book genre is a little hard to categorize! It is narrated by a young woman with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who is blessed with an amazing sense of justice and humor! I guess you would call it women’s fiction, or general fiction, but I am published by an LGBTQ publisher, and there is also a subplot with a female/female love story woven through the book, so it is officially classified as an LGBTQ Romance. I check a lot of boxes with this book, but I hope the story is a universal one.


This book would be appropriate for  any reader with a sense of humor and a good heart!  I wrote it for adults, but it would be appropriate for a young adult reader. I think a woman of any age could relate to the frustrations of being in a  crazytown work environment, longing for a love they have never had, or a love they have had, and lost.


Any message for our readers


I want people to read this book just for the entertainment value! First and foremost I hope they get a kick out of the main character and how intelligence could be looked at in so many different ways. I hope they receive the message that a differently abled individual can bring to the table gifts that others cannot.




Liddy-Jean Carpenter has learning disabilities, and a genius plan. While she spends her days doing minor office tasks with nobody really paying attention, she sees how badly the boss treats the Marketing Department workers. So, she decides to write a business book to teach bosses how to be better.  Liddy-Jean loves working with Rose and her new friend Jenny, but she does not like Rose’s creepy boyfriend, so she sets her sights on saving Rose. She knows that love is love, Rose needs her help, bosses should do better, and just about everybody needs the services of Liddy-Jean Marketing Queen!

My first 3 books were a popular trilogy about an eccentric Italian family which follows tMarie Santora and her two siblings as they attempt (and often fail) to navigate each other’s love lives.  The books are popular with LGBTQ readers, and anyone with an offbeat sense of humor! 

Trilogy: Greetings From Jamaica Wish You Were Queer, Camptown Ladies, 80% Done With Straight Girls.


Contact Links





Instagram: @SanGiovanniMari


Purchase Link


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The Nephilim’s Fate by Eliza Hampstead Excerpt

The Nephilim’s Fate
War of the Nephilim Series
Eliza Hampstead

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Date of Publication: 16. August 2022
ISBN: 979-8837459108
Number of pages: 307
Word Count: 87K
Cover Artist: Rio B Nugroho

Tagline: She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.

Book Description:

In the heart of London, Alissia's ordinary life takes a thrilling turn when she is attacked by bloodthirsty vampires. When Nate, the man she dreamed about for years, swoops in to save her, her reality shatters as she discovers a shocking truth: she's a witch, and he's a Nephilim. But their love is cursed, forbidden by ancient laws that threaten to tear their world apart.

As old rivalries resurface and dark secrets come to light, Alissia and Nate must confront their deepest fears and fight for their love, even if it means igniting a war between Heaven and Hell.

With unforgettable characters, steamy romance, and gripping plot twists, this captivating new fantasy series by award-winning author Eliza Hampstead delves into a world of angels and demons, forbidden love, and the inexorable power of fate.

Excerpt 1 Wielding magic for the first time:

Letting the magic come to me in the same way it had begun in the park, I smelled pine needles and mushrooms. At that moment, I wanted to push to get it deeper, but I forced myself to stay relaxed and let it flow through me while I told the plant how terrific it would be outside.

Sun, water, and CO2 for photosynthesis, all were waiting for her if she would come out of the soil, and that my magic would help her grow faster, that she doesn’t have to wait any longer. The feeling of earth magic got stronger, and the inner picture before me was bathed in green. I said the words of the spell. After that, I focused again on the plant, imagining how the seed germinated, how the sprouting fought its way to the surface, how the seed leaves opened, sheeting the seed coat, and how the first leaves developed and opened.

Suddenly, I heard clapping. Losing my concentration, I opened my eyes. Umbra stood before me, a broad smile on her face.

“You did it!”

I frowned for a second before I looked down. The seedling stood before me, the seed coat next to it on the soil. Exactly how I had imagined it. I put my hand in front of my mouth, tears welling in my eyes.

“I did it. I did it!” I jumped up and down, clapping my hands. I was a real witch! I could do magic, after all! Full of joy, I embraced Umbra and circled her around while we both laughed.

About the Author:

Award winning author Eliza Hampstead, a scientist by training, lives with her family in the UK. When she's not writing, she spends her time as a geek. Playing all sorts of games (board games, video games, RPGs) and being a big fan of medieval history are only a few of the many hobbies she has. Passionate about fantasy, she's always planning her next adventure.
Sign up for Eliza’s newsletter to get exclusive updates on new releases, behind-the-scenes author news, and exciting extras like character interviews, maps, playlists, and bonus chapters that bring the books even more to life!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

#HotAndHandy by Lynne Hancock Pearson Excerpt & Giveaway

Lynne Hancock Pearson
Publication date: October 15th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Everyone in town loves the handsome handyman.
Everyone except his new neighbor.

Out of jail and desperate for work, Vincent scrapes by with odd jobs. He’s hired to help the gray-haired lady move in next door but stumbles when he finds nothing old or feeble about Hilary.

Rejected by her husband after her body rejected implants, the breast cancer survivor shuts out Vincent until a kitchen appliance crisis forces her to accept his help. Convinced that he could do better, she keeps the younger man at a distance, but he persists, building her confidence and coaxing her out of her colorless cocoon.

With the hot handyman by her side and in her bed, Hilary develops a community program bringing at-risk youth into the building trades. But not everyone wants to see the ex-con succeed. An old foe is determined to derail Vincent, and Hilary is caught in the chaos.

She’s ready to retreat. Ready to leave everything behind—including Vincent.
Can he convince her to stay?

#HotAndHandy is a small-town, reverse age-gap romance between two people starting over after being kicked to the curb by life and love.

Goodreads / Amazon


It was Friday, and Vincent hadn’t seen Hilary all week, even though they shared the same address. They’d texted, though, and agreed to happy hour on her deck, with him bringing the drinks and her providing the food. Taking the stairs two at a time, he smiled at his own eagerness. Last week was great. Her enthusiasm for setting up the training program was contagious. Tonight, they would work on a proposal to present to Iris and Ali, to get KBS on board. And hopefully, they’d do some more kissing. He stopped himself from thinking beyond that. After all Hilary had been through, he did not want to rush her. His cock argued otherwise; thus Vincent started and ended each day with a cold shower.

He shifted the six-pack of beer and bottle of wine in his arms to rap on the door. No one answered. Glancing over to the driveway, he confirmed Hilary’s car and bicycle were both there. Through the windows of the French doors, he saw her purse and car keys sitting on the counter so he tried the doorknob. Unlocked, he pushed the door open and called, “Hey, you okay?”

“Not really. Can you come back here?”

Dropping the booze on the table, he hustled to the bedroom, expecting more blood. The room was empty. “Hilary?”

Her voice came from the en suite bathroom. “In here.”

He peeked in to find her rooted to the floor, arms crossed over her chest, facing away from the door. Seeking her reflection in the mirror, he caught the disgusted look on her face. “What’s wrong?”

“There was a huge-ass spider. It startled me, and I dropped my glass, which shattered on the floor. I can’t move because I’m afraid I’ll cut myself.”

“I’m thinking you should give up day drinking,” he said, taking in the broken glass and Hilary’s bare feet.

“It was a glass of water.”

“Maybe buy plastic stuff. You and glass don’t seem to get along.” He grinned at her growl of annoyance.

From his examination of the floor, his eyes moved upward and widened. She wore bright pink panties and a matching camisole. Nothing else. He swallowed. With clothes, she was hot. Without, she was dynamite. Long firm legs, tight rounded ass, flat belly, and toned arms. She may not have tits, but Hilary was sexy as hell.

“Are you going to stare, or are you going to help me?” Bright red dots sat high on her cheekbones.

He cleared his throat. “Yeah, umm…give me a second.” He pulled off his T-shirt and placed it on the floor at the base of Hilary’s bed. Then he leaned into the bathroom and grabbed a hand towel from the rack. “I’m going to wipe down the backs of your legs in case there are any pieces of glass on them.” Glass crunched beneath him, and he was thankful to be wearing shoes. He crouched, and carefully ran the towel down the backs of her thighs and calves. She tightened at his touch, and he heard a sharp intake of breath. He spoke gently as he would to a wild animal, “Your legs look fine. I’m going to pick you up and put you on the end of the bed. We’ll do the fronts of your legs, and then your feet.” He glanced up to catch her nod, then tossed the towel over his shoulder as he rose to stand next to her. A pulse beat rapidly in the hollow of her throat. He grinned at her reflection. “I promise not to drop you.” With one arm behind her knees and one arm around her shoulders, he scooped her up and carried her to the bed. He placed her down so her feet were above his T-shirt on the floor, and knelt in front of her. Her slim foot was silky smooth, and he concentrated on looking at the skin of her legs and feet, trying not to inhale the provocative scent emanating from the juncture of her thighs. “I didn’t know you were afraid of spiders.”

She huffed and crossed her arms again. “I’m not afraid. It startled me. Did I not mention it was a huge-ass spider? It had to be the size of a dinner plate.”

“Really?” He sat back on his heels, trying not to smile. “And what happened to it?”

“I don’t know.” She waved an arm in dismissal. “It probably scuttled back down the drain, laughing at me. I’m surprised you didn’t hear me scream.”

He picked up his T-shirt and wrapped the towel in it, chuckling as he stood. “I didn’t see any glass, but I’m going to shake these out over the garbage can and put them on the washing machine. Then I’ll grab the vacuum cleaner. Don’t move until I get back. There might be bits of glass in the carpet by the door.” Looking up, he caught her gaze on his chest and abs…and lower. He slowly straightened, not bothering to conceal the proof of his arousal.

The red spots were back in her cheeks. “Fine. I’ll be here.”

Author Bio:

Lynne Hancock Pearson writes fun, flirty, feel-good fiction that simmers at low heat. Set in the Pacific Northwest, they are stories of people finding their way, even if it takes a while to get there.

She lives near Seattle with two and a half finicky felines and one long-suffering husband. She is a left-handed middle child who grew up in the Great White North and is a proud member of the Métis Nation of Canada.

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THE STAFF OF BECKONING by Praneet Menon Interview & Giveaway

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE STAFF OF BECKONING by Praneet Menon Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:


Author: Praneet Menon

Pub. Date: September 18, 2024

Publisher: Kaaran Publishing

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 390

Find it: Goodreads

"Menon’s storytelling is sharp and deliberate, blending high-stakes action with introspective moments ... Addictively readable!" —BookView Review

The more we know, the less we understand ...

In the meticulously-crafted world of Leakarha, where epic fantasy, mythos, and ancient prophecies intertwine, the existence of its inhabitants is shaped by forces beyond their control.

Adir Nathar's tough childhood and prescriptive, quiet life in the village of Marafel made him yearn for more. He got what he wished for, but not in the way he expected. His proximity to an inexplicable death made him the target of revenge, forcing him to flee from his family and home, seeking only safety and a fresh start. But existence had other plans.

The Khasmia Shadow, a secret society with a divine purpose, is hunting Adir, unbeknownst to him. Their purpose: rid the world of a destructive creature called a venna, using the sacred Staff of Beckoning. Leakarha itself is undergoing a seismic shift. Rakhor, terrible demonspawn, are being seen in increasing numbers!

As the Khasmia Shadow closes in on him, Adir is thrust into an existence-altering journey across Leakarha with companions new and old. Driven deeper into his own shadows, Adir starts to realize that he may not merely be a piece to be moved but rather the key to the game itself.

The Staff of Beckoning, the first book in the series A Symphony of Spheres, is an epic fantasy tale of identity, destiny, and purpose. Blending elements from science fiction, mythology, and dark fantasy, this gripping narrative is perfect for readers who enjoy complex characters, intricate world-building, and expansive sagas. If you've enjoyed series like The Wheel of TimeThe Kingkiller Chronicle, and The Prince of Nothing, then this book is for you.





About Praneet Menon:

Born and raised in India, Praneet’s life began immersed in a medley of cultural, linguistic, and spiritual traditions that sparked his passion for storytelling. Then, he moved to the United States and has now spent more than half his life there. The two cultural backgrounds have led him to embrace a fusion of Eastern and Western philosophies that deeply influence his writing. 

Praneet also spent the better part of two decades working as an engineer and flight instructor, which instilled in him a precision that he brings to his existence-building, pursuing that perfect blend of reality and fantasy. His exploration of philosophy and psychology at an early age allows him to imbue his stories with age-old themes of identity, purpose, and destiny. These themes play a central role in his debut novel, The Staff of Beckoning, Book 1 of the series A Symphony of Spheres.

Praneet lives in Vermont, embracing a homesteading lifestyle, community involvement, and writing while pursuing a master’s in counseling.


For the readers: can you tell us a little bit aboutyour bookand the characters?

The Staff of Beckoning is the first installment of the series A Symphony of Spheres. It depicts human stories through an epic fantasy lens, blending in some prophecy and mythology. Told through multiple perspectives, the narrative explores how the characters are shaped by the beliefs instilled by their culture, the stories about those they see as others, and their own lived experiences. Add into this the fantastical world of Leakarha, where the inhabitants have varying levels of understanding of its true nature, from utter disbelief to unbound zeal.

The story mainly follows Adir Nathar, whose mundane and undesirable life is upended when he becomes the target of revenge and is forced to flee his home and family. He is joined by Tia, who wants nothing more than to have a life with Adir. On their way, they meet Ghareeb, a man with an interesting past, and the trio form an unlikely alliance in their quest for a new life. But, unbeknownst to Adir, he is hunted by the Khasmia Shadow, a secret society with a divine mission to rid the world of a creature of doom called the venna.

Other characters include Adir's father, Arvan, a military man now living the life of a herdsman wishing to pass on his legacy to a broken family. Then there is Ekren Arinol, the Regent of Ostarium, and her daughter Dina, entwined in governance and international politics.  There are many others, too, each playing a vital role in exploring how identity, destiny, and purpose influence their perceptions and actions.

I hope you enjoy them all.

What are you working on now?

I am happy to announce that I have completed the main outline for the second book in the A Symphony of Spheres series. But, who am I kidding? This initial outline will definitely succumb to the wrath of my first draft, morphing into something worthy of a manuscript.

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

Yes, most characters are inspired by people I’ve met throughout my life, though all are really amalgams of different life experiences, making them unique in their own right. Rein Maranda (Adir’s best friend) and Arvan Nathar (Adir’s father) were inspired by one of my college friends and his father, respectively. Ekren Arinol is loosely based on a teacher I had in 8th grade.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

EkrenArinol, the Regent of Ostarium, was my favorite character to write. She holds herself with strength and grace, whether ruling Ostarium as the Regent or embracing her maternal aspects as Dina’s mother. She strives to ensure an advantageous future by controlling the present with an understanding of the past.

My least favorite was Uaqui, the Khasmia Shadow operative. His disregard for anything but his mission, influenced by his zeal, was a tough mindset to adopt while writing his scenes.

What is your favorite passage/scene in your book?

My favorite scene in the book is the one with the Regional Games. Adir is talked into competing in the staff tournament by Rein despite severe reservations about his skills. However, when tested in his bouts, he is pleasantly surprised that he can stand his ground. This scene speaks to emotions we all feel when attempting a difficult task for the first time and learning that we are capable of more than we perceive.

Here’s a little snippet:

Muhain walked up, eyes determined, but Adir was not perturbed. He felt a strong determination within himself. Something in him seemed to have clicked.

As Adir proved the distance and assumed the ready stance, a surge of energy radiated through him, ready to burst out. He could hear his heart beating. He could feel the staff in his grip. He could smell the dirt underneath his feet. He dug in his front foot.

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

I researched words in different languages to use as names or terms used in different places. I wanted to add a small touch of our reality into the imagined existence of the story. Additionally, I have spent years immersed in philosophy, both Eastern and Western, and am a student of psychology. Concepts like duty, reincarnation, free will, and the afterlife that stem from my experience and study are explored through the characters’ cultural perspectives.

Lightning Round Questions


What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

Re-reading Rhythm of War – Brandon Sanderson in preparation for Wind and Truth.


Favorite social media site?



Favorite Superhero or Villain?



Favorite TV show?

The Office


Sweet or Salty?



Any Phobias?

None that I know of


Song you can’t get enough of right now?

Kryptonite – 3 Doors Down


2024Movie you’re most looking forward to?

Not much of a movie person


Do you play video games? If so what are some of your favorites?

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Elden Ring, the Nioh games — basically action-RPGs!



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Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive an eBook of THE STAFF OF BECKONING, International.

Ends October 29th, midnight EST.

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Sudeshna Loves Reading

Guest Post


Deal sharing aunt

Interview/IG Post


Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post


TX Girl Reads

Guest Post/IG Post


Edith's Little Free Library

IG Post/TikTok Post

Week Two:



IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post


The Real World According to Sam

Review/IG Post

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Murder on the Page (A Literary Dining Mystery) by Daryl Wood Gerber Review and Giveaway

Murder on the Page (A Literary Dining Mystery) by Daryl Wood Gerber

About Murder on the Page

Murder on the Page (A Literary Dining Mystery)

Cozy Mystery 1st in Series 

Setting - North Carolina

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kensington Cozies 

(October 22, 2024)

Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496748174 

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496748171 

Kindle ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CTDKHJ4G 

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Featuring twin hooks that cozy readers can’t get enough of—classic books and delicious food—this new series from the Agatha Award-winning, nationally bestselling author of several much loved series, including the Fairy Garden Mysteries and the French Bistro Mysteries, is a delicious treat for mystery lovers, especially fans of Ellery Adams, Krista Davis, and Lauren Elliott.

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a genuinely top-notch party must be in want of a theme. Allie Catt, caterer and personal chef in the beautiful mountain community of Asheville, North Carolina, has devised a winning formula by using her clients’ favorite books as inspiration. Her first themed event is based on Pride and Prejudice (Allie’s cat, Darcy, approves), and it’s so popular that soon she has grand ideas for future parties based on Rebecca, The Great Gatsby, Babette’s Feast and more.

Business is booming, and a rival catering company is fuming. But there’s a sting in the tale when the aunt of one of Allie’s clients and best friends, Tegan, is murdered. Tegan is the victim’s sole heir, and quickly becomes the main suspect. Allie has no doubts about her friend’s innocence, but how to prove it?

Once again, her love of literature comes to the rescue, and with some guidance from her favorite fictional detectives, including Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes, Allie sifts through the clues.

With a little luck—and the kind of pluck that would make Elizabeth Bennett proud—she may be able to stop a killer from serving up a second course of murder . . .

My Review: 

I really enjoyed this story, It was a great mystery that kept me guessing. Even as I thought I knew who it was, I thought it could not be. I loved that each chapter opened with a quote. This book had a lot to do with Pride and Prejudice. I wish that all the quotes were from that book. However, the quotes made me smile and reminded me of the Bennets! I also really liked that Allie is a caterer and there is a whole other subplot about her job. There were definitely fun characters to like, and one particular character to hate, The author had a lot of fun with names, like Allie Cat, passwords like prejudice, and plenty of other Pride and Prejudice Easter Eggs. There is even a friendly, and very helpful, cat, with a great name! I loved how the victim spoke from beyond the grave and showed her loved ones how much she cared about them. The banter between the main characters was also fun to read. I am giving this book a 4/5. I was given a copy to review, however all opinions are my own.  

About Daryl Wood Gerber

Daryl Wood Gerber is the Agatha Award-winning and nationally bestselling author of the Literary Dining Mysteries, the Fairy Garden Mysteries and the Cookbook Nook Mysteries. As Avery Aames, she penned the popular Cheese Shop Mysteries. In addition, Daryl writes suspense including the well-received The Son’s Secret, Girl on the Run, and the popular Aspen Adams suspense novels. Recently Daryl, who loves a challenge, published a Christmas romance, Hope for the Holidays. Fun Tidbit: as an actress, Daryl appeared in “Murder, She Wrote.” She loves to cook, garden, read, and walk her frisky Goldendoodle. Also she has been known to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. You can learn more on her website: httsp://

Author Links

Purchase Links 

October 15 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW
October 15 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
October 15 – Deal Sharing Aunt – REVIEW
October 16 – Reading WithMrs Leaf – RECIPE
October 16 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
October 17 – Christy's Cozy Corners – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT
October 17 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – REVIEW
October 18 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW
October 18 – Sarah Can't Stop Reading Books – REVIEW
October 19 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT
October 19 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW
October 20 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT
October 20 – Boys' Mom Reads! – REVIEW
October 21 - Jody's Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT
October 21 - Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW
October 21 – Melina's Book Blog – REVIEW
October 21 - Ascroft, eh? – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

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