

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Touch of Lilly by Nina Pierce Guest Post and Giveaway

A Touch of Lilly
by Nina Pierce



Ex-Chicago detective LILLY D’ANGELO has a secret she doesn’t share with anyone. A master of the one night stand, she’s given up ever finding a soul mate and thrown herself head first into her career. That is, until she captures the wrong alien. Kidnapped and sold into the sex slave trade, she’s shipped into deep space. Barely escaping with her life, Lilly now travels the galaxy working as a bounty hunter using her secret talents to bring down criminals and seeking revenge on the one male who ruined her life. 

Agent DALLAS SAWYER works for deep space’s version of the FBI. After a disastrous mission that left several of his team members murdered, a president executed, and Dallas near death, he’s determined to take down the assassin targeting government officials. When a sexy human female gets between him and his goal, Dallas and his alien partner find themselves on the receiving end of a passionate night they won’t soon forget and a proposition that may very well blow up in their faces.

Because in deep space … true love can happen with just a touch.



(from Chapter One)

Lilly D’Angelo wasn’t expecting a trip down memory lane when she sauntered into the dingy tavern, but the acrid stench and gruff hum of the Friday night crowd carried her back to one of the seedier establishments on Chicago’s south side nonetheless. Except for the clientele, the owner had managed to replicate nearly every detail right down to the blue haze of cigarette smoke and the soft crooning of a jazz band on the corner stage.

Pushing the sour thoughts of home from her mind and focusing on the job at hand, Lilly morphed her features into her sexiest vixen pout and moved gracefully toward the long bar on the other side of the room. Her voluptuous bre***s, spilling temptingly from her silk blouse, led the way. The eyes watching her leather-clad a** sashay around the battered tables were clustered on various life forms—none of them human.

Yeah, definitely not Chicago. Hell, this wasn’t even Earth for goodness sake.

“Regent’s ale, straight up, hold the brenic.” Lilly ordered the local brew in English, hoping the two-headed alien behind the bar had a cochlear translator in one of those eight holes that passed for ears. Satisfied when one head nodded, she settled on a stool, making sure her fur jacket and blouse parted just enough to offer a seductive view of her cleavage. She shifted, allowing the black leather skirt to ride up her thigh and expose a little more ***** real estate. The reflection she saw in the mirror behind the liquor bottles was every inch a working woman on the prowl. She wasn’t trying to attract anyone in particular, just hoping to mislead the locals into thinking she was some female making a living with her body—which was true—just not as the human streetwalker she impersonated.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

USA Today Bestselling author, Nina Pierce, grew up in a house full of readers. Nina's discovered the passionate side of romance with her sexy stories. For her, it's all about the sweet scent of seduction mixed with the heartwarming aroma of romance.

Nina resides in New England with her high school sweetheart and soul mate of twenty-eight years and several very spoiled cats who consider her "staff". When she’s not writing she enjoys spending time with her three grown children, one love-sick son-in-law and a heart-melting grandson.

You can keep up with her new books at her website ( or by following her on Facebook ( or Twitter (

 The Spice of Life
Guest Blog by Nina Pierce

“Wow, Nina you’re a writer? What do you write?”
“I love romance. Boy meets girl. Girl plays hard to get. Sunset moment when everyone finds true love.” *sigh* “I’d like to read yours.”
“Just a caveat…mine are spicy romances.”
“Of course they are. All romances are a little naughty.”
“Weeellll, it’s more than a little. Mine are true romances with the bedroom door wide open. There is no fade to black when it comes to the sex scenes.”
Heavy pause. Whispered response, “Erotica? Why didn’t you say in the first place? What’s your website addie?”

I can’t tell you that’s how all the conversations go when I reunite with old friends and tell them about my new career. But it amazes me how many women of all ages are enjoying erotic romance. This genre that began in the back rooms of small internet publishing companies a decade ago has exploded in the digital age and has now gone mainstream with Berkley, Harlequin, and Kensington, just a few of the NY publishing companies that are jumping into bed with this genre. And then of course there’s that explosive NY Times and USA Today bestseller that was found on the nightstand of many former conservative romance readers. J

But what’s the allure? What fascinates women enough to seek out erotic romance books?

Well, for one it’s the quality of the storyline and the writing. Erotic romance is not pornography. Let me repeat that lest you become confused. Erotic romance isn’t about writing a story around one gratuitous sex scene after another (that’s pornography). In erotic romance, the character’s love story—as in all romances—is the primary push of the plot. The conflict of emotion and the tension between the central characters is high even if the relationship is consummated. It’s the journey of the characters to find, if not their happily-ever-after, at least their happy-for-now ending. The plot may be central to the character’s sexual awareness, but having lots of sex is not what’s driving the main characters.

Also, the length of erotic romances varies immensely. Harlequin’s Spice Briefs and EC’s Naughty Nooners can be as short as 5,000 words and all publishers accept erotic romance stories up to a full novel length of 90k and everything in between. This means there is something for every reader from the “quickie” to the satisfying “take-it-slow-lounge-in-bed-for-the-whole-weekend” story.

Secondly, I think women are more in touch with their own sexuality. We know what we like and what gets our engines revving and we’re not ashamed to seek it out. Our fantasy lives are as diverse as the authors and their stories. Want a vampire to seduce you? That’s out there. How about a little public sex? Oh, yeah available by the truckload. A little seduction with leather bindings and a ball gag? Bondage/Dominance/Submission/Masochism (BDSM) is one of the highest grossing erotic romance genres these days. And of course the fantasy of multiple men intently focused on satisfying one female is growing exponentially. (That’s my personal favorite—both to read and to write.)

So what is it about erotic romance that draws you or makes you shy away? What component keeps you coming back to the genre as an author and/or a reader?

Nina will be awarding A print copy of HEALER’S GARDEN and author swag (Shipping to US winner only. International winner will receive a $25 Amazon OR BN Gift Card in lieu of print book and swag) to a random commenter during the tour.

Follow the tour and comment; the more they comment, the better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here: 


  1. I appreciate a great story that has been wrapped around erotic romance. The story is all important though.


    1. I totally agree Mary! It's the sexual tension and romance that makes me care about the characters and their journey to save the world/catch the bad guy and fall in love.

  2. I really like the cover! particularly the girls outfit! I'm obSESSED with clothes now that I'm poor and cant afford to update my wardrobe...ever :P

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

    1. I have a wonderful cover artist, Andra who works to capture my characters. Thanks for mentioning the cover!

  3. I love the talk about erotic romance and how it isn't porn :) Thank you! kamclauc AT gmail DOT com

    1. I really think it's a pre-conceived idea of what erotic romance is without actually giving it a try. I love a wonderful romance and thoroughtly enjoy the sexual journey of the characters and the conflict that comes from the increased intimacy.

  4. Love your books, imagination and spice for life. You make us feel as if we are truly there.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy my books, Dottie. This one was so much fun to write!

  5. Nina , How are you today ??? I am currenty half ways through this book .

    1. I'm doing really well, Denise, thanks for asking. Actually spending a little family time at the lake with Mr. Nina's family. So much laughing and too much wine!

      Hope you're enjoying these three! I loved writing this story.

  6. Thanks for sharing the excerpt! it makes me want to read the whole book!
